Springmill STEM Family Newsletter

Principal's Message
Hello STEM Families!
Well we survived the cold. By Friday, the kids (and teachers) needed some fresh air, so we sent them outside for recess for a short time. Most of the kids loved it! But several were underdressed - students with Crocs complained that their feet are cold. We will go outside if at all possible, the kids need fresh air and to move around. If they want to wear Crocs, make sure they bring a pair with them that they can wear outside.
Students are working hard leading up to the break. By then, students should have mastered half of their grade level skills - you will be able to see this on their report card in January. If students don't master their grade level skills, and they go on to the next grade, they will be starting behind. We are really focused on making sure ALL students reach mastery.
Don't forget, we have a 2 hour delay tomorrow, 12/9! Have a great weekend.
Cara Will
Building Principal
Springmill STEM Elementary
Dress-up Themes for this Week
Upcoming Events
Monday December 9
STEM Only 2 Hour Delay
Tuesday December 17
6:00pm Winter Choir Concert for 3rd-6th Grade
Mansfield High School Auditorium (students be there at 5:30 please)
Friday December 20
Last day of 2nd Quarter
What's happening at STEM?
3rd Grade Making Mud Desserts!
Mrs. Cramer's class has been learning about the properties of soil and rocks. They have learned about types of soil, layers of soil, and how rocks and soil change.
6th Grade Planned Thanksgiving!
6th Grade planned everything about their thanksgiving dinner - including the menu and the cost. When they ran into some logistic issues, they learned how to tackle the problem and be flexible and creative to solve it.