RES Kindergarten Testing
Gifted and Talented - Quest
Kindergarten Gifted and Talented Referrals 2023-24
Dear Parents,
You may refer your Kindergarten child for the Carroll ISD Gifted and Talented Program during the upcoming referral window. The referral form will be open from November 27 to December 15 @ 3:00 pm for Kindergarten students. The referral form can be found at the following link:
Kindergarten Referral Link 2023
The deadline is December 15 @ 3:00 pm. No exceptions.
The gifted program is called Quest at the elementary level. It is an interdisciplinary program where students are encouraged to make connections and view the world in a more global manner.
District Screening Procedure for Kindergarten:
There are two Phases to testing. Students will test in small groups during school hours in January and February. Elementary students in Kindergarten must score within a target range on the Phase I Abilities Test in order to move forward to the Phase II portion of the screening process. Phase II involves the Iowa Assessments Achievement test.
We will begin testing for Phase I in January, and testing will continue until all students have completed Phase I. You will be notified of your child’s status after Phase I testing is complete.
Testing will end for students whose scores do not fall within the target range for cognitive ability and those children will not qualify for placement in the GT program. Phase I results will be shared by mail or email after the District Screening Committee meets to consider who qualifies for Phase II testing.
Students that continue with Phase II testing will sit for 2-3 additional testing sessions to complete achievement tests. This includes reading/vocabulary and mathematics/computation. You can best prepare your child for testing by ensuring he/she sleeps well, eats a healthy breakfast, and arrives at school on time each day. The District Screening Committee will meet again to determine which Phase II students qualify for GT services. Phase II results will also be shared by mail.
The GT testing process is quite rigorous. Students must be able to listen carefully and sit quietly, without distracting other students for an extended period of time.
I am happy to answer any questions regarding the testing process and GT program. I can be reached at
Cynthia Kennemer
RES Gifted Specialist
Rockenbaugh Elementary Gifted Specialist