Destinations Academy of Colorado Elementary & Middle School
Welcome to May!
Can you believe it?! May is here!! Now is the time to finish STRONG and be proud of the year you have completed. It has been such a pleasure to have each and every one of you in our classes this year. We also cannot wait to see what the next year will bring as you grow and learn.
We DO want to see you work realllly hard these next few weeks so you can truly enjoy the summer break you have earned! Please let us know how we can support you with this endeavor. We believe in you and know you can do it!!!
We also have some really fun events coming up - we would love to see you if you can make it!
Thank you for being part of our community this year, and we can't wait to see you in the fall!
Events and Happenings @ CODCA Middle and Elementary School
Annual Talent Show!
Show off your unique talents!! We are all so proud of all you can do and what you create!
Deadline: May 6th by 4pm
Submit your entry here:
Here are the categories:
Talent Showcase--Instrument, Singing, Performance Art, Dance
Art Talent--Drawing, Painting, Sculpting, Crafts, Lego, Origami
Photography Talent
Pet Parade--Best Series of Tricks
Our annual Fun and Field Day in CO Springs and Denver Metro area!!!
Come celebrate the end of year with us! We will have fun games and snacks :) And of course, your favorite teachers!
Please reach out Mrs. Cook or Mrs. Jack if you have any questions! We hope to see you there!!
WHEN: Thursday, May 9th 1-3pm
WHERE: Colorado Springs, Palmer Park
Meadows Park Pavilion
WHEN: Friday, May 10th, 1-3pm
WHERE: Westminster, McFall Park (formerly Westminster Center Park)
5th and 8th Grade Continuation! MAY 22nd
Save the Date!
Hey 5th and 8th graders! We want to celebrate YOU!!!
We will have our celebrations for 5th Grade Continuation and 8th Grade Continuation on May 22nd. We need you to complete these surveys so that we can represent you on this special day!
You can submit your info here:
5th Grade: https://forms.gle/spNBzjw6eXmYhBAP8
8th Grade: https://forms.gle/Z2C6ksdThP97dG6n9
Check your email for invitations and Zoom links as the date gets closer. These will be virtual and all friends and family are welcome.
**Please think of a photo you want to choose for your continuation slide**
Please call or text Mrs. Jack with any questions! 720-449-6449
Last Chance!! Choose your elective for next year :)
Please make sure to make a selection if you haven't already!
Current 5th and 6th Graders: https://forms.gle/oMLd3XseDc7aFr3a9
Current 7th Graders: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScefvkh735BjfjiYdzuH_avY__Z6EUte5raCqUP6oq71t8IPw/viewform
Teacher Appreciation!!!!
Learning coaches and students - this is your opportunity to let teachers know how much they have helped you this year! It really does mean the WORLD to hear it from you, btw :)
Please take a minute or two to give thanks to your teachers this year - they work hard! Click on the link above :)
Celebrating our Second Annual Day of Service!
Our second Day of Service was a success!
CODCA put together yet another awesome Day of Service!
Kudos and HUGE thanks to everyone who came! If you haven't already checked out all the cool pictures and comments on the DOS padlet, please do so! https://padlet.com/bgibbons22/codca-s-2nd-annual-day-of-service-march-27-2024-ib5p3r5o7b64o8pl
We are finishing up clubs for the year! Please be sure to check your schedule for what is offered the rest of the year AND what exciting new things will be offered next year!
Clubs meet each Friday. Check your emails and CC calendars for more information. Some clubs will be held in the CODCA Zone. More information on the Zone can be found here https://www.smore.com/w51e3
Fall 2023 Club Schedule!
TSA - Technology Student Association
Pet Club
Enter the K12 National Cook-Off! Deadline - May 31, 2024
Showcase your culinary skills by participating in the K12 National Cook-Off for a shot at the $1,000 grand prize! To enter, submit an original recipe using specific ingredients by May 31, 2024.
• Open to students in grades 6–12.
• Six finalists will win a trip to the K12 National Cook-Off.
• Enter by May 31 to join the fun!
Check it out! https://enrichment.k12.com/cookoff/
K-5 Kids Cook! Sweet Summer Fruit Crumbles (5/8)
What is your favorite fruit? Strawberries? Blueberries? Peaches? Grapes? Raspberries? Join us as Faith Anaya & the Kids Cook! team lead young cooks on a tasty, culinary skills-building adventure baking Sweet Fruit Crumbles. Students receive training in a fun, interactive, hands-on environment. At Kids Cook! we encourage kids to try new foods that they have not tasted. We promote economical, nutritious recipes. We instill confidence in kids, all in a stimulating, thoughtful, safe environment.
Register here: https://k12.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_CZbAjKL9SUGLINM7qLiMsg#/registration
Ignite Your Innovative Spirit with the 2024 K12 Robotics League!
Students are getting ready for the final in-person round on June 19, 2024.
Qualified teams are competing in the final round of the K12 Robotics League on June 19th, 2024. The competition will take place inside the Stride national headquarters in Reston, VA.
Learn more about K12 Robotics League!
