Anderson School News 12/13/21
"Welcome Home"
Dates to Remember
- Thu. Dec. 16th - 5th Grade Band Concert.
- Fri. Dec. 17th Last Day of School Before Winter Break
- Fri. Dec. 17th Winter Holiday Classroom Celebrations!
- Tue. Jan. 4th School Resumes for Students!
- Thu. Jan. 6th PTO Meeting 7-8 PM
- Mon. Jan 17th - MLK Jr Day (No School)
- Tue. Jan 18th - School Improvement Day - No School for Students
Empower Class! New Modules!
During the end of November and the month of December, students in Empower will be experiencing new modules! The fifth graders will get an introduction to World Languages with our FLEX module, and our K-4 students will address a need in their community with our Make a Difference Module.
Tekakwitha Woods Walk
Continuing with the very successful Tekakwitha Woods Hikes this fall, Mr. Navis and Mr. Smith are excited to take all of the Anderson students to Tekakwitha for the PE classes on Wednesday, December 15. As a reminder, Mr. Navis and Mr. Smith plan on taking the students on the 3rd Wednesday of every month (weather permitting!). This experience will show our students the incredible diversity of the plant and wildlife that can be discovered right in our community, especially through the changing of the seasons. Taking a hike through Tekakwitha Woods Forest Preserve will possibly even inspire the exploration of other nearby forest preserves such as Jon J. Duerr, Leroy Oakes, Johnson Mound, and Otter Creek. See below for the dates for the remainder of the school year.
The PE Department is looking for 1-2 parents, grandparents, guardians to help with each class. Volunteers will need to check-in at the main office (please wear a mask, and bring an ID to be registered into our volunteer database), and then meet with Mr. Navis, Mr. Smith and the classes at the front of the school. It is recommended that you arrive 5-10 minutes early to allow enough time to be checked in.
We now have several hikes of various lengths, ranging from just under 1 mile up to 1.5 miles, starting and ending at Anderson Elementary. The hike length is determined by the grade level, trail conditions, and how much time there is for the hike. The terrain is a mixture of pavement, grass, dirt, woods chips and at times, uneven. The hike for December will be on Wednesday, December 15. If you are interested in being a volunteer, please take a moment to use our Sign-Up Genius to pick your time! If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Navis and/or Mr. Smith!
Tekakwitha Woods Walk - Volunteer Sign-Up
Future Dates for the Tekakwitha Woods Walk
January 19, 2022
February 16, 2022
March 16, 2022
April 20, 2022
May 18, 2022 (TBD)
D303 is looking for Substitute Nurses!
Do you have a friend, neighbor or relative who has a nursing license and is looking for work?
A D303 substitute nurse has a flexible schedule, an opportunity use their nursing skills and work in any of our 18 district school buildings.
Many former D303 substitutes have gone on to become district employees.
Please share the following contact information:
Juanita Gryfinski, Dept Chair, D303 Health Services at 331-228-3834 or
Kristen Pozna, District Substitute Coordinator at 331-228-4924 or
From the Anderson PTO
Happy Holidays from Anderson PTO
Shop with Scrip for the Holidays
Experience the right way to fundraise
Gift card fundraising is the best way to raise money for our organization. Buy gift cards from your favorite brands to earn on your daily purchases. It's never been easier to create opportunities for what matters most to you. No extra money spent. No extra time wasted.
How it works:
· Buy gift cards at face value
· Earn up to 20% on every gift card you buy
· Use gift cards at full value for your everyday purchases
Get started
Create an account on the RaiseRight app or at using our organization’s enrollment code: FC33422962229
Seamlessly check out by securely paying online with a linked bank account or credit card.
Click here for overview of the program. Click here for directions on how to use the app. You can purchase both eGift cards and physical gift cards that can be mailed to you.
Anderson Spirit Wear
School spirit wear makes the perfect holiday gift! Show your school spirit! Order your Anderson spirit wear at the link below. All orders will be placed online again this year. The store will be open throughout the school year. Items will ship directly to your home. Questions? Contact Lisa at:
Anderson Elementary School
Location: 35W071 Villa Maria Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3300