Fisher Family Update
February 14, 2025

Good Afternoon Fisher Families,
This week, the Fisher students took on a special challenge! A giant heart was displayed in the cafeteria, and students had the opportunity to earn small hearts from staff members by demonstrating kindness. At the start of the week, we reminded them of our core values: showing respect, working cooperatively, demonstrating integrity, and making good decisions. Each time a student met these expectations, they received a heart.
If they worked together and filled the giant heart with kindness hearts, they would earn an extra recess. Not only did they fill the heart—they covered the paper it was drawn on and even the wall! Our heart is bursting with pride! We really enjoyed talking with the students and hearing about their awesome acts of kindness and how proud they were of themselves. The teachers, staff, and I couldn’t be more proud of them too!
Happy Valentine's Day and we hope you have a great vacation week!
Upcoming Dates and Events
17-21 February Vacation
24 - Classes resume
26 - PAC Meeting, 7:00pm, Stem room at Fisher
11 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 5-7pm
13 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 5-7pm
14 - Glow Dance - Information below
14 - Early Release, Dismissal at 12:25/Parent/Teacher Conferences 1:15-3:15pm
19 - 4th Grade to Norfolk Agricultural School for Maple Syrup demonstration
19 - PAC Meeting 7pm
28 - Early Release, Dismissal at 12:25
1 - Gr. 3 ELA MCAS Session 1
2 - Gr. 3 ELA MCAS Session 2
3 - Gr. 4 ELA MCAS Session 1
4 - Gr. 4 ELA MCAS Session 2
8 - Gr. 5 ELA MCAS Session 1
9 - Gr. 5 ELA MCAS Session 2
16 - PAC Meeting 7pm
21 - 25 April Vacation
28 - Classes Resume
29 - Gr. 3 Math MCAS Session 1
30 - Gr. 3 Math MCAS Session 2
1 - Gr. 4 Math MCAS Session 1
2 - Gr. 4 Math MCAS Session 2
6 - Gr. 5 Math MCAS Session 1
7 - Gr. 5 Math MCAS Session 2
7 - District Wide Art Show - 6pm-8pm Walpole Public Library
8 - Fisher (Incoming) Kindergarten Orientation 6pm
14 - Gr. 5 Science MCAS Session 1
15 - Gr. 5 Science MCAS Session 1
16 - Early Release, Dismissal at 12:25
21 - PAC Meeting 7pm
26 - Memorial Day NO SCHOOL
Office of Student Support & Attendance
We are excited to announce that Fisher School will officially launch the Re:Dish program on February 24th! This initiative helps reduce single-use packaging in our cafeteria by introducing reusable plates and trays, supporting our school’s sustainability efforts.
By participating in Re:Dish, students will learn firsthand about environmental responsibility and the importance of reducing waste. This program not only helps create a cleaner environment but also encourages students to take an active role in sustainability.
We’re proud to be part of this meaningful initiative and look forward to making a positive impact together!
Math Updates
The vacation break is a perfect time for children to enjoy a fun blend of learning and relaxation. Math doesn’t have to be all about worksheets and practice problems. There are plenty of creative, hands-on ways to engage young learners and keep their math skills sharp, all while having fun! Here are some exciting math activities that kids can do at home during vacation—no classroom required.
Math Scavenger Hunt- Transform your house or backyard into a math adventure. Create a list of math challenges for your child to find or solve. For example, have them find different 2 dimensional or 3 dimensional objects to match shapes, measure four items and compare the measurements, or find items in the house with numbers and use them for fact practice.
DIY Math Board Games- Turn a rainy/snowy day into a game day with math-themed games. You can adapt classic games like "Chutes and Ladders" or "Candy Land" by adding math challenges, or students can create their own game around the concepts they’ve been learning. They could even create an ST Math Puzzle for JiJi to solve! Here is a whole list of family board games that support mathematical reasoning.
Baking with Fractions- Use baking as a hands-on way to practice fractions! Simple recipes like cookies or pancakes require measuring ingredients, which means your child will be working with fractions (like 1/2 cup or ¼ teaspoon). Ask them to: Double the recipe and adjust the ingredient amounts accordingly or divide the dough or batter into specific portions.
Math Art Projects- Incorporate geometry and symmetry into art projects by making a mosaic or collage using different shapes or materials. Cut out shapes or use pattern blocks to create pictures or designs. Have students design what their dream bedroom would look like complete with measurements (length of items, area of the room, etc.).
Math with Money- Using play or real coins, create a store where your children can buy or sell toys, snacks, etc. Have them create a shopping list of things they would like at the store and then use the store circular to see how much it would cost. Did they design their own room? Give them a budget and have them do some research to see if they could afford their Dream Bedroom!
Math Puzzles and Riddles- Does your student love puzzles? Here is a link to some free math brain teasers and puzzles that will help them develop critical, logical, and problem solving thinking skills. We have lots of digital games and resources on the Family Math Site, but we hope you will try some of these off screen activities as well.