Young Minds and Big Ideas Can Save the Planet with the 2024 Innovation Challenge!
Join us for the in-person presentations from the 6-12 finalists of the 2024 K12 Innovation Challenge. Live from Stride national headquarters in Reston, VA.
Date: June 17, 2024
This event will showcase the incredible creativity and ingenuity of young minds from across the country. Winners will be celebrated, and finalists will be honored for their outstanding achievements.
Don't miss this opportunity to witness the future of innovation!
Learn more about the K12 Innovation Challenge here: https://enrichment.k12.com/innovation-challenge/
Back to school night for NEXT school year!!! Colorado Rapids game! Get excited!
Some super exciting things coming in the fall....
Sharing a big announcement about next year’s special Back to School Night
As part of Back to School Night Week, CODCA is proud to announce a Colorado Rapids game night fundraiser!
Join us Saturday, September 21st at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park to watch your Colorado Rapids take on Toronto FC! Tickets are $25 each. $5 of each ticket sold will be returned to the school for future social events. Ticket link to be shared out soon!
Back to School Night Dates
- September 17—BTSN Colorado Springs
- September 18—Virtual BTSN
- September 19—BTSN Westminster
- September 21—BTSN Rapids game Dick’s Sporting Goods Park
It is time to register for next year!! We are very much looking forward to the 24-25 school year, and want you and your student to be a part of it! Please let us know if you have any questions.
There are also links below with additional resources and tools to help answer questions through the process. As always, feel free to call or email with questions too.
7 Mindset Theme for the Month: TIME IS NOW
The Time Is Now Mindset teaches us the importance of harnessing the power of the moment and taking purposeful action. The simple fact is that all of our power to act and make an impact exists in this moment. We cannot change the past, and the future hasn’t happened, so we must recognize that our only path to happiness, fulfillment and meaning is to take purposeful action in the present toward creating the lives of our dreams.
Follow us on Instagram! @strideesportsleague
Click here to join the eSports email list for important updates and upcoming events!
Counselor Corner!
Here are ten things you can do to take care of your mental health during the summer:
Stay Active: Engage in physical activities you enjoy, such as swimming, hiking, or cycling. Exercise releases endorphins, which can boost mood and reduce stress.
Maintain a Routine: While summer often brings flexibility, establishing a daily routine can provide structure and stability, which are essential for mental well-being.
Connect with Others: Spend time with friends and family, whether it's through social gatherings, outdoor adventures, or simply sharing meals together.
Practice Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness activities into your day, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or mindful walks in nature, to promote relaxation and stress relief.
Limit Screen Time: While technology can be entertaining, excessive screen time can contribute to feelings of anxiety and restlessness. Set boundaries for screen usage and prioritize offline activities.
Get Sufficient Sleep: Prioritize quality sleep by maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and creating a conducive sleep environment. A well-rested mind is better equipped to handle daily challenges.
Try New Hobbies: Use the summer break to explore interests and hobbies you've always wanted to pursue, whether it's painting, gardening, cooking, or learning a musical instrument.
Express Yourself: Find creative outlets for self-expression, such as journaling, writing poetry, or creating art. Expressing emotions can be therapeutic and help in processing thoughts and feelings.
Seek Support: If you're struggling with your mental health, don't hesitate to reach out for support. Talk to trusted friends, family members, or mental health professionals who can offer guidance and assistance.
Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself and practice self-compassion. Acknowledge your strengths and accomplishments, and remember that it's okay to take breaks and prioritize self-care.
By incorporating these strategies into your summer routine, you can nurture your mental health and make the most of your well-deserved break from school!
As always, feel free to reach out to Mrs. Jack if you need ANYTHING!
Flex Pathway Information
Parents, Learning Coaches and Families
One of the best things about online schooling, is the ability to individualize things for students. One of the ways we do that is through the various pathways we provide for students. Destinations Flex Pathways are alternative pathways designed for students that need or want an adaptation or alteration from the more traditional Destination’s pathway. There are 3 pathways, Friday Flex, Class Flex and Academic Flex. Check out the Links below for more information. Let me know if you have any questions - Amy Cook
Information and Links
Non-Discrimination Statement: The Destinations Career Academy of Colorado does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.1 In addition, lack of English skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in any school programs or activities. Additionally, offered CTE opportunities are without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap. CODCA provides procedural processes to any person calling attention to a grievance wherein the institution follows for investigation of the issue. Complaints accepted verbally, written or by appointment in an in-person or virtual face-to-face meeting. Each party pertaining to the complaint receives notice of complaint and all parties receive a timeline of actions of procedure within 10-days of notification to all parties of such a grievance.
The following person is the designee to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
Adelita Shepherd, Non-Discrimination Coordinator, Compliance and Family Engagement Coordinator -8601 Turnpike Dr., #100, Westminster, CO 80031 - ashepherd@k12.com | 303.399.4702 For further information on notice of non-discrimination, visit https://www2.ed.gov/policy/rights/reg/ocr/edlite-34cfr104.html#S8 for the address and phone number of the office that serves your area, or call 1-800-421-3481