Paw Power Press
Butler Elementary School - Volume 8 - December 2024
Butler's Pledge: Be Respectful, Responsible, & Kind
Best Wishes this Holiday Season and Have a Happy New Year!
Important Information
Report Cards to be Available 12/16 on Parent Portal
On December 16 at 1 p.m., the CBSD Parent Portal will open for you to access your child's first trimester report card. The first trimester ended on Wednesday, December 4. To access the report card when the portal opens, please follow the directions available here. A one-page informational document on navigating the portal can be viewed here.
NAESP - Report to Parents: 5 Tips to Set Your Family Up for a Healthy New Year
'Tis the season - not only for the Holidays but for adopting Healthy Habits during germ season! The winter months can be a hard time battling colds and those times for feeling "under the weather." Active hand-washing and making other good choices like conducting exercise and choosing healthy eating can help us maintain healthy habits. In this month's National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) - Report to Parents: 5 Tips to Set Your Family Up for a Healthy New Year, learn about some ideas to help start the New Year healthy!
"As children wind down from the holidays and head back to school in the New Year, take this as a moment to set your family up for a happy and healthy 2025 with some new habits."
To read the entire 1-page article, please click here.
Butler Cell Phone/SMART Watch/Personal Device Policy
At Butler, the use of student cell phone/SMART Watch/personal device usage in school is prohibited. As a reminder, these devices are to be silenced and remain in backpacks during the school day. Should there be a need for communication, that would take place with the support of the school office during the school day. Please be sure to share these expectations with your child as this policy will be enforced by teachers/staff in coordination with District policy.
CB and Butler Handbooks
Additionally, Butler has a Parent/Student Handbook that applies these district policies specific to our school.
Please familiarize to both important documents as we continue throughout the school year.
Student 1:1 Device Assistance
District Messages & Announcements
Winter Is Coming: A Reminder About Procedures in Case of School Schedule Change
With the official first day of winter on Dec. 21, CBSD families are reminded of district procedures should winter weather impact the school day schedule. You can find all related information on this webpage. If school buildings need to close or operate on a modified schedule due to present or pending weather conditions or any other emergency, the district will endeavor to communicate the schedule change to families as soon as possible. Please note that this year, CBSD will be utilizing Flexible Instructional Days (FIDs) should school need to close after the first use of a traditional snow day. You can learn more about the procedures for FIDs here.
Central Bucks 2025-2026 District Calendar
The CBSD instructional calendar for the 2025-26 school year was approved by the Board at its monthly meeting on Dec. 2. View the calendar
Registration Open for 2025-26 School Year!
Congrats to December Lock Screen Winner, Next Round of Submissions Due 12/20
Congrats to Unami 9th grader Caitlyn Lee for winning December round of CBSD's lock screen contest! Her original artwork inspired by the "Resilient Learners" attribute of CBSD's Portrait of a Graduate will be featured on district devices throughout December. Students can now try their hand at being the first winner of 2025 in the next round of the contest, inspired the "Critical Thinkers" attribute. Submissions are due Dec. 20. More details
CB Education Foundation Accepting Applications for Scholarship Up to $50,000/Year
The Central Bucks Education Foundation is proud to offer a needs-based "Holicong Road Scholarship" of up to $50,000 annually to a current senior at CB South, CB East, or CB West who is graduating in June 2025 and plans to attend a 4-year college or university in summer or fall 2025. The scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student with demonstrated financial need who has a strong academic history and is actively involved in school activities or within the community. Applications are being accepted now through Jan. 15, 2025. Learn more and apply.
Kindergarten Schedule for Two New Half-Days in June
As a result of adjustments to the 2024-25 school calendar that added two half-days to the end of the school year (June 11 and June 12), CBSD kindergartners who attend the AM session this school year will have their last day of school on Wednesday, June 11 in the AM and there will be no PM session. Kindergartners who attend the PM session will attend in the AM on Thursday, June 12 and their last day of school will be Friday, June 13 in the AM.
Join the CBSD Team: Various Open Positions Available
School Calendar & Updates
School Calendar
December Continued:
Dec. 16 - Report Cards Published - Parent Portal Online (1:00 PM)
Dec. 17 - Spirit Day - Ugly Holiday Sweater
Dec. 20 - Full Day of School; Spirit Day - Pajama Day
Dec. 20 - String/Band Family Daytime Concert (9:30 AM)
Dec. 20 - Holiday Sing - Students/Staff Only (PM)
Dec. 23-Jan. 1 - Winter Break - No School / Holiday
Jan. 2 - School Resumes (Thursday)
Jan. 9 - Spirit Day - Wear Neon Colors
Jan. 13-17 - Art Goes to School Programs (All Classrooms)
Jan. 13 - Butler PTO Spring Fair Planning Cmmt. - 6:45 PM (Library)
Jan. 16 - 6th Gr. Unami Bridge Concert (Performing Arts Preview) (Students Only)
Jan. 20 - School Holiday - MLK, Jr. Day (Schools Closed)
Jan. 21 - School Assembly (Brain Challenge)
Jan. 27 - General PTO Meeting (ZOOM)
Jan. 28 - Half-Day - Dismissal Begins at 12:25 PM (Staff Development)
Jan. 28 - PTO Jump Night (Gr. 3-6 ONLY) - 5:30-7:30 PM
Butler Winter Holiday Concert 12/20 - In-Person for Families
The Butler Band and Strings are happy to present our Holiday Concert this Friday, December 20th beginning promptly at 9:30am. The performances will include all 5th & 6th Grade strings and the band students. The concert should last (approximately) 30-45 minutes.