Special Request - Boxes of Cereal
All Fisher students (K-5) will be participating in a special team building activity in March. We kindly request donations of unopened, regular size boxes of cereal. We need approximately 500 boxes since we are looking for enough to line our halls to make a "domino formation". After our team building activity, the cereal boxes will be donated to the Walpole Food Pantry. Thank you!
**We are still looking for cereal**
Extended Day - Pilot Summer Program
We are excited to announce that Extended Day will be running a Pilot Summer Program this upcoming summer and registration is now live. We are anticipating registration to fill quickly and will do our best to enroll as many waitlisted students as possible.
This year, the camp will run for 4 weeks at Fisher Elementary and offer an Extended Day PM option for families. Registration will be open for incoming first-sixth graders. Registration will be available for individual weeks and families will have the option to register for all 4 weeks at a discounted rate.
Please see the attached PDF regarding Summer Camp Information and Registration Information for the Summer of 2025 and reach out to Dan Santangelo (dsantangelo@walpole.k12.ma.us) or Evan Storlazzi (estorlazzi@walpole.k12.ma.us) with any questions.
Snow Gear Reminder
If there is snow on the ground, please remember to send your students to school with snow pants, boots, hats and mittens (don't forget to label them) for recess. They will be unable to play in the snow without them.
Updated School Store Schedule
Scenes from Fisher!
During STEM this week, we concluded our celebration of the 100th day of school with a friendly engineering competition that focused on teamwork and collaboration. For this competition, randomly selected teams of 3-4 students were tasked with designing and building the tallest tower possible with exactly 100 blocks. Special shoutout to Camilla, Eleni, and Timmy from Mrs.Winer's class for building the tallest tower in the school. Their tower stood a whopping 73.5 inches tall!
Thoughtful Thursday!
The 5th graders dressed in red for Rainbow Day
Happy pj Valentines Day!
Rally Against Cancer - February Update
January was a very busy and exciting month for Fisher’s Finest! We kicked off our Change for a Cure and after only 3 weeks, more than $1,000.00 has been collected and brought in by students! After those 3 weeks, Ms. Kelley’s class is leading the chase, with Mrs. McDonald’s and Mrs. Kenney’s classes rounding out the top 3! So far, Mrs. Giampietro’s, Mrs. Kenney’s, Mrs. Kelley’s, Ms. Nichols’s, Mrs. McDonald’s, and Mrs. Winer’s classes have all earned Rally bracelets for collecting a total of $50. Congratulations to them all! There are still several weeks to go, and it’s anyone’s game to earn a private meet-and-greet for their class if they’re the top fundraising class and we earn the player visit as the top fundraising school!
Our Green Monster Wall of Honor has plenty of room for more baseballs! Order forms are available at school, I can send another one home for you, or you can just email me the information and send in your donation with your student. There is no specified amount - no donation is too small or too large! Let’s fill the wall with the names of those special people!
If you placed an order for coffee cakes from our My Grandma’s Coffee Cake fundraiser, those are expected to be baked and shipped next Monday, and we should have them by Wednesday. You will be notified when they’re all packed and ready to be picked up on Wednesday or Thursday. Thanks again to everyone who supported this! We sold over 150 coffee cakes, and raised approximately $1000 for Rally!
There are still some Fisher student Excuse notepads available. If you want to order one for only $5, all of which goes to our Rally, please click here: Student Excuse Notepad Order . As soon as I receive your payment, I’ll send the notepad(s) home with your students.
Our kindergarten and Grade 1 classes were the recipients of a special Jimmy Fund book titled Fenway and Hooper at Fenway Park. These were gifts from The Jimmy Fund staff in recognition of all the work done by Fisher’s Finest for them!
Thank you all for your amazing continued support of Fisher's Finest!
Carolyn McDonough - Rally Captain for Fisher’s Finest cmcdonough@walpole.k12.ma.us
Beginning of the School Year Information
Main Office Information
Absences: If your student is going to be absent or tardy, please call the absence line and let us know in advance. You may call this line at anytime and leave a message. The telephone number is 508-660-7234 and then press 1
Dismissals: Please send a hand written note with your student in the morning or fill out this form with at least 2 hours advance notice.
Afterschool dismissal changes: If your student is changing their typical way of leaving Fisher at 3:25pm, please send a note into school with the plan that morning.
We understand that there are unavoidable last minute changes, however, please be mindful that we must call the classroom and upset time on leaning with each change.
Please feel free to email the front office: fisher-secretaries@walpole.k12.ma.us
Start and End Times 2024-2025
School Day Begins at 8:55am
Dismissal is at 3:25pm
Early Release Days - Dismissal is at 12:25pm
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Click HERE to view our arrival and dismissal procedures