Straight from Station
May 2024

October 25, 2024
Important Dates!
- October 29 - PSAT Testing for 8th Graders Periods 1-5
- November 1 - Teacher Institute Day - No Student Attendance
- November 4 - No Student Attendance
- November 5 - Election Day - No Student Attendance
- November 7 - Band Concert 7:00 PM
- November 8 - 7th Grade Dance
- November 12 - PTO General Meeting 9:15 - 10:15 AM
- November 12 - Parent Zoom Session with Barrington High School for 8th Grade Transition 6:00 - 7:00 PM
- November 13 - Drama Club Field Trip to Drury Lane
- November 19 - NJHS Honors Night - 6:30 PM
- November 21 - Choir Concert 7:00 PM
- November 22 - Snowflake 3:40 -6:30 PM
- November 27 - 29 - Thanksgiving Break - No Student Attendance
Character Strong Update
Barrington 220 will be utilizing the Character Strong Universal Strengths and Needs Screener as part of our ongoing efforts in increasing a sense of belonging for all students, improving skills that support student well-being, and deepening student engagement in academics, school, and community. The Strengths and Needs Screener is completed by your child’s teacher and will assist our staff in supporting your child in the best way possible. While families cannot opt-out of the Character Strong instruction, you may choose to opt your child out of the screener. If you do not wish for your child’s teacher to complete the Strengths and Needs Screener, please notify your school principal in writing by Wednesday, October 23, 2024.
Halloween Rules at Station
Halloween is Thursday, October 31, and we would like to invite students to dress up for the day, if they are interested. There are a few rules for costumes: no blood or gore, no face coverings or face paint, no weapons or weapon lookalikes, and nothing inappropriate. If you have any questions please ask a staff member, they are happy to help!
After School Activity Buses: Additionally, all afterschool activities and activity buses will be canceled on Halloween.
Barrington 220 One Book, One Community Read
This fall Barrington 220 is launching a book study called One Book, One Community Read! The book study, hosted by our District Equity Team, aligns with the Inclusive Education priority in our district’s strategic plan, Framework 220.
The book study will feature the book Breaking the Code with Gabriella, written by current BHS students Hafsah Khan, Cindy Wang, and 2024 graduate Sarah Pinto. BTCWG is a story about the fight for inclusivity and belonging in STEM spaces, following the story of a young girl, Gabriella, who joins her robotics team as the only girl.
You can pick up a free copy of Breaking the Code with Gabriella at Station. Supplies are limited, so be sure to grab one while they last! For additional copies, visit the Barrington Area Library or the District Administrative Center.
We will culminate this community-wide read with a special fireside chat featuring our student authors at the annual Winter Wonderfest celebration at BHS on December 13! It will be a wonderful opportunity to engage with the authors, hear their perspectives, and celebrate the inclusive themes of the book.
Election Day Break
Schools will be closed on November 4-5 for the Fall Election. Election Day is an official holiday in Illinois, so enjoy the time off, and get out there and vote!!
What is it?
Snowflake is a unique opportunity for middle school students to come together in an informal setting and discuss issues of concern.
This is a drug and alcohol prevention program
Focuses on a variety of topics related to adolescent concerns
Enforces positive decision making and healthy behaviors
Students participate in small group meetings consisting of 10 students, 2-3 high school students and an adult leader
When: Friday, November 22nd, 2024
Time: 3:40-6:30PM
Students must stay for the entire program
Cost: $32.00
Includes: snacks, t-shirt, and program materials
Begins October 1st, 2024 on RevTrak-https
Ends October 31st, 2024 or when maximum capacity of 400 is reached
** No Refunds**
Club Spotlight: D & D Club
D&D Club is new this year and gives our kids an opportunity to socialize in small groups, problem solve creatively, and work together towards a common goal in a fantasy setting. First time players learn how to create characters and role dice to try to achieve their party's goals. With so many references in modern pop culture today, there is much more out there for players to experience once they get their foot in the door and can enjoy this hobby for years to come! Next Meeting is on Monday, October 28th.
Participate in Early Voting this Month!
During the first half of 2024, more than 2,500 community members collaborated on a plan to continue to improve our aging school buildings. The final $64M community-driven plan will go to you, the voter, for approval as a referendum question on the Nov. 5 ballot. If successful, the referendum will:
- Increase Safety & Security throughout Barrington 220
- Build a New Community Auditorium at Barrington High School
- Enhance STEAM and Instructional Spaces for Students
Traditional early voting at polling locations in the Barrington area will open on October 21. Click the links below to find early voting information for the county you reside in:
Doctor’s Note Required for Medical Absences
Due to a change in school code by the Illinois State Board of Education, this school year a medical note is required for parents/guardians who select the: “MEDUE: Medical/Dental Appointment” excuse option for their student in Infinite Campus or call their student out of school for a medical/dental appointment.
The revised school code defines "valid cause" for absence as the following: Illness, including the mental or behavioral health of the student; attendance at a verified medical or therapeutic appointment; appointment with a victim services provider. Please note that the student’s absence will be marked unexcused in Infinite Campus until a medical note is provided.
We understand this is a change in practice from previous years. Please know that our front office is here to help answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Sign Out Procedures
If you plan to pick up your child up early from school, we ask that you please put in an Absence Request in the Parent Portal on Infinite Campus. When you arrive to pick up your child, please come to the front door with your cell phone. Ms. Jarva or Ms. Alters will buzz you in and you will scan a QR code (located on table near front door) that is linked to a sign-out form that you complete while you wait for your child to come down from class. Please note, only individuals listed on Infinite Campus (IC) will be allowed to pick up your child. If you need assistance with the parent portal, please contact the Infinite Campus Hotline at (847)-842 3580.
Thank you!
Visitor Procedures
In our district’s continued effort to keep our students and staff safe, remember to bring your driver’s license or state ID when you come to visit/volunteer at Station. The reason for this is we run your ID through our sex offender background check system. After your ID is scanned, you will be issued a visitor lanyard and visitor sticker before being admitted into the building. Every D220 school follows these procedures. For the safety of our students, there are no exceptions.