Westwood Intermediate/Middle School

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August 21, 2024 - NEWSLETTER
Westwood Families,
The new school year is almost here! This week, we welcome new staff. See a list of new staff and their roles in the Need to Know section of today’s newsletter. All staff will be back in the building next week, and we look forward to seeing you at our open house next Tuesday, August 27:
- 3-5 p.m. for grades 5-6
- 5-7 p.m. for grades 7-8
Thursday, August 29,:
- 3-4 p.m.for sensory-friendly relaxed environment for center-based students
You may be seeing and hearing about local school districts limiting student cell phone use during the school day following guidance provided from the 2023 Minnesota Legislature. At Westwood, we will be limiting personal device use this school year to foster a more positive and uninterrupted learning environment.
For the 2024-2025 school year, there is no use of personal devices - cell phones, earbuds , etc. – during the academic day from the first bell to the last bell. Students are encouraged not to bring cell phones or other personal electronic devices to school. The school is not responsible for the loss or theft of personal devices. If students choose to bring personal devices to school, they must remain in their locker during the school day. At Westwood Intermediate and Middle School:
- Grades 5 and 6 lockers are shared, in the classroom and unlocked. Grades 5 and 6 pod classrooms lockers are in the hallway, shared, and locked.
- Grades 7 and 8 lockers are assigned to individuals and locked during the school day.
Exceptions will be made based on 504 plans and accommodations for medical and or health care plans.
We have experienced how social media activity outside of the school day can make its way into our school experience and negatively impact our learning community. These steps will foster a more positive and uninterrupted learning environment and help counteract recent research indicating the impacts of excessive cell phone use (See Surgeon General Advisory).
We also understand cell phones are often used for communication between parents and students. In the case of an emergency or urgent matter, parents and guardians are always welcome to use the school's main phone number (763-600-5300) to relay messages to their student(s). Our office staff will deliver any important messages.
Teachers will review classroom expectations during the first week of school, including the use of personal devices. If a student is found using a cell phone during the academic day, the phone may be collected by a staff member. You can find a description of our practices in the school handbook (page 14).
If you have any questions about personal device use, please contact us. We appreciate the support of our Westwood families in making a safe, productive and engaging year of learning.
I hope to see you next week!
Tom Larson
Welcome Westwood New Staff for the 24-25 School Year!
- Kari Bumgardner - Paraprofessional
- Tricia Carlsen - Paraprofessional
- Sonia Cotta Vaquero - Spanish Immersion, 5th grade
- Rodrigo De Miguel Iglesias - Foreign Language
- Stephanie Drow - Counselor for Personalized Learning (H-O)
- Jaide Ehalt Teacher - 6th grade
- Evah Engel Teacher - Band/Music
- Nate Engh Stein - Counselor for Student Services, 6th Grade
- Luis Estrada - 6C
- Tyler Fox - Counselor for Personalized Learning, Grades 5 and 6
- Victoria Holmquist Teacher - 6th grade
- Michelle Jessup Academic Specialist
- Elizabeth Ketz Special Education Teacher - ASD
- Sarah Larson Special Education Teacher - ASD
- Lindsay Leet - Science Teacher
- Jenna Lowe Contractor - Teacher of the Blind and Visually Impaired
- Janell Momsen - Counselor for Student Services, 5th Grade
- Lillian Poe - Academic Specialist
- Angela Rosen Teacher - 5th grade
- Marissa Rudquist - Academic Specialist
- Sol Salas Payano - Spanish Immersion, 5th grade
- Allie Taylor - Counselor for Student Services, 8th Grade
- Padra Vang Teacher - 5th grade
- Zachary Wasson - Science Teacher
Back to School hub
If you haven't done so already, make sure you check out the Back to School hub to find important information and resources as you prepare for the year and answers to your frequently asked questions to help you stay on top of your back-to-school to do list.
Hub highlights:
- School Supply Lists
- Meet and Greet dates and times
- How to prepare your iPad for the new school year
- How to update your contact information to ensure you receive communication throughout the school year
- and more!
