Peakview Academy
at Conrad Ball - 2024-2025

October Newsletter 2024
Hello PVA Families!
Fall is in the air and it is a busy time at Peakview Academy!
This is the time of year that learners and staff are deep into the process of starting their performance goals for the year. These goals can be academic, social, behavioral or extra-curricular. Please take a few minutes to talk to your learners about the goals they are working on in school and come up with a plan together on how you can support their abilities to go "Beyond Barriers" this semester!
Also, be sure to read about the many events we have planned for the month of October - including multiple family events and Conferences - we hope to see you there!
10/2: Volleyball 7th Grade Consolation Tournament 4:30pm @ PVA - $5 admission
10/3: NCAC XC Championships 3:00pm @ North Lake Park
10/3: Title 1/Family Night - Loteria! 6pm - 7pm @ PVA
10/4: 5th Grade Field Trip to Rialto
10/8: PVA PCT Meeting 5:30pm - 7pm @ PVA Collaboratory
10/11: No School - Teacher Work Day
10/15: 3rd Grade Field Trip to Rialto for LOT
10/16: Fall Conferences AND Scholastic Book Fair 3:45pm - 7:45pm
10/17: No School
10/17: Fall Conferences AND Scholastic Book Fair 7:45am - 7:45 pm
10/18: No School
10/21: Boys Basketball @ HPS 4:30pm 8/6/7
10/23: Boys Basketball vs RVS 4:30pm @ PVA 8/6/7
10/25: Classroom Fall Festival Celebrations
10/25: Trick or Treat Street 4:30pm - 6:30pm @ PVA
10/29: McTeacher's Night at Orchard's Center McDonald's 4:00-7:00 pm
10/30: Boys Basketball vs NVS 4:30pm @ PVA 7/8/6
PVA Spirit Week!
Monday, September 30th - Friday, October 4th
Monday 9/30: Dress Like a Runner
Tuesday 10/1: Dress Like a Professional
Wednesday 10/2: Color Day
- 8th Grade Purple
- 6th & 7th Grade Grey & White
- 4th & 5th Grade Blue
- 2nd & 3rd Grade Green
- Kinder & 1st Grade Yellow
- Early Childhood Orange
- Staff - PVA Gear
Thursday 10/3: Super Hero Day (NO MASKS)
Friday 10/4: Pajama/Cozy Day (NO BLANKETS)
Scholastic Book Fair
Scholastic Book Fair
Wednesday 10/16 from 3:45 pm - 7:45 pm
Thursday 10/17 from 7:45 am - 7:45 pm
PVA Collaboratory
Dear Families,
Get ready—the Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school! This is a great opportunity to connect
with your child over the thrill of bringing home new books to dive into again and again. Studies show that kids read more when they choose books for themselves. And fostering a love of independent
reading leads to a wide variety of benefits—including academic success and improved mental health.
While you’re there, set up a Book Fair eWallet, the digital payment account that allows your child to
shop for books at the Fair without cash. Then share your eWallet link so friends and extended family
can add funds.
When you fund an eWallet, you’ll have the opportunity to contribute to a giving initiative called
Share the FairTM. Your contributions directly support our students who need help buying books
from the Fair.
Would you like to volunteer at the PVA Book Fair? Please reach out to our Library/Media Assistant: Lorelei Plagman at lorelei.plagman@tsd.org
Thank you, Lynx Laps Sponsors!
A HUGE "Thank You" to our Lynx Laps Sponsors! Without your support, this event would not be possible!!
- Sam's Club
- Scheels
- Discover Life Chiropractic
- World by the Tail
- Jack Jack's 4th Street Market
- McGraff's American Grill
- AAA Electric
- MI Sports
- Madwire
- Dignity Memorial
- Barrett Family Dentistry
Lotería Family Night - October 3rd
Thursday, October 3rd from 6:00pm - 7pm - in the PVA Cafeteria.
PVA's Fall 2024 Conferences
Fall 2024
Dear Peakview families,
We would like to invite you to attend our upcoming Fall Conferences,
Wednesday, October 16th, 3:45 - 7:45 pm, and Thursday, October 17th, 7:45 am - 7:45 p.m.
You will receive additional information from your child's Homeroom/Community teacher regarding sign-up options very soon.
There will be NO SCHOOL for learners on Thursday, October 17th, or Friday, October 18th due to conferences.
Please be sure to visit our BOOK FAIR, occurring during the week of Conferences.
To celebrate the season in an inclusive and friendly way for PVA learners of all ages, classrooms will host Fall Festival celebrations on FRIDAY, OCT. 25th during the last part of the school day.
Trick or Treat Street
Join us at PVA for a costume filled night of candy, dance parties and more!
October 25th from 4:30 - 6:30pm
*Costumes should not be scary, violent or inappropriate for a school setting.*
Would you like to host a Trunk or Volunteer? Scan the QR Code to CLICK HERE to sign up!
PVA & McDonald's - 2024 McTeacher's Night!
Dear Parents,
The Koenig-Holmberg Family McDonald’s is proud to support local schools by partnering with Digital McTeacher’s Night® on Tuesday, October 29th from 4pm-7pm.
During the event, McDonald’s at 209 E 29th Street, Loveland will donate 40% of digital sales back to Peakview Academy at Conrad Ball!
The Koenig-Holmberg Family McDonald’s has a commitment to education in our local community and values the vital role that educators play in inspiring our youth. We cannot wait to support Peakview Academy at Conrad Ball with this event.
