PL Update Administrator Edition
August 2024
Welcome Back, Campus and District Leaders!
We are pleased to provide you with the PL Monthly Update for August!
The goal of our monthly update IS NOT to overwhelm you with information all at once. Instead, the goal IS TO provide you with a one-stop approach to communication from our office, thus lessening the one-off emails that you must hunt and find! We will use email as the vehicle for reminders, as needed.
Also, although the majority of this month’s update is targeted at campus leaders, there are a few notable bits of information sprinkled throughout intended for district leaders, as well.
As always, we welcome your continued feedback. If you have ideas that we might consider for further refinement of PL Updates, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Wishing you a smooth start to an amazing school year!
Take care,
Glenda, Torine, Tonya, Belinda, and Pat
Information including dates, times, and required audience for 2024-25 Back-to-School Meetings for Leaders can be found here.
A quick visual reference of the 2024-25 Professional Development Days can be found here.
By September 8th
No later than the final day of the first 3 weeks of school and at least 3 weeks before the first observation (informal or formal), the campus principal (or designee) will provide teachers new to the profession and/or new to CFISD are provided with an Orientation to CF-TESS through a blended professional development model. They are guided to complete an online component via My Learning prior to joining the principal (or designee) for a required face-to-face session. The section number is 57274.
Access this shared folder of available materials for the ORIENTATION TO CF-TESS. Materials included are detailed below:
PRO-TIP: A help guide for completing the Verification of Orientation is posted on your CFPGS Homepage under My Appraisal Resources.
By September 8th
The campus principal (or designee) will provide an Annual Review of CF-TESS for ALL teachers (returning and new) no later than the final day of the first three weeks of instruction and at least three weeks before the first observation.
Access this shared folder of available materials for the ANNUAL REVIEW.
Note: The Annual Review slide deck within the shared folder also includes slides for the required TIA update.
PRO-TIP: A help guide for teachers for completing the Verification of Annual Review is posted in CFPGS under My Appraisal Resources.
By the end of the 1st Marking Period
During Phase 1 of the appraisal process, teachers will establish and implement a Personal Professional Goal, as well as a Goal for Student Growth. As a final step in this process, the teacher and appraiser will schedule a face-to-face Goal-Setting Conference to review the Personal Professional Goal as well as the Goal for Student Growth.
Access this shared folder of available training materials for the Goal-setting Process.
PRO-TIP: A help guide for teachers for setting the Goal for Student Growth is posted on your CFPGS Homepage under My Appraisal Resources.
In preparation for the 2024-25 appraisal year, My Appraisal within CFPGS is currently undergoing necessary updates. By the first day of instruction, appraisers and teachers will be able to access appraisal plans in CFPGS.
Stay tuned for additional information and details headed your way in the days to come.
Checklist & Timeline
Access the Appraiser’s Checklist for 2024-25 as it provides at a glance the established process and timeline surrounding CF-TESS.
This document is also posted in CFPGS via Resources for Appraisers.
We’ve set up a few reports in CFPGS that are aimed at helping you work smarter, not harder.
Site Administrators (Principals and DIs) can find these reports by clicking on the REPORTING tab in CFPGS. We’ve enumerated each below:
- Appraisal Entry Report – This report will allow you to review Formal Appraisal entries for all teachers in Domains 2 and 3 with a status of not started, in progress, or completed.
- Credit Conversion Report – If you allow teachers the option to submit Credit Conversion Requests (moving eligible off-contract credits to CTE credits), then this report will provide you with an at-a-glance view of those who have submitted hours.
- Draft Goal from Previous School Year Report – This report will allow you to view a teacher’s Personal Professional Goal (PPG) that was drafted when the teacher prepared for their EOY Conference.
- PD Calendar Year: Total Credits Report – This report will allow you to see, at-a-glance, the total credits by credit type for each teacher. This is a beneficial report as it allows you to view the total number of CTE credits per teacher. It is easy to access.
Principals & DIs,
Thank you for your pivotal role and unwavering support in advancing the district's goal of (eventually) transitioning all paraeducators and non-teaching professionals into the online appraisal system.
The district will continue its pilot for the 2024-25 school year, adding additional groups. The pilot group will include:
- Admin Asst I, Attendance
- Admin Asst I, SPED
- Admin Asst II, Finance MS
- Admin Asst III, Finance HS
- Admin Asst I, HS Counselor
- Registrar, HS
The differentiated areas of responsibility for each role, as defined by the district's HR team, are reflected in Domain 1 of the evaluation instrument for each.
Additional information and details are forthcoming and will be emailed to principals and impacted employees.
The district requires that all employees complete a series of yearly compliance-related courses to educate them on the various health, safety, social, and ethical issues that might arise on the job.
Based on audience, employees complete the following compliance-related courses.
Two Phase Release
Phase 1 courses have been released; the remaining courses are due to be released soon. The staggered release is needed because some courses are undergoing revisions that are not yet complete.
Employees launch each course through My Learning in the Cypress-Fairbanks Professional Growth System (CFPGS). The courses are available 24/7 via the Internet. Employees are pre-registered (with some exceptions) for required courses.
Our office will enroll recently hired individuals in compliance-related courses weekly.
PRO-TIP: A help guide for accessing and completing compliance-related courses is posted on your CFPGS Homepage under Resources for My Learning.
September 25, 2024
We are excited to kick off another year of the district’s Learning Leader Institute (LLI) on September 25 at Berry Center. By way of two mini-conferences (fall and spring), leaders will engage in learning that revolves around timely and relevant themes focused on the needs and challenges faced by today’s leaders.