Health office updates for back to school
- School medications: You are welcome and encouraged to bring in any necessary medications for your student to keep at school during next week's Meet and Greet. Our health office will be available to answer questions during this event. If you would like to drop off medications outside of Meet and Greet, please set up a time with our nurses at 763-600-5304.
- Immunizations and vaccines: Now is the time to make sure your child is up to date on all recommended immunizations. Getting vaccinated is an important tool to keep our students safe and healthy while they are in school. See our website for more immunization information.
- Peanut/nut aware classrooms: Spring Lake Park Schools continues to implement peanut and nut-aware practices to protect students with severe allergies. Parents are asked to avoid sending snacks containing nuts or nut products and to ensure all snacks are pre-packaged for safety checks. This effort aims to create a safe environment for all students. Learn more on our Health Services webpage.
- Communicate illnesses: Please continue to update the school nurse if your child tests positive for a communicable illness such as flu, RSV (Respiratory Syncitial Virus), or COVID-19. The nurse will provide information on return to school. Please keep your child home if they are sick.
- Communication home: Our school nurse will call home in case of serious illness or injury, or if consultation with a parent/guardian is needed. Many times, students can return to class after a brief rest or treatment from the nurse.
For 5th grade families: iPad replacement at Meet and Greet on Aug. 27
As a reminder, our 5th grade students will be receiving new school-issued iPads. We will be exchanging student iPads during the Westwood Intermediate and Middle School's Meet and Greet event on Tuesday, August 27, 3-5 p.m.
To get your student's new iPad, bring the current school-owned iPad, case, charger, and cord to Meet and Greet. If any data is needed off the current iPad prior to the replacement, please review the backup instructions. If you cannot make the Meet and Greet, iPad replacement will be available once school starts.
- Tuesday, August 27 - Meet & Greet
- 3-5 p.m. - grades 5 and 6
- 5-7 p.m. - grades 7 and 8
- Thursday, August 29 - Meet & Greet
- 3-4 p.m.for sensory-friendly relaxed environment for center-based students
Tuesday, September 3 - First Day of School: for grades K-8 and Lighthouse students, orientation for grade 9 students and grades 10-12 students new to the high school
- Wednesday, September 4 - First Day of School: for returning grades 10-12 students who are not new to the high school
- Saturday, September 14 - "Start your Engines" Community Event, Spring Lake Park High School, 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
- Monday, September 16 - Fundraiser kick-off
- Thursday, September 19
- Curriculum Night
- Picture Day
- Friday, September 20 - PTO Family Night
- September 23-27 - Homecoming Week
- Friday, September 27 - Homecoming Football Game, Panther Stadium, 7 p.m.
- Monday, September 30 - PTO Meeting at 6 p.m., Westwood Den
- Wednesday, October 2 - Live on 65: After Hours Big Band – Buy tickets
Preparing to Welcome Students!
Our custodial staff have been working diligently to get Westwood ready for our students and staff. Thank you - custodial staff - for all your hard work over the summer in getting our building clean and ready for the 24-25 school year!
A big welcome to new staff!
This week is filled with energy after bringing new staff together for a welcome event where staff got to know each another and learn more in depth about our mission and values. We are #SLPPantherProud!
Get Ready to "Start Your Engines"
The 3rd Annual "Start Your Engines" Big Trucks, Food Trucks & Automobiles event is Saturday, September 14 from 11 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. at Spring Lake Park High School.
This family/community event will feature a variety of exhibits with engines – think big trucks, automobiles, and recreational vehicles. Lunch from the food trucks will be available for purchase. The event is free to attend, and no registration is required - just show up!
Featured Food Trucks:
- Pigs Unlimited
- Turkey King
- 9 Yum Yum
- Eastern Star
Other event features:
- Panther Store Pop-Up Sale
- We are accepting bike donations for Bikes4Kids
- There will be a booth that showcases all of our Community Education fall offerings for youth, families, and adults. Make sure to stop by and sign up!
Fall programs available for all!
The start of a new school year brings new and exciting fall Community Education programming options for the entire family! As we kick off the new year, now is the perfect time to explore interests, discover passions, learn a new skill and connect with others within our Panther community. Registration is officially open. Browse and register for a variety of enrichment and learning youth, adult and family opportunities.
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