East High News

September 29, 2024
Important Dates
October 1
Senior ACT Retake
October 4
A - Day
October 10
Early Release - Secondary Only
October 11
No Students - Secondary Conferences
October 14
No Students - Staff Development
October 15
Senior & Early Junior Graduates Class Meeting (Students only)
October 22
Cap and Gown Sales
CTE Apprenticeship Opportunity
Students can take an online pre-apprenticeship in Construction, Healthcare, or Manufacturing. Upon completion, the student receives recognition from the State, a $1,500 stipend, and an additional $1,000 worth of tools, clothing, or equipment for their career.
There are some qualifying conditions such as household income and COVID impact. If this is an opportunity your child would like to explore further, please reach out to Mrs. Steil at 307-771-3664.
Attendance Reminders
Please use the numbers below when calling to excuse an absence or to pickup your child for an appointment. It is difficult to get students from class last-minute for appointments so advance notice is appreciated.
IB Office 771-2330
Echoes Office (students A-G) 771-2670
Horizons Office (students H-O) 771-2671
Spirit Office (students P-Z) 771-2672
Important Dates for Seniors
Senior & Early Junior Graduates Class Meeting - Students Only October 15 9:30 am - 10:00 am
Cap and Gown Sales October 22 9:30 am - 10:00 am East High Lobby
To see all the Senior important dates go to the East High website click on the "Class of 2025 Info for Seniors"
Love & Logic Way
We wanted to let you know that registration is open for our next session of Parenting the Love and Logic Way! The class will begin on October 15th and continue every Tuesday evening through November 19th. It is open to all parents with children in LCSD1. Dinner is provided, and childcare will be hosted by ASK (After School for Kids)!
Yearbook and Senior Photos for 2024-2025
Hi There T-Bird Parents!
Last day for Senior Photos Submissions - November 1st
Earlybird Deadline for Senior Baby Photos/Ads - November 1st
Final Deadline for Senior Baby Photos/Ads - November 19th
This is a reminder to check it off your list and purchase your child's yearbook for the 2024-2025 school year! Order now by following this link.
For parents of seniors, you can find additional information regarding senior photos, ads, etc. on the website linked here.
Thank you in advance for your time and support as we strive to document and enshrine these lasting memories at East High.
National Merit Scholarship - PSAT
On October 23, 2024, we will be taking the PSAT/NMSQT at Storey Gymnasium. This test is for sophomores and juniors only. Taking this assessment your sophomore year is for practice. Your test scores junior year will determine your eligibility for qualifying for the first round of National Merit Scholarship. To learn more about the National Merit go to nationalmerit.org. The cost to take the PSAT/NMSQT is $18.00 per student. Checks can be made payable to East High School and brought to Mrs. Steil in room 402. Please email aimee.steil@laramie1.org if you have any questions. The deadline for signing up is October 1, 2024.
Order School Photos
East High School Photos Are Ready! Visit my.photoday.com and use code EHS2024 to order!