RJ Richey Family Newsletter
Week of Jan. 20th
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RJR Important Dates & Parent Info to Remember:
Jan. 20: Dawg Day of Service for MLK
Jan. 24: Play it Safe Presentation & RJ campus-wide Growth Parade Semester Celebration @ 8:30AM & 3rd Six-Weeks Top Dawg Celebration following Growth Parade
Jan. 27: 3rd Six-Weeks Perfect AttenDANCE party
Jan. 30: 4th Six-Weeks Progress Reports post to Family Access
Jan. 31: No School for students / Professional Learning Day for staff
Feb. 3: Happy 100th day of school
Feb. 5: Spring 3rd-5th grade STAAR Benchmark Simulation (Reading)
Feb. 10: BCISD Loteria Bilingual & ESL Family Night @ 5:30-7 @ SGE
Feb. 12: Spring 3rd-5th grade STAAR Benchmark Simulation (Math)
Feb. 13: End of 4th Six-Weeks & Classroom Valentine's Parties
Feb. 14: BCISD school holiday (no school for students or staff w/prof. development credits)
Feb. 17: Professional Learning Day ( no school for students)
Feb. 24th Week: RJR Spring Book Fair Week
Feb. 25: Spring Book Fair open late for parent shopping @ 4-5PM
March 4: RJ UIL Celebration & Awards @ 5PM & Spring Open House @5:30-7 (TBD)
March 13: 5th Six-Weeks Progress Reports Post to Family Access
March 17-21: Spring Break
Upcoming Dawg Day of Service
Dawg Day of Service Details:
As a reminder, our Bulldogs participate at school in honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's legacy by providing acts of service and kindness on MLK day with their grade level and classrooms.
You'll find the parent letter that is coming home in Bulldog folders, detailing the service project that your child will be participating in below:
3rd grade Hill Country Humane Society Service Project:
4th grade Readers are Leaders & Carrier Care Packages Service Projects:
5th grade Community Care Service Project:
RJR's Annual Growth & Progress Parade Semester Celebration:
RJR's Semester Celebration Growth Parade Details:
This year we are really focusing on growth at RJR and we can't wait to celebrate with YOU because our Bulldogs keep growing, achieving, and accomplishing goals that we've got to brag!
Join us on January 24th @ 8:30AM (weather permitting) in RJ's front drive circle!
Our teachers have been talking to students about the importance of stretching ourselves and growing. Each student will help choose what growth they want to celebrate and make a sign to carry in the parade.
- Parents are invited to join in by lining our parade route in the front drive/circle area and cheer for your student & watch the parade of Bulldog successes.
- Parents are welcome to bring signs to celebrate their student along the parade route!
- The front circle will close at 8:15 and all other parking will need to be in the back parking lot.
January is School Board Recognition Month
Celebrating our BCISD School Board
Celebrating our BCISD School Board
January is School Board Appreciation Month and RJ Appreciates our Trustees!
Please join us in showing appreciation for their dedication and hard work! They demonstrate Spirit, Pride, and Honor in helping all of BCISD be the best it can be, and each School Board member is an outstanding, exemplary community leader!
Our School Board is comprised of individuals who voluntarily tackle the enormous job of governing our school district. Their actions and decisions affect the present and future lives of our children. They play a crucial role in CRAFTING the FUTURE in Burnet CISD and each member is a critical piece for helping us work as One Team, One Dream!
Thank you for your service and for the leadership you all display for tomorrow's Texas!
Order Your R.J. Richey Yearbook Online Now:
Our RJ Yearbook Online Ordering is Open Now!
Check out the direct Strawbridge link below to order your yearbook now!
- be sure to order yours now while supplies last and before the price increase at the end of March!
- ALL yearbook sales will be online only and no cash orders are accepted this year through the office
- all yearbooks will be shipped and delivered to school, and parents will be notified when they are coming home with their students in early May
Parent Information about Play it Safe Program:
Hill Country Children's Advocacy Center Presents: Play it Safe! Program for RJ students on Friday, January 24th.