How does it work? Peakview Academy at Conrad Ball will receive a 40% donation of digital sales
generated during the night – this includes all orders completed on the McDonald’s App or using the in-store digital kiosks.
Through the McDonald’s App, you can order and pay ahead of time and then pick up in Drive Thru, Curbside or Inside. Even better, you can use our daily offers like 20% off your entire order
or Free Medium Fries with $1 Purchase (both are ONLY available in the McDonald’s App)!
Peakview Academy at Conrad Ball McTeacher’s Night®
From 4pm-7pm at the McDonald’s located at 209 E. 29th Street, Loveland CO
The more you promote McTeacher’s Night® the more successful it will be!
So be sure to invite other family members, friends, neighbors and co-workers. Community participation is crucial for the success of your school’s program.
We encourage you to download the McDonald’s App in advance of the event. For an even better
experience, you can place your order before heading to the restaurant and we will begin preparing it
before you arrive, so it minimizes your wait time (assuming you link a payment method and have
location services turned “on”, so we know when to start your order).
Since it is Halloween Week, we cannot wait to see your family’s costumes!
Our restaurant teams will have some extra surprises to make the night even more exciting.
If you have any questions, please contact your school principal or your child’s teacher.
Please support your children’s educators and your school by attending this event.
We hope to see you there!
Sharon and Gary Koenig & Lauren Holmberg
McDonald’s Owners, Loveland
Children and adolescents are not consuming enough water, instead opting for sugar-sweetened beverages (sodas, sports and energy drinks, milks, coffees, and fruit-flavored drinks with added sugars), 100% fruit juice, and other beverages. Drinking sufficient amounts of water can lead to improved weight status, reduced dental disease, and improved cognition among children and adolescents. (National Institutes of Health)
Please remind your learner to bring water-only beverages to have available in the classroom throughout the day.
Mountain View Lions Cheer Camp
PreK - 8th Grade
Camp Days:
Monday, October 7th 4:30 - 6:00pm
Wednesday, October 9th 4:30 - 6:00pm
At: Mountain View High School
Friday, October 11th at Ray Patterson Field at Thompson Valley High School
Cost: $50.00 includes a T-shirt, Bow and Poms
Use the QR Code OR CLICK HERE to sign up!!
Away for the Day at PVA
Help us in supporting your child's learning by following these "Away for the Day" guidelines.
- Device-free throughout the school day
- Powered off and stored in backpack
- Minimize distractions and improve mental and social-emotional health
- Call the PVA office for important messages or to speak to your child: 970-613-7300
- In an Emergency situation all staff have access to phones
6th - 8th Grade Athletics
REQUIRED: Athlete must have and updated Sports Physical
& completed Big Teams Registration to be able to practice.
Boys Basketball
Boys Basketball starts October 7th - December 13th
Must have updated Sports Physical and completed Big Teams Registration to practice.
Contact colby.gergen@tsd.org with questions.
Wrestling starts December 16th - March 8th
Sign up now!!
Wrestling Coach Mario can be contacted at mario.rodriguez@tsd.org
Girls Basketball
Girls Basketball starts December 16th - March 8th
Sign up now!!
Girls Basketball Coach Mack can be contacted at mack.holly@tsd.org
Sunrise Thompson Health Clinic
Playing Sports? Need a physical?
Call or Walk in:
Loveland Community Health Center
302 3rd Street SE, Loveland
Sunrise Thompson Health Clinic (Located next to PVA)
2880 N. Monroe Ave., Loveland
Peakview Community Team - PCT (formerly PTO)
Are you interested in becoming more involved in our school community?
We would love to have you - parents, grandparents, guardians, family members, community members - as a part of our Peakview Community Team (PCT)!
Traditionally known as a PTO or PTA, this group will support the school-wide community through children's activities, family events, and fundraisers, while also advising PVA's school leadership, organizing volunteer opportunities, supporting teachers, arranging teacher meals for conferences, and more!
Join us for our next meeting:
Tuesday, October 8th - 5:30pm - 7:00pm in the PVA Collaboratory
Chromebook Insurance Option
Thompson School District has partnered with Safeware, a leader in product protection since 1982, to provide a comprehensive plan to protect your student' device. For more information, please see the Tech 4 All website.
Thompson Educational Equity Council (TEEC)
Thompson Educational Equity Council (TEEC)
Are you an adult family, staff, or student member of the TSD Community who is interested in learning about how TSD addresses equity, diversity, and inclusion? If so, sign-up to join the TSD Educational Equity Council (TEEC)! We will host quarterly meetings this school year to increase knowledge of the equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) work throughout TSD.
We are seeking broad and diverse community participation to help us move our work forward in alignment with the TSD Strategic Plan and TSD Board Policies related to Educational Equity (Policy ADB), Equal Educational Opportunities (Policy JB), and Non-Discrimination/Equal Opportunity (Policy AC).
The first meeting of the Thompson Educational Equity Council (TEEC) will be held on October 24, 4:30-5:30 p.m. If you or your TSD student are interested in attending, please complete the sign-up form. We will have pizza!
2024 Proposed Bond and Special Levy Ballot Measures
Please scan the following QR code or visit tsd.org/2024-bond to view factual information about the proposed 2024 bond and special levy ballot measures.
Peakview Academy Student & Family Handbook 2024-2025
Within our short time so far as a school, we have worked hard to develop systems, structures, procedures, and policies that will support our school in being the best that it can be to achieve its vision and mission. As we have developed the systems, structures, procedures, and policies, we have created a PVA Student & Family Handbook for the 2024-2025 school year. Please review the handbook as necessary.