NMSHS Panther Post
November 22, 2024
Nederland Middle-Senior HS Community,
I love the Thanksgiving break, mostly because I get to cook on Thanksgiving day. We are having family and friends get together, and we will eat good food and watch as much football as possible. Go Lions!
I hope everyone in our Nederland community has an enjoyable time. I have a few thanks to give out: 1) thanks to the teachers and staff for your hard work and dedication to our students; 2) thanks to the students for showing up and doing their very best: and 3) thanks to the parents for getting your students to school everyday, and a special thanks for another successful Harvest Feast, the food and hospitality were first class.
When we return from break we will have only three weeks until the winter holiday break. See the final exam schedule below.
Have a great Thanksgiving Break,
Upcoming Events
See all events on the NMSHS school calendar here.
- November 25-29 - Thanksgiving Break
- December 2 - Musical Auditions, Singing, 3:50pm
- December 3 - Library at Lunch
- December 3 - Musical Auditions, Group Singing, 3:50pm
- December 4 - Musical Auditions, Dancing, 3:50pm
- December 4 - B JV BB, 4pm; G JV BB, 5:30pm; B V BB, 7pm - vs Union Colony
- December 5 - B JV BB, 4pm; G JV BB, 5:30pm; B V BB, 7pm - vs Campion
- December 5 - SAC Meeting, 5:30pm; PTA Meeting, 6pm
- December 6 - Movie Night, 7pm
- December 9 - B JV BB, 4pm; G JV BB, 5:30pm; B V BB, 7pm - vs Gilpin
- December 9 - MS B BB, 5pm - vs Monarch
- December 10 - MS B BB, 4pm - vs Summit
- December 10 - Orchestra Concert, 6pm; Band Concert, 7pm
- December 11 - Choir Concert, 7pm
- December 12-14 - Thescon
- December 16-19 - Finals Week Schedule
- December 23-January 6 - Winter Break (Return on Tuesday 1/7 - Blue Day)
We hope that your Thanksgiving holiday is filled with rest, relaxation and lots of time with friends and family. When we get back from break, we will be having our first high school home basketball games. Come support your Panthers!
Wed. 12/4/2024 vs. Union Colony - BJV @ 4 pm - GJV @ 5:30 pm - BV @ 7 pm
Thur. 12/5/2025 vs. Campion - BJV @ 4 pm - GJV @ 5:30 pm - BV @ 7 pm
Happy Fall Break! I’m filled with appreciation for all my students, parents and staff team members. Hope it’s a wonderful week for all!
Grades! Students and parents, check your grading portal to ensure you’re tracking your progress. There are only 3 weeks left in the semester when we return in December. Now it is the time to address any makeup quizzes or homework. To arrange makeup work, communicate with the instructor. High school students - do you need credit recovery for graduation requirements? See Ms. Jill to sign up for spring semester credit recovery for required high school credits.
You can still sign up for FRCC next semester. See Ms. Jill to sign up for Concurrent College Credits for Spring. Asynchronous online courses include:
BUS 1016 Personal Finance - meets BVSD money mgmt requirements
CIS 1018 Intro to PC Applications - meets BVSD computer literacy requirements
LIT 2005 Race, Culture & Ethnicity - transferable Humanities credits.
Seniors: The actual FAFSA IS OPEN (finally!) fafsa.gov
To be evaluated for college financial aid, students and families need to apply for the FAFSA in December. Nederland seniors graders will apply for the 2025-26 FAFSA, because they enter college in FALL of 2025. You can get a sneak preview of the FAFSA prototype here.
Feeling stress? Need information? See the 2024-2025 BVSD Mental Health Referral Provider List for a list of local psychologists and clinics serving in a variety of specializations, including educational consult services, family consultations, eating issues, substance use and others.
Holidays are Coming - Ned Spirit Wear is the perfect gift!
The holiday spirit wear sale is here! Save 25% across our entire website with delivery guaranteed by December 23rd. With hundreds of designs and great gift options, shop now and get your order in days! Shop at https://1stplace.sale/112424
Photos for the Yearbook
Middle and High School parents and students - please send photos of fall sports to jeanine.thurston@bvsd.org for the yearbook!
It takes a village to keep a rural school functioning well and running the fantastic programs and events we do. Please consider donating just a little bit of your time to the NMSHS Community.
