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HMS Connection
![HMS Connection](https://cdn.smore.com/u/56f3/cf7ed800c563908fd574892d5ff53ac2.jpg)
Week of September 16, 2024
HMS News
A Message from Mr. Smith
Handbook Assemblies
This past week all students took part in grade level assemblies to discuss the HMS handbook and related topics. Led by administrators, counselors, and Officer Ramsey, these assemblies are designed to explain and reinforce the norms and routines of daily life at HMS. We also educated our students on the topics of bullying and appropriate social media use. The overall theme of the assembly was that we are all here together and we must take care of each other!
Both the Student Handbook and Code of Discipline can be found on the HMS website, and are linked here please review these documents with your child(ren). You will need to confirm that you and your child(ren) have read and agree to both the HMS Handbook and the Code of Discipline. This can be done as part of the parent workflow. See below:
FAMILY Homework!
Please log into Aspen and complete the Parent Permission Workflow:
Click Family Portal at bottom of page
Click Family Portal Login button
Complete the Parent Permission Workflow in Aspen for EACH child in HPS
Instructions for completing Parent Permission Workflow
Bon Voyage!
On Tuesday, September 17th, there will be an informational meeting for 8th grade French students interested in attending the trip to Quebec City in February. Meet in Room 315 after school to find out more and get the necessary paperwork. You must attend the meeting if you plan to participate, or see Madame Swearingen if you are unable to attend the meeting.
It All Adds Up!
Mr. Tiews' Viking Math classes are working on communication and collaboration in mathematics. They applied their new understanding of exponents to challenging order of operations problems on vertical whiteboards. Groups of students were given just one marker and had to take turns and talk through problems together.
Amazing work!
Go Vikings!
Adventure Club News
The Adventure Club is available to any student at HMS regardless of past attendance on Adventure Club trips. We announce a trip and give spots to the first 30 students who return the permission slip with their cash/check directly to either Mrs. Duncan (room 217) or Mrs. Giordani (room 206).
Students can join our Google Classroom site to learn more about our trips. The code is 3yvxsmu. We also have a website accessible to parents. The website contains information about upcoming trips. You can also subscribe to our mailing list to get notified of upcoming trips.
Check it out here: https://sduncan756.wixsite.com/hms-adventure-club
Our first trip of the year will be to TreeTop Adventures for a ropes course in the trees on September 19th. Permission slip and waiver can be found on Google Classroom and our website.
We look forward to an adventurous year!
Shayna Duncan and Casey Giordani
Adventure Club Advisors
Things are off to a great start for ELA students here at HMS! Last week the author of the One Book, One School selection, A Wish in the Dark, Christina Soontornvat visited HMS to talk about her book and the writing process. In the classroom, students have been working on projects related to their choice books.
Please help us to reduce distractions in the classroom!
Remind your middle-schooler to secure their phone in their
locker, and please refrain from texting them during the school day!
Students should also keep phones away while riding on the bus to and from HMS.
Thank you!
HMS Late Buses
While our after school clubs and activities are not yet up and running, we will begin our Late Bus routes on Monday, September, 9. These buses will run Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. and depart HMS at approximately 3:15 each day.
These bus routes and numbers differ from our 2:00 ones, so please review the information below with your middle schooler prior to their first time taking a Late Bus home, in order to find the bus that will bring them closest to their home.
HMS Activity Fee Reminder
As a reminder, all families are asked to pay the HMS Activity Fee each year. These funds help to defray costs associated with after-school clubs and activities.
You can complete this process by clicking here to find the Unipay site.
Please enter “Hingham School Department” where prompted for "City/Town/Department", select “MS Activity Fee” and complete the required fields.
Should you prefer to pay by check, you can complete the attached form and return it to the HMS office.
This fee is separate from the PTO dues.
If you need assistance with this or any other school related fees, please do not hesitate to reach out to either a school administrator, a school counselor, or any faculty member you feel comfortable with.
Thank you!
HMS Helpful Hints - Daily Notices
Did you know that we post our Daily Notices to the HMS website each day? This is a great way to keep up to date as to what is happening at HMS.
Click here to view them!
Aspen X2 Workflows
Parents/Caregivers must complete the Parent Permission Workflow for each student at the start of the school year to ensure handbook permissions, media releases, and any opt-outs are recorded.
Please update student and contact information using the Contact Verification Workflow, as we will not be sending paper forms this year.
Chromebook Insurance
All HMS students are issued a Chromebook to help support their work both in and out of school. These devices are owned by the Hingham Public Schools, and should be treated with the same care as any other school issued materials.
Students are responsible for any damage that occurs to their device, and therefore, participation in an insurance plan is highly recommended.
Please see the details below regarding enrollment.
Insurance plans are with ITsavvy
Insurance coverage is for 1 year (2024-2025) and the cost is $23 per device.
If insurance was purchased last year it expires on 9/5/2024 and a new plan should be purchased for this year.
Unlimited claims for accidental damage
All claims managed by HMS Technology Coordinator
Uninsured repair costs are: replacement device is $275, lcd replacement $32.95, Keyboard/touchpad $19.95.
Enrollment is open now until September 25th
Go to this link for more details and to make payment: https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/4900/HMS/4739152/HMS_Chromebook_Insurance_Plans__3_.pdf .
Coming Events
Open House
The HMS Open House is planned for the evening of Thursday, September 26th. More details regarding times and programs will follow, but please save the date.
Other Events
- 9/17 Quebec Trip Info Session, 2:00 in room 315
- 9/18 Earl Release, HMS Dismissal at 11:00 AM
- 9/19 Adventure Club Trip, 2:00 SOLD OUT
- 9/26 Back to School Night Parents Only
Community News
Hingham Youth Cross Country - Registration Open!
Registration is now open for the 4th season of the Hingham Youth Cross Country Program.
Please note that the first session is MONDAY 9/9 at 4pm at HHS Track.
Practices will be held Mondays from 4-5pm at the Hingham High School track and are primarily led by current HHS Cross Country athletes.
The program is designed as an introduction to the sport. All 6th-8th graders are welcome regardless of running experience.
Mondays from 4-5pm:
Email Hinghamyouthtrack@gmail.com with any questions.
Makers' Market: A Youth Craft Fair
Date and Time: Saturday, Sep 28 ,11:00 am to 1:00 pm. (Rain date Oct 5)
Location: the Tunnel Cap in Downtown Hingham.
The makers market is an open-air market (no food!) consisting of crafts made by children at home, and sold to the public in Downtown Hingham.The market is organized by a group of parent volunteers.
Link for More Information: @makersmarket02043
Contact Information: Please direct all questions to :makersmarket02043@gmail.com
Link for Registration and Volunteering :Click here to register