Tales From The Nest
January 12th, 2024

September 13th, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Urbana Middle School Families,
I am making you aware of multiple rumors circulating on a threat of violence against our school community. We believe these rumors are the result of a statement that was made by a UMS student.
After a collaborative investigation by Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS) and the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office (FCSO), it has been determined that there is no threat to the Urbana Middle School community.
I want to commend the students who communicated their concerns to trusted adults. Their good judgment and responsible actions demonstrate a commitment to support their peers, their teachers and the school. I applaud their strong character in difficult circumstances.
Please remind your child that we take any potential threat to school safety, even rumors, offhand comments and jokes, seriously. The safety of your children and our school is one of our most important responsibilities.
We stand together in the belief that threatening others with violence is completely unacceptable. We also need your continued help:
Speak to your child about the seriousness of such actions.
Remind them that they can be held financially or legally responsible for criminal actions.
A School Resource Officer will be contacted if the conduct elevates to unlawful behavior.
Keep note of your student’s activity on social media.
Remind them if they See Something, Say Something to a trusted adult.
A message about school threats from FCPS and our law enforcement partners can be found here.
We appreciate your support as we continue to work together to ensure our school remains a safe and productive place for learning.
Thank you,
Drew Kibler
Dates to Remember
Sept. 18th: 2024 Pappy Cross Country Middle School Meet
Sept. 19th: 2 hour early dismissal - Mid-Term
Sept. 20th: 3-1/2 hour early dismissal
Sept. 26th: School Picture Day
Nov. 14th: Picture Retake Day
2024 Pappy Cross Country Middle School Meet
UHS Home Football Game Today
Urbana HS is committed to encouraging good sportsmanship while promoting a safe and enjoyable environment.
Please join us in welcoming Governor Thomas Johnson High School today!
Friday, September 13, 6:30pm
UHS Gates will open @5:30pm
Are You a Walker?
Please encourage your child to follow all directions provided by our hard-working crossing guard and to remain on the crosswalks when walking to and returning home from UMS. Safety is always our priority here at UMS.
Bus Stop Changes
Parents and students of Urbana Middle School,
In order to accommodate all student transportation needs, the FCPS transportation department has adjusted routes in the Urbana area. Please check the FCPS website for changes to your student's route. The route that will be affected is U-08.
The website will be updated with new information on Saturday, September 14th.
The route change will go into effect on Monday, September 16th.
Meg Dionne
Transportation Manager
Picture Day
Gentle reminder that Picture Day is scheduled for Thursday, September 26th!
PTSA Membership
Please use this website to learn more about how you can both join and support our UMS PTSA! Go Hawks!
Spirit Wear
Hello UMS Families,
We are excited to be opening the UMS 2024 Fall Online Spiritwear store to support our UMS PTA! You will find some fun new UMS swag designs including car magnets. The spiritwear store will be open until Friday Oct 11th. All orders will be shipped directly to us, and we will email everyone once orders are in with pick up directions. Please email us with any questions. Happy shopping!
SHOPPING LINK: http://tinyurl.com/urbanamiddle
UMS Spirit wear Co-Chairs,
Ashley Sowers (ashleyesowers@gmail.com)
Angie McLeod (angela9317@aol.com)
UMS Clubs
Teachers are starting to organize clubs for this year. As clubs are formed and are ready to start, the information will be posted on the UMS Website under the Parents & Students tab>UMS Clubs 24-25. Please note that most clubs are made possible by UMS teachers and staff volunteering their time after the school day.
UMS Website
If you have not had a chance, please take a look at the UMS website. Some of the helpful information you can find on the site includes:
- the student handbook
-archives of the Tales from the Nest
- health room information
- important contact information for student support
- digital resources
- staff directory
- mail address to report attendance
- links to information on FCPS's website including school cash online, school lunch, schoology,
and more!
Past Tales From the Nest
Looking for a previous version of a Tales From the Nest Newsletter, check out our website under the News tab. You can visit the link directly here.