FIRST Educational Resources and J Casas and Associates will join us for the fall mini-conference. The day will begin with the opening keynote speaker, Baruti Kafele! If you would like to preview breakout session offerings and other details, click here.
Principals, Directors, and Coordinators can involve up to two additional leadership team members based on the mini-conference topics and their needs.
Seating is limited. Registration closes on September 20. Register TODAY for Session #58540!
New APs and DIs
We are excited to kick off the 9th annual CFISD New Administrator Institute. NAI provides an invaluable opportunity for first-year (or new to Cy-Fair) APs, DIs, and Coordinators to engage in practical and relevant learning in a cohort atmosphere. The collaborative experience provides structures for learning together and from each other to gain a deeper understanding of leadership skills and styles. The aim of the institute is to provide real-time soft skills in leadership.
Those who are a part of the intended audience will receive an email soon regarding NAI. In the meantime, you can take a sneak peek at this year’s syllabus.
Fall Sessions Coming Soon
“Often we are so busy with sawing that we forget to sharpen the saw.” -- Stephen Covey
We are SO excited to share with you our newest professional development opportunity to sharpen your saw. We recently developed Brain Bits Virtual Sessions brought to you by Quantum Learning!
Quantum Learning is a proven research-based approach to learning and teaching integrating best educational practices into a unified whole. Participants learn a system to effectively facilitate the learning process and understand theory and implementation by creating an optimal learning environment for students K-12.
Our Brain Bits Virtual Sessions are a series of professional development courses that provide small, digestible chunks to provide learners with relevant content in a virtual setting.
Be on the lookout for Quantum Learning Brain Bits Sessions coming soon!
Four key principles govern a comprehensive induction program: orientation, ongoing support provided through the district's New Teacher Institute, mentoring, and networking. The goal of mentoring and induction programs is the retention and growth of new teachers so that every student succeeds.
Orientation for New Staff
Annually, new teachers are inducted into Cy-Fair's culture during Orientation for New Staff. At the event, new teachers meet key district leaders, participate in a business partner expo, and walk away knowing that they are surrounded by tremendous support.
We set up sections in My Learning for each campus so that teachers receive PD credit for NSO attendance. For each campus-specific session, the DI (at secondary) and the principal/campus secretary (at elementary) are assigned as the instructors. Your assistance with registering your new staff for the section, marking attendance, and issuing credit will ensure that credit is awarded for the day.
New Teacher Institute (NTI)
The day following Orientation for New Staff, a one-day lift-off for New Teacher Institute (NTI) will focus on launch skills essential to a successful start in the classroom. The skills gained speak to a teacher's ability to implement routines, foster responsive classroom management, deliver quality instruction, set clear expectations, and manage instructional time effectively. Bridgeland and Cypress Park High Schools have agreed to serve as the host sites for elementary and secondary teachers, respectively. Our office will award professional development credit for NTI.
Mentoring support is provided to new teachers through the district's mentoring network at the district and campus levels. Lead Mentors at every campus are equipped with proven strategies for mentoring novice teachers as well as preparing campus mentors to meet the needs of novice teachers during the Phases of First Year Teaching. Each new teacher is paired with a mentor and meets on a regular basis while developing relationships that involve trust, open communication, and collaboration.
Mentoring is a partnership created to help support new teachers by providing them with an experienced teacher to confidentially discuss topics and provide guidance. Below are a few suggested items mentors can do/share to support mentees on their campuses:
- Show location of resources (classroom supplies, copy machines, lab materials, and other teacher resources).
- Share first day/week activities – provide guidance on organizing the first day & first week
- Discuss and/or provide samples of course syllabi, grading policies, attendance policies, classroom procedures, and classroom setup
- Establish a scheduled time to meet with your mentee for the first semester
- Make sure your mentee understands the evacuation and emergency procedures
At every campus, Professional Learning Liaisons are specifically chosen to serve in the role based on their knowledge and willingness to help others grow. As the school year begins, PLLs help monitor staff’s progress in completing the beginning of the year Compliance Courses.
In addition, PLLs assist staff with accessing professional development transcripts and records and share information about professional development opportunities.
OCTOBER 1, 2024
Principals, DIs, and District Department Leaders, consider sharing this flyer regarding our upcoming training for Creating Courses in My Learning with any new or additional staff/team members that you wish to designate as Course Requesters (those who will be able to add courses and sections in My Learning) for your campus or department.
Because we know that you continuously seek opportunities to grow others and yourself, we encourage you to explore and share two available resources that are just a couple of clicks away.
- Leadership Development Resources – visit here to find information regarding the district’s Leadership Institute Series
- Graduate Resources – this one-stop-shop provides various graduate programs for those seeking principal certification and/or a M.Ed., Ed.D., or Ph.D.
The professional learning department is committed to providing support, building capacity, and cultivating talent by partnering with departments across the district to provide research-based professional development that can translate into improved student achievement and overall school effectiveness.
The team offers educators a continuum of support services through multiple professional learning opportunities. From new teacher induction and mentoring to the teacher appraisal process, leadership development, and Quantum Learning, the Professional Learning staff strives to provide high-quality, job-embedded professional learning for all stages of professional growth. The essential functions of the department are as follows:
- Cypress-Fairbanks Professional Growth System (CFPGS)
- New Teacher Induction and Mentoring
- Teacher Appraisal Process
- Graduate Cohorts and Resources
- Districtwide Professional Development
Director for Professional Learning
Coordinator for Professional Learning
Professional Learning Specialist
Belinda Sepulveda
Secretary to Director for Professional Learning
Pat Bice
Secretary for Professional Learning