September 2024
A letter from our leader Janice
The Rundown is a blog that I read because I have family members who participate in the occasional marathon. I am trying to understand the “joy” in marathon running.
Recently Whitney Miller, a trainer of long distance athletes wrote an article for The Rundown. Her advice seemed to fit a quilt making journey. Below is her advice and my interpretation.
Whitney, Highlight what’s going well…
Janice, My fabrics look good together, my machine is working and I have time to work on my quilt.
Whitney, Always celebrate small wins…
Janice, Quilt seams are matching, my borders are the same dimension, my batting and backing are the right size.
Whitney, Recognize self doubt and reframe into opportunities for growth
Janice, I will never finish on time. I don’t like that one fabric color. I will finish in plenty of time and I love all the other colors.
Good advice whether you are preparing for a race or making a new quilt.
Keep Stitching,
2024 Meeting Schedule
September 10 follow up to workshop ( see below)
October 8 Planning for November retreat
November 11-15 Fall Retreat at Fire Station
December 10 Christmas Party and KISS it goodbye swap instead of presents.
September Meeting
Bring your finished or unfinished project you started at the August meeting. Mine will be very unfinished so no worries! If you finished, bring your project for show and tell and another project to work on! Bring your supplies, lunch and sew awhile. If you missed the August meeting, no problem. We have plenty of kits to share and you can get started on a creative project inspired by the Japanese philosophy towards "quilting". The article that explains this philosophy is: https://www.blossomheartquilts.com/2017/04/difference-in-japanese-quilting/
Five aspects of Japanese quilting that can guide our projects:
Handwork: Their homes are small so not as much room for machines but handwork is also ingrained in the Japanese culture.
Thrifty: Japan is an expensive place to live and thriftiness is a part of the culture
Improvisational: something right up our alley but it is tied to the thriftiness thing.
Materials and More: The Japanese are not afraid to MIX IT UP but this is tied to the thrifty thing and improv! See pic in right hand corner.
Everyday Life: There is quilting evident in many items used in everyday life-they are not just making quilts. There are also craft stores everywhere like there used to be here. Ah, the dream!
August 2024 Bee Artful Meeting Highlights
Show and Tell Baskets from July workshop
Vicki's beautiful trivet
Vicki's rope bowl
Another rope bowl by Vicki
Vicki is innovating! Dyed blue rope on the left.
Bev's beautiful quilt
The back of Bev's quilt
Wow Vicki!
Jan's beautiful rope bowl
Nancy's beautiful rope bowl
Nancy's flower bowl
Lynda's beautiful trivet
An example of Swedish weaving Carol found
Quilts and other projects from August meeting
Kathy's beautiful "When in Doubt, Choose Lime Green" quilt
The pieced backing for Kathy's quilt
Gini's beautiful Cindy Williams star quilt
The backing for Gini's quilt-so creative!
Bev's amazing QOV quilt
Beautiful quilting seen on the the back of Bev's QOV quilt
Janice's beautiful abstract quilt submitted for a SAQA global show. The call was for Fire, an earth element.
Beautiful quilting on Janice's quilt!
Jan's photos printed on glass!
Geri's paper collages made with Kristi's Printables on Facebook
So cute Geri!
Susan Barrett's Shibori-dyed fabric
Reference Items
Sisters (and brothers) in art quilting in northern CA. Field Trip anyone?
Podcast on "Tales of Textiles"
Podcast with local flair!
Her upcoming book is: Marking Your Time by Tommye McClure Scanlin
Marking Time with Fabric and Thread: Calendars, Diaries, and Journals within Your Fiber Craft https://a.co/d/71Q7u8N
Thanks for sharing this Linda Barron!
Need the password for member section for the guild (www.mlqg.org) website? Contact Linda Barron (linda.barron@gmail.com)
Bee Artful quilting thread recommendations
Silke uses Superior thread 100 weight (micro quilter)-blends in well.
Kathy I. uses 100 weight silk thread by Yli (order from Amazon or another vendor online).
Improving your hand jobs - tips and techniques
Since we’re all at various levels when it comes to hand stitching, learn, refresh or improve your hand embroidery skills with tips and techniques from Bee members. Some of the experienced stitchers in Bee Artful are ready to share! Each month you can come with a sampler of some kind (cloth, hoop, needles, floss, and/or Perle cotton (see photo for a sampler idea) and learn some new stitches.
Critique Documents for reference
One is a checklist that can be used as a guideline when looking at a quilt - this is published on her website as part of her creative strength training class.
The second is a detailed essay she wrote concerning the process.
I hope that these documents will help the Bee Artful group conduct critique sessions that are productive.
Letter from the editor
I am so glad that the COVID I came down with the day after the Bee Artful in August did not infect everyone else! It was my first time and it took me out of commission for two weeks! Needless to say the project I started in August has not been worked on at all! No problem, I will bring my supplies and work on it in September. As you can see from the many projects shown above, we are a productive and creative group for which I am so grateful. It was so nice to have Lynda Doll join us again. We hope to see you again in September.
I am happy to convey all of these wonderful "goings on" via this newsletter. Try to get things to me in advance of the end of the month via email (mandmoliver@gmail.com) or text. If you put the word "newsletter" somewhere in the message line I will be able to find it easier (if using email). See you soon.