Volunteer Help Requested
Some NMHS students require a little help with keeping track of their assignments and course expectations. You can make a huge difference by volunteering. We are seeking a few parents willing to meet individually or in small groups with NMHS students. Volunteers would meet weekly with students who are selected by our school counselor, Ms. Pries. Parents are not required to master content; they are just willing to support our students in knowing what is required, keeping a schedule that supports productivity, and a strategy to avoid forgetfulness or procrastination.
If you are a parent who would like to be part of this project, please sign up with the link. We will provide training and support. Thanks in advance.
Staff v. Student Volleyball
Environmental Science
The Environmental Science Students explored chemical and physical properties of soil this week!
Diversity Class
Diversity class meets with Nederland mayor, Billy Giblin
Diversity class working at the clothing closet
8th Grade Social Studies “acts the Colonial Acts!”
7th Graders enjoying South Asia Culture Celebration!
Enjoying the Ancient Indian spiritual practice of Yoga with Angie Seavers
7th Graders enjoying Bollywood and Kathmandu during the South Asia Cultural Celebration!
Fall Plays
Rocky Mountain Invitational Choir Festival
Shop to Give to NMSHS PTA!
Automatically power donations when you shop or dine—at no cost to you!
When you sign up for our Shop to Give program through Givebacks, you’ll power donations to us every time you shop or dine at over 25,000 participating merchants.
Simply sign up, link your card for in-store offers, and add the desktop and mobile browser extensions for online offers. Sign up by clicking HERE.
Donate to the PTA, Cast Your Vote for the Middle or High School, Get Entries for 2 Roundtrip Airline Tickets!
This PTA Fundraiser has it all and has reached 35% of it's goal! The score is 11-9 with the High School team starting to give up their advantage as the Middle School has steadily gained ground this week! Who will win the Pizza and Ice Cream social? This competition is heating up and we're only in the first quarter! https://app.givebacks.gives/nmshspta/
Teen Center
Holiday Mountain Market
Gilpin County
Nederland Community Library
NMSHS is partnering with the Nederland Community Library (NCL) again this year! Every other Tuesday, the NCL Pop-Up Event will be at NMSHS during MS and HS lunches. Students will be able to browse and check out items from NCL including: books, magazines, DVDs, manga and more!! If your student doesn't have a Ned Library card, no worries! Applications will be available for students to bring home for parents to complete.
Dear Parents,
As a token of appreciation, Lifetouch is offering discounts on school photography!
- 50% off a purchase of $50+ with code USNOV50
- 40% off a purchase of $40+ with code USNOV40
- 30% off a purchase of $30+ with code USNOV30
Valid through 12/1/24
To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an online account. Don't forget to order your FREE Digital SmileSafe card!
More about the Smilesafe program here.
Thank you!
Seal of Climate Literacy in BVSD
The greenBVSD Sustainability Team and the STEAM Team are excited to announce that BVSD will confer the Seal of Climate Literacy for graduating seniors this year.
The Seal of Climate Literacy, established through Colorado Senate Bill 24-014, is a high school diploma endorsement that connects educational knowledge with the real challenges and opportunities that climate change brings to each of our communities.
It offers students a chance to engage directly with issues that impact their local environment and communities through course work and hands-on learning in grades 6-12.
Attainment of the Seal of Climate Literacy illuminates the ways students in BVSD show their commitment to sustainability, the environment and climate literacy in our community.
Interested students in grades 6-12 should complete the Interest Form found on our new website: Seal of Climate Literacy - Boulder Valley School District
School lunch reminder: Pick 3 to make it free!
School lunch is free for all students this school year. However, by federal guidelines, a school meal must include at least three components to qualify as "free". We understand that some students who bring lunch from home may still want to have school milk or something from the salad bar and families may be confused when there’s a charge for these items. BVSD Food Services shares a simple way to avoid these extra charges by selecting the three required items for a meal. Read more: School lunch reminder: Pick 3 to make it free
Nederland Middle Senior High School
Bell Times: 8:30 am-3:45 pm; 9:30 am-3:45 pm Wednesdays
Front Office: 720-561-4900
Attendance line: 720-561-4902
Transportation: 720-561-6241
Email: nmshs.contact@bvsd.org
Website: neh.bvsd.org
Location: 597 County Rd. 130, Nederland, CO 80466
Phone: 720-561-4900