The Buzz
Autumn Term - 21st September 2023

Message From the Executive Headteacher
I was delighted to see the children coming excitedly into school this week and the reception children are now enjoying the experience of going into lunch in the hall which is a new adventure for them, they are doing brilliantly. I've been so impressed with the learning behaviour in the classrooms already which is a real credit to how prepared the children were for their next step and I'm sure this will continue. This week all the children have been enjoying a circus skills session with Lazer Lions who have provided these free of charge-very exciting, thank you!
Unfortunately, once again we have had concerns raised by parents regarding illegal and inconsiderate parking by parents and carers dropping off and collecting. There has been a particualr problem with parking on the double yellow lines and on the corner of Linden Road, Ripley Road and Priory Road. This is extremely dangerous and inconsiderate to children and parents who are dropping/collecting children. Please do not park on double yellow lines, they are there for a reason and it is illegal to leave your vehicle on them.
I have contacted the traffic enforcement team at the local authority to ask for attendants to attend before and after school.
If you need to drive, please park away from the school and walk the remaining distance. Parking is extremely limited and Ripley Road is closed to school traffic at drop off and collection to help ensure the safety of the children, this is monitored by ANPR cameras.
Helen Lockey
Executive Headteacher
1Y had the best attendance last week with 98.5%
Classes 1D and 2J had the least lates last week
Last week certificates were given out to children who focussed on the HPP principle of OPPORTUNITY.
Nursery AM - Edward
Nursery PM - Erclo
RC Charlotte
RF Mason
RK Maya
RP Olive
1B Brodie-Lee
1C Noah
1D Seth
1Y Tygre
2C Emma
2H Ethan
2J Annabelle
2MC Finn
We have enjoyed learning about our feelings this week. We read the story 'The Colour Monster' and practised pulling different faces to show our emotions. We really loved showing our excited faces!
We have also been learning our colours in our maths lesson. We did some sorting and went on a colour hunt around the classroom. We have also been learning the makaton signs for the colours too. Ask us at home if we can remember them.
On Wednesday we were very lucky to have Lazerlions come into the Nursery to play a fun game where we had to catch lots of balls and put them inside a hoop. We also practised juggling - it was very tricky but we persevered and felt very proud of ourselves!
In our phonics learning we have been developing our listening skills and played a fun listening game. What a busy and fun week we have had!
This week in Reception the children have enjoyed settling into their new classrooms and getting to know their new friends and teachers. They have been absolute superstars and have settled happily and excitedly into Reception life. We have seen lots of smiling faces as the children get busy exploring their new environments and what wonderful sharers they have been as they invite new friends to join in games as they play.
The children have also loved learning all about their favourite time of day... lunchtime, getting to know each other talking about what their favourite food is. We have learnt where we sit in the lunch hall and have been very grown up while practising getting our plates ready for when we start school lunches next week.
We had lots of fun with Lazer Lions this week, playing games and learning new skills.
It's been a really busy week and we can not wait to get learning next week.
Year 1
We have been having a SUPER time in Year 1! From superheroes to superstars, the children have been doing some amazing pieces of descriptive writing based on our focus book ‘Superkid’ by Claire Freedman.
They came up with their own superhero and discussed what their own various super powers could be. The children then used their ideas to create their own version of a superhero to write about in English.
The children have been amazing in maths with their number skills, sorting and counting a variety of real-life objects, pictures, shapes and mathematical resources, as well as using mathematical representations and partner talk to explain their workings. We have been very impressed with their work so far!
Science has seen the children continuing with their focus on the human body. The children enjoyed labelling the different parts of the body and studying the five senses, identifying the different things we can do with each sense. We can’t wait to look at each sense in greater depth in the coming weeks.
In history, we have been studying toys, discussing how and why they might change as we get older. We looked at various toys and sorted them into groups according to age.
In Art, we have been focusing on the theme of ‘portraits’. We looked at different famous portraits by artists like Vincent Van Gough and Leonardo Di Vinci, looking at the different features and detail. The children had the opportunity to draw their own self portrait, they had lots of fun doing this and have produced some great work.
In computing, we have been discussing what technology is and how it helps us. We have sorted different objects into two categories, technology and not technology.
Year 2
A busy week in Year 2! We have continued to look at our focus story ‘The Secret Sky Garden’; a wonderful story where our main character Funni grows a beautiful garden filled with colorful flowers on the roof of an airport car park. This week we learnt about the features of a letter, identified these features and then wrote our own letter to Funni. We asked interesting questions to Funni in our letter such as what is your favourite flower? What airlines have you seen flying above your head?
In Maths we have continued to build our confidence in place value and have been showing our understand by partitioning numbers into addition sentences. We used our base ten to help us understand how we can partition in different ways.
We have also been learning about the Great Fire of London and thought about what secondary sources tell us about what happened. We looked at a range of pictures and extracts from Samuel Peyps diary. We used our knowledge of how London burning might have looked like in art as we created our houses and buildings for our collage. We used water colours to bring colour to each building.
Not to forget our amazing circus skills on Wednesday. We had such fun learning new skills and working as a year group. Don’t forget to sponsor us for all our achievements!
Job Vacancy
We are looking to appoint a Higher Level Teaching Assistant.
For more information and to apply please click the link below.
Information for Parents
Safeguarding children is everybody’s responsibility. If you have any concerns about the welfare of a child please call SPA on 0208 547 5008 or out of hours, phone 020 8770 5000.
Home Start Richmond, Kingston & Hounslow
Last year Home Start helped 286 vulnerable families. If you come across a family that could need our help, please contact us info@homestart-rkh.org.uk 020 8487 8500 and we will assess how their needs can be met.
Area SEND inspection: survey information for children and young people
Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) are visiting your area as part of an inspection. We will be looking at arrangements for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
We would like to hear your views about the support that you get and how it is helping you. You can do this by completing an online survey at the link below:
Your views are important to us. They will help inspectors understand your experience of SEND arrangements in your area. The survey will close at 9am on 20 September 2023.
You do not have to take part if you do not want to. We do not ask for your name.
If you complete the survey, you agree to SmartSurvey sending your information to Ofsted.
To learn about how CQC and Ofsted collect and use information during inspections please see their privacy policies:
CQC privacy statement; Ofsted privacy policy
Thank you
Yours sincerely
Joanna Walters
His Majesty's Inspector
Click on above tab to view HISN's virtual school tour
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815