Read about more details about this community based program below:
Commonly Asked Questions about Play it Safe!
From Hill Country Children's Advocacy Center:
Q: Why should we talk about child abuse?
A: Child abuse does not discriminate. It happens to both boys and girls of every race, ethnicity, religion, and socio-economic class. One in four girls and one in six boys experience some form of sexual abuse by their 18th birthday. They are typically abused by someone that they know and trust. Perpetrators can be male or female, and also can be of any race, ethnicity, religion, socio-economic class or education level. Due to the prevalence of child abuse, it is essential that families, schools, and communities talk about personal safety and equip children with the tools to recognize, react to and report abuse. In some states, laws require that child sexual abuse awareness education be provided in all public schools.
Q: What is the format of the Play it Safe!® program?
A: The program should be presented to each classroom or group independently. Children are in their own setting with other children that they know which allows them to interact more openly. The program lasts approximately one hour. The presenter will speak with the children for about 40-60 minutes, and the children will view an age-appropriate, 10-20 minute video.
Q: Is this sex education?
A: No. This is a personal safety curriculum. It is specifically designed to teach children how to be safe from abuse. Abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional or neglect. When referring to sexual abuse we use the term private parts to refer to the parts of the body covered by a bathing suit.
Q: If my child has been abused, should they still be allowed to see the program?
A: Children of abuse often feel “different” from other children. Consider, by keeping your child out of the program, you are simply reinforcing that myth. Prevention programs often can be therapeutic for children. The child is reminded that the abuse was not their fault and that they are not alone in this struggle.
Q: Will this make my child afraid of all touch?
A: There are three types of touch emphasized in Play it Safe!®. It is stressed with children that there may be times when an adult must look at their private parts, such as during a medical doctor’s exam, or help with bathing or diapering. In these cases, there is a reason and the touching is not a secret.
Q: Should I follow this program up with training at home?
A: Great idea! Child abuse prevention is not accomplished in one hour. It is important that you continue these discussions with your child. Let your child know that you are willing to discuss these sensitive topics whenever they show an interest.
Q: Will this program scare my child?
A: The Play it Safe!® curriculum avoids using scare tactics with children, and the program’s message is empowering and hopeful. Personal safety should be taught to children in a way similar to fire or drug safety. Children need to know what risks exist for them, but they also need to know that they are capable of handling these situations should they arise.
Family Access & Report Card Reminder:
3rd Six-Weeks Report Cards Posted:
The 3rd six weeks report cards posted on January 9th. An important piece in the family-school partnership is staying aware of student performance. It is requested that parents view and electronically sign progress reports and report cards. See the directions below, and be sure to get those signatures in! In addition, parents are encouraged to regularly view grades in Skyward.
Celebrating Student Grit, Leadership & Success w/Class Six-Weeks Awards
Enjoy a quick sneak peek behind the scenes at a few award winners this Six-Weeks!
From Perfect Attendance, to A HonorRoll &. A-B HonorRoll, and Outstanding Attendance and our character Spirit, Pride, and Honor Awards.....we love celebrating our students' efforts, determination, character, and hard-work!
New Year & 2nd Semester RJR Reminders:
Motivation Mondays
Join us for Motivation Mondays @ RJR!
RJR encourages positive thinking, putting first things first, and beginning with the end in mind. To finish the week strong, we've got to start strong!
We welcome all of our RJ Bulldogs to wear their motivational shirts on Mondays!
College Spirit Day
Join us in College Spirit on Wednesdays @ RJR!
RJR encourages college awareness! Wear your college shirts on Wednesdays!
Celebrating Bulldog Birthdays:
Is your child celebrating a birthday? We have a student leadership group, our CeLeBraTion Crew, that helps to recognize every Bulldog birthday! Every bulldog can expect a birthday announcement, birthday pencil, and a little birthday visit from our celebration crew!
Birthday Treats: Feel free to send birthday treats for your child's class. You can drop-off treats in the front office or send with your student. The teacher will serve them at an appropriate time according to each class's schedule.
