AHS March Updates
March 3rd, 2025
Important Information
End of 9 week period. -- March 7th. Then only 1 9 week period left till summer.
Report cards will be mailed out on the 13th and 14th.
Honor Roll/Amazing Tiger Recognition will take place on Thursday April 3rd during lunch.
Senior vs Teacher Basketball buy out will be held on March 19th. We will have a special schedule in the morning. In the afternoon we will have a buy out to the special assembly. This is an NHS fundraiser and is $1. We will showcase the AHS Colorguard before the game and our AHS Cheer over half time.
Junior Leadership Camp-- Do you have a Junior who you feel would benefit from a free week long leadership camp in the Manzano Mountains? See the flyers below about how to apply.
Yearbook ordering -- Order link and info for the 2025 Eye of the Tiger
You can use the link below to order the 2025 Eye of the Tiger Yearbook. The deadline to order is March 21. Remember that if you are a senior and your parents are running a senior ad, the ad purchase comes with one yearbook. If you have any questions, email Scotty Williams, AHS Yearbook Adviser, at scotty.williams@alamogordoschools.org
Spring testing -- April 2nd & 9th are testing days for Juniors. These are for state mandated graduation exams. Freshman, sophomores and seniors will work remotely on the 2nd, but all in person on the 9th.
Juniors need to be on time to avoid missing the start of the test. Once we have started the test, they may not enter the class and start. Signing students out in the middle of these test can result in an irregularity and the test being thrown out and they would need to come back as a senior and re-take. So if at all possible, please do not schedule appointments on these days.
Prom/Attendance -- Prom is around the corner, April 12th. Students wanting to buy tickets to prom need to be sure their truancy rate is 15% or lower. Students wanting to bring a guest from outside Alamogordo High School can pick up guest forms anytime and get that process out of the way to be ready to buy tickets.
Final Exams -- Before you know it Final Exam time will be here. Students will test may 19-21. The 22nd is a make up day and the 23rd is graduation.
Herff Jones -- If you have not ordered graduation caps and gowns, be sure to go to herffjones.com asap and get those ordered. Please see Adeline Derenzy email about how to find the cap and gown on the website.
Spring testing -- April 2nd & 9th -- If you student is graduating early or moved here this year, they will need to participate in Spring Junior testing which is mandatory for Graduation. If your child is in need of this, Mrs. Wood will be in contact with them.
FEES -- Be checking with the Bookstore if you owe fees. Many students have fees from prior years. You will not receive a physical diploma if fees are still on your account at graduation.
Spring Break -- March 24- 28
National Honor Society Induction -- April 2nd
Prom -- April 12th
Senior Meeting -- April 23rd -- 9:30 am, Tiger Pit
Scholarship Night -- May 1, 6:00 pm AHS Cafeteria
- If your child has received a scholarship from a college or organization, please let Mrs. Christina Estrada know so we can honor them at our Scholarship Night
Golden Scholar Night -- May 8, 6:00 pm AHS Cafeteria
- Golden Scholar Night is when we honor our students who have kept a GPA of 3.75 or higher.
Senior Finals -- May 15 & 16
Graduation Practice -- May 21nd
Formal Graduation Practice -- May 22
- This is when parents can come and take pictures on the field of your graduate.
Graduation -- May 23, 7pm, AHS Stadium
We are excited to invite you to PURPLE UP and to join us for our Month of the Military Child Color-Run event on April 5, 2025, at 10:00 AM! This is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate and support our military-connected students.
Event Details:
Start: Holloman Middle School (HMS) End: HAFB Youth Center’s MOMC Backyard Bash!
Check-in: 9:30 AM @ HMS gym side yard
Costumes Welcome!
Important Information:
Base access and registration are required for participation.
Parking is available at the Base Chapel & Theatre.
HMS Campus Entry: via Arizona Ave.
We’d love to have our community join us in making this a memorable event for our military children! Please let us know if you have any questions or need assistance with registration.
Looking forward to seeing everyone in their best Purple Up spirit!