Please use this Sign-Up Genius link if parent/grandparents intend to come to the concert so that the main office is aware of who will be attending. Please enter the building through the ATRIUM (Gym) doors for the concert no earlier than 9:15am as to not interfere with buses and the start of the school day. A staff member will be present to greet you at the designated time. (Please Note - Do not arrive between 8:45 - 9:05 AM - Our full-school arrival window.)
The Butler Ball - 2/7/2025 - Save the Date
Session 1: 6:00 PM -7:30 PM
Session 2: 8:00 PM -9:30 PM
This is not a drop-off event!
Register now on My Payments Plus for the Butler Ball. This event is designed to be a special night experience for your Butler Student and their VIP Adult Guest. There will be a DJ and professional photographer to take photos. Admission is $8 per student and includes one special VIP adult guest. Select which session you'd like to attend before registration closes on February 5th at 12:00 AM. Refreshments and snacks will be served.
6th Grade Middle School Orientation - Save the Date - 2/18/2025
Dear 6th Grade Parents - Please join the Middle School Staff at Unami on Tuesday, Feb 18th from 7-9 pm. More details will be shared after the New Year in anticipation of the date. Unami Middle School is excited to host the parents of future 7th graders!
Music Performances (Spring) - Save the Dates
Communication and planning support family-efforts on important school events. See below!
School Happenings
Butler Trimester 1 - Spirit Assembly - 12/4
Butler Elementary was so excited to celebrate the end of our 1st Trimester on December 4th's "half-day". Teachers and staff take the time to develop a fun-filled event that includes dancing, a relay event, a photo slideshow, and the singing of our Butler Song! Our event last Wednesday incorporated fun, winter-themed relay where students and staff rolled a giant "snowball" back and forth in-between the crowd. Thanks to Mrs. Griffin (MC) and the Spirit Assembly Committee for coordinating all the fun! Great job students - keep up the hard work!
5th Grade Carnival - Mrs. Schlotter Pre-Algebra Math
Butler PTO Holiday Shop
Butler VIP Movie Event - 12/8
Thank You! - Butler's The Giving Tree
Butler Elementary Students, Families, and Staff are members of one of the most considerate and giving school communities - especially around the Holiday Season. Throughout November and December, our school sponsors a "Giving" initiative offering support to families in need with gifts and gift cards for their seasonal celebrations. We received an overwhelming response from our entire Simon Butler Elementary community, including the staff of our New Britain Township Police Department! We live and work in a great community!
Around the School
Photographs from around Simon Butler Elementary School!
Student Showcase
Paw Power Winners - 12/6 & 12/13
Simon Butler's students and staff embrace the Butler Pledge, the foundation of our school's positive behavior program. Our Butler Community promises to:
Be Respectful * Be Responsible * Be Kind
This pledge to all Butler Bears upholds our traditional Pillars: B.U.T.L.E.R.
Butler (at its Best!); Understanding; Teamwork; Leadership; Educational Excellence; Respect
Each week, students earn Positive Paw Power Coupons for their good deeds and honorable actions as recognition. Children enter them into our collection bins where names are drawn to earn a special "Breakfast with the Principals".
12/6 Winners: Japer L. (Kdg.), Paxton W. (Gr.1), Victoria J. (Gr.2), Julian P. (Gr.3), Jeremy L. (Gr.4), Juliette P. (Gr.5), Isabelle K-O (Gr.6), Teacher Winner - Mrs. Schlotter (Gr.5)
12/13 Winners: Maddie M. (Kdg.), Arya S. (Gr.1), Sawyer W. (Gr.2), Ajabde S. (Gr.3), Jackson C. (Gr.4), Kayla N. (Gr.5), Junhwi K. (Gr.6), Teacher Winner - Mrs. Habel (Kdg.)
Mrs. Schlotter - 12/6
Mrs. Habel - 12/13
Individual student winners choose a special activity from the "Choice Board" - where they identify a special event in which they will participate.
From the Butler PTO
The Butler PTO Newsletter
Butler PTO - Family Directory Listings
Each year, The Butler PTO compiles a voluntary Family Directory. This Family Directory is password protected and used only by and for Butler families for personal connection. Teachers are not able to share student contact information, so this is a great resource to get in touch with other parents, plan play dates, etc. The more participation, the easier for all to make connections. This is a voluntary action on the part of our families - so please choose to enter your personal contact information - link below.
Please enter your information here for each of your Butler Bears. We are asking for this to be completed by
District Details
Central Bucks School District
Superintendent: Steven Yanni, Ed. D.
Assistant Superintendent-Secondary: Charles Malone, Ed. D.
Assistant Superintendent-Elementary: Nadine Garvin, Ed. D.
Website: cbsd.org
Location: 20 Welden Drive, Doylestown, PA, USA
Phone: 267-893-2000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbschools/
Twitter: @CBSDSchools
Simon Butler Elementary School
Principal: Karl Funseth
Principal's Secretary: Peggy Bernabei
Assistant Principal: Lauren Dowd
Assistant Principal's Secretary: Michele Droxler
Website: https://www.cbsd.org/butler
Location: 200 Brittany Drive, Chalfont, PA, USA
Phone: 267-894-4250
Twitter: @CBButlerElem