Planning for Back to School
Tolar ISD 2020-2021
Options for the 2020-2021 School Year
Option 1: Students And Staff Return On Campus
We are preparing for re-entry. The buildings, classrooms, and teachers are preparing instruction and safety protocols for our students to be on campus. Option 1 means students will have the opportunity to return to the classroom on August 10. Having all students on campus is our goal. It is the best instructional approach allowing us to meet student needs- academically, socially, and emotionally. Students attending instruction on campus will also have the ability to participate in extracurricular activities.
Option 2: Remote Learning - Online Home Learning (Technology Required)
Not live or in-person; pre-recorded lessons; students complete work on their own; self-guided using tech devices. Students "not engaged' in daily lessons will be marked absent. Engaged is defined by TEA as progress in Google Classroom. Progress from teacher-student each day; Assignments turned in daily. Grading policy will be consistent with those used on campus handbook prior to COVID-19 for all assessments and assignments. Teachers will address the same required curriculum as being presented in the classroom.
Synchronous Instruction: Grades 3-12
Two-way, real-time, live, virtual instruction between teachers and students. Students who are not logged into the class are marked absent. Grading policy will be consistent with those used on campus handbook prior to COVID-19 for all assessments and assignments.Teachers will address the same required curriculum as being presented in the classroom.
Texas Education Agency System of Student-Focused checks & balances:
- Daily attendance will be taken.
- Remote work will be graded consistent with on campus practices.
- Academic accountability returns in 2020-2021.
Tolar ISD Superintendent
Email: tstilwell@tolarisd.org
Website: www.tolarisd.org
Location: 305 South Oak Street, Tolar, TX, USA
Phone: 254-835-4718
Facebook: facebook.com/TolarIndependentSchoolDistrict