Main Street Roar
Weekly Parent Newsletter 2/7/2025
For The Betterment of Our Students!
Dear Parents & Guardians,
Thank you for attending yesterday's Report Card Conference. Your partnership is invaluable, and we appreciate your commitment to your child's success. Parents who attended physically were able to choose a book by an African American author! Books were donated by Always Best Care Services!
We are also excited to share that our students received new coats from Operation Warmth! The volunteers were incredibly impressed with how polite and well-behaved our students were. Thank you for instilling these wonderful qualities at home.
Attendance Matters!
Our yearly goal for average attendance is 95%, despite the number of students who were ill this week, we only slightly decreased to 91% this week! Let's keep moving upward. We can do it! Send your child to school every day so they don't miss out on learning and the fun of hearing their homerooms shouted out for perfect attendance!
- Big Incentive Alert!
If we hit our 95% goal, the students will have the chance to duct tape Principal Medley to a wall! Let's make it happen!
Important Reminders for Next Week:
Chromebooks: Please ensure your child brings their Chromebook device to school on Monday.
Footwear: For safety reasons, students should not wear Ugg mules, Crocs, or slides of any kind to school. While stylish, these shoes are unsafe for gym and recess, as they can easily slide off and cause injury.
Super Bowl Schedule: Our hometown team, the Philadelphia Eagles, will compete in the Super Bowl this Sunday! As a result, all students will report to school at 10:45 AM on Monday, February 10. Before care is cancelled.
Enjoy the weekend, and Go Eagles!
Principal Medley
Free Weekend Educational Opportunities for your child(ren)!
Come out and support our student participants!
CUSD Technology Usage
Parents and Guardians:
Chromebooks or other technological devices are used in class for students to complete assignments and assessments.. Students may not download games, wallpapers or participate in video group discussions. Improper use of technology could result in the student losing privileges of using the school's device.
Free Coats!
On Wednesday all of our scholars received new winter coats as part of the Operation Warm Coat Giveaway sponsored by Monroe Energy. Volunteers from Monroe Energy and Operation Warmth sized and distributed coats to our scholars
Thank you Operation Warmth and Monroe Energy for supporting our scholars!
All students must report to school in uniform everyday!
Car Line
Please refrain from making u turns in the car line during dismissal. The safety of our children and parents is of utmost importance to us. We would like to move the cars through the line without any disruptions.
It is important your child(ren) attend school every day. The chart below indicates how much instruction your child(ren) will miss if they are not present.
Join the PTO!
PTO meetings will meet the second Thursday of the month. Our next PTO meeting will be Thursday, February 20, 2025 @ 5PM. Our Afterschool program will present their Black History Program!
Do You Recognize Me?
The items in our lost and found is growing. Please have your children retrieve their items. All items not claimed by report card conferences will be donated to Goodwill.
- February 17, 2025 - Presidents' Day - NO SCHOOL
- February 20, 2025 - Main Street's After School Black History Program - 5:00 PM
- February 25, 2025 - Main Street PreK - 2 Black History Program - 1:30 PM
- February 26, 2025 - Main Street Grade 3- 5 Black History Program - 1:30 PM
- March 12, 2025 - Staff Inservice - No school for students
- March 28, 2025 - Third Marking period ends
- March 31, 2025 - Eid al-Fitr - School is closed