- please send sharable treats that are easy to individualize with classmates
- please NO balloons or flowers for student
Parent Need to Knows for Student Daily School Success
Help Keep Toys & Valuables at Home
Our Bulldogs have lots of learning to do and growing too,
Unfortunately, toys from home can get in the way of the learning to do!
Our teachers and campus have many incentives and behavior & character rewards for students, so helping to keep toys and Pokemon cards at home, it helps us keep our focus on learning and growing and celebrating the growth together.
Lost & Found Reminders:
Winter Weather Family Reminders:
Parent Quick Links & Family Resources
Transportation change request process:
How do I request a change in transportation?
Submit an email on the same day as the transportation change request by 1:30 p.m. to:
Include the following details in the email:
- Student’s full name
- Student’s grade level
- Student’s homeroom teacher
- The transportation change you want made for today (bus rider to car rider or car rider to bus rider)
Requests made after 1:30pm will not be processed. Notes, phone calls, text messages and emails sent to any other email will not be processed.
RJR 24-25 Parent School Procedure Brochure:
RJR 24-25 Parent Procedure Brochure
Have questions about arrival, dismissal, transportation changes, visitor procedures, etc?
Always find RJ Richey School Information about daily school procedures here:
BCISD Staff Shout Outs!
Give an RJ Staff a BCISD Shout Out!
Have you experienced great customer service from a Burnet CISD employee? Has a Burnet CISD co-worker gone the extra mile in supporting you in some way? If so, we want to hear about it!
- What is a Staff Shout Out? A Shout Out is a special recognition that acknowledges a District staff member who has demonstrated a special effort, an outstanding job, caring customer service, a project of high quality workmanship, a team mentality, and/or is helping students CRAFT the FUTURE.
- Who can submit a Staff Shout Out? Students, parents, teachers, auxiliary staff, coworkers, and all community members. Anyone can submit a Staff Shout Out!
- Who can receive a Staff Shout Out? Any employee of Burnet CISD. EVERY staff member is an important part of our team!
Please click the link below to complete a form briefly explaining why this staff member or coworker deserves recognition. All Shout Out will be listed on the Shout Out webpage.
Care Solace & Community Counseling Resources
Happy 2025 to everyone at Burnet Consolidated ISD. We look forward to a successful year. This year, we encourage you to show self-compassion as you think of your New Year’s Resolutions. When we show compassion for ourselves, we allow space for changes, mistakes, or missteps and we open ourselves up to future possibilities. Showing self-compassion is a healthy way to start a successful and happy 2025.
We also encourage you to reflect on this past year. How have you changed from the beginning of 2024 to now? What did you enjoy about 2024? Click here for some great questions to ask yourself as you reflect.
Often, we need to lean on others to help us with our goals and aspirations. Below are community resources and opportunities to connect, learn, and grow together.
(Include upcoming events and additional resource information.)
If you need mental health or substance use support, Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential care coordination service that can help you quickly find treatment options matched to your needs, regardless of circumstance.
Burnet Consolidated ISD partnered with Care Solace to support the well-being of students and their family members.
If you or a family member are looking for help and would like to use Care Solace to find a provider:
- Call 888-515-0595. Support is available 24/7/365 in over 50 languages.
- Visit caresolace.com/burnet and either search on your own OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone.
Around BCISD & Burnet
Upcoming BCISD Loteria Night for RJ ESL & Bilingual Families: Come Join Us
BHS Little BullPup Cheer Camp
RJ Richey Elementary School
7:15am Front Doors Open
7:15am Student Drop Off/Breakfast7:25am Front Office Opens
7:45am School Begins
7:45am Tardy Bell
9:00am Students not in attendance are marked absent
1:30pm Transportation changes due, please email: rjr-transportation@burnetcisd.net
3:25pm Student Dismissal
4:00pm Office/School Closes
Website: https://rjr.burnetcisd.net/
Location: R J Richey Elementary School, East Graves Street, Burnet, TX, USA
Phone: 512-756-2609
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rjrichey