Headlines & Virtual Backpack
Week ending August 21, 2020
Board meets Monday
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Webinar ID: 811 3995 6770
Passcode: 496542
Summer Reading Links
Summer Reading is in full swing! Our district's Summer Reading Initiative strives to empower readers through choice; enable students to develop an independent reading life by cultivating interests and curiosities; and increase students’ reading volume and stamina, encourage “talk” around books, and allow for positive experiences with reading. Visit our District’s Summer Reading Initiative web page and explore all the possibilities.
Summer Meals
Click this link, enter your home address and search the USDA database to find the nearest site to receive free meals this summer. For details, view these flyers: Summer Food Service and en espanol. The Salvation Army (40 East Main Street, Flemington) offers meals to families now through August 27. The Flemington Food Pantry (154 Route 31, Flemington) also assists families in need throughout the summer.
Virtual Backpack Flyers
Barley Sheaf
Kindergarten Supply List 2020-2021
Mrs. Schrum and Mrs. Hendricks Supply List 2020-2021
Copper Hill
Mrs. Moeri's Summer Resources (6/25/20)
Registration Information
Health Office Forms
FAD Masks Headbands & Lanyards at Cost!
FAD Summer Reading Challenge Board
Robert Hunter
School Supplies (8/10/2020)
Counseling Summer Hours
Summer Reading List
RFIS 5th Grade Orientation Resources
Message from the Health Office
Message from the Health Office-Spanish
JP Case
J.P. Case Spiritwear (7/16/20)
Fall Sports
Greater Flemington Soccer Travel (7/29/20)
Hunterdon County COVID-19 Resources (7/29/20)