The Titan Times: Week 11
The River Place Elementary (RPE) Campus Newsletter
In this Edition:
- Message from the Principal
- Mark Your Calendars, October Highlights, and Links to District and Lunch Calendars
- Growing a Titan Mindset and Connection Every Day!
- Leander ISD Opportunities & Upcoming Election Information: Leander ISD Props A & B
- Counselor's Connection Info & Message
- Ways to Stay Engaged & Volunteer for Upcoming Events
Titan Families,
We hope you were able to come out to our Fall Fest on Friday hosted by our PTA! It was a joy to engage with our Titan families to launch the weekend. Many thanks to our volunteers of time and resources to make the event possible. It's your service minded heart and spirit that make joyful events like that one happen!
This week our Titans are participating in Red Ribbon Week. Red Ribbon Week is a week dedicated to a reminder that everyday Americans across the country make significant daily contributions to their communities by being the best they can be because they live Drug-Free. We kicked off this week at Titan Time last week, and students will engage in lessons throughout the week during Run Club and announcements to learn more. Tonight is our first ever elementary school night at Monroe Stadium! Tickets went on sale this morning, and we hope to see our Titans out there cheering on Four Points MS as they take on Canyon Ridge MS. Our campuses will be highlighted before the game starts at about 5:45 PM. We hope to see tons of Titans there!
Please be sure to look ahead at the dates in this newsletter to support your family calendars and planning for various upcoming events on campus and in the community. It's pretty amazing to think that we are already looking at November! Let's make it a week full of striving and thriving in our community. Please feel free to reach out if you wish to connect, collaborate, and/or celebrate. Together, we are better!
Thank you,
Dr. Amy Sharp
Proud RPE Principal
Mark Your Calendars
October: Persons with Disabilities History and Awareness Month/ National Principal Month
- 24th- 28th Red Ribbon Week. (See flyer)
- 25th- Elementary Night Football Game: FPMS v. CRMS @ 6 PM (See flyer)
- 29th Lazers Special Olympics Pancake Breakfast (See flyer)
- 31st 5th Grade Performance for Parents 8 AM (link to RSVP); Students do NOT dress up
- 31st- November 4 Instructional Coach Appreciation Week
November: Lung Cancer Awareness Month/ National Native American Month
- 2nd: Spelling Bee (See Info) & K-5 Wild Flower Stomp (See Info)
- 3rd: Father of Texas Day, Memory of Stephen F. Austin
- 3rd-4th Vandegrift Theatre Company Musical: The Descendants (See Info)
- 6th: Community Track Clean Up Day (Sign Up Here)
- 7th- 11th Maintenance Appreciation Week/ LSSP Appreciation Week
- 8th: Election Day/ No School for Students
- 9th: PTA General Meeting at 6 PM at RPE Cafeteria
- 10th: Grades 3-5 Fall Planting in the Garden (See Info)
- 11th: Veterans Day: Second Grade Performance (Info Coming)
- 14th-18th Assistant Principal Appreciation Week
- 15-17th: Scholastic Book Fair (Info Coming)
- 15th: Thanksgiving Feast at RPE (See Info Below)
- 21-25th: Fall Break- No school for staff and students
- 29th: Fall Picture Make Up Day
Monday, October 31st
We are not having students dress up on Monday, October 31st for Halloween, and as a reminder, there are not any classroom parties occurring that day. Please read the information below that was shared earlier this year.
Please be aware of the following policies in place regarding parties and deliveries noted in the Leander ISD Student Handbook:
There will be two (2) official school parties per year for each class to be determined by the individual campus. RPE's two official school parties are the winter party and end of year party held at the grade level's discretion of date and time.(pg. 48)
A student’s classmates will recognize him/her on his/her birthday and make the student feel special. Because learning is our most important job, we will not take time out from our class time to share balloons or other party favors on birthdays.(pg. 48) At RPE, we will celebrate students at Titan Time monthly and potentially through teacher classroom recognition. If families wish to celebrate a birthday, we encourage Titan Families to bring in a non food item. Some examples of non-food items are but are not limited to: pencils, pencil erasers, donating a book to the classroom with your child's name on it to the classroom library, and other school appropriate trinkets.
Out of respect and concern for others, invitations to private parties may not be distributed at school unless distributed to the entire class.(pg. 48)
Parents may provide food for their own child’s consumption, but they may not provide food items for other children. (pg. 48)
Students are not allowed to have food delivered to school from commercial establishments. (pg. 49)
If you have any questions, please let Dr. Amy Sharp know.
Fall Garden Events
Our first fall events are right around the corner and we need your help! The annual Wildflower Stomp will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 2 and fall planting for grades 3-5 will take place on Thursday, Nov. 10. If you're able, please sign up for an open time slot, or feel free to join us for any time you have available - the more the merrier!
Spelling Bee Information
Leander ISD: School of Choice Option Still Offered
Report Cards in Home Access Center Info
If you are a new family your login should be your email and your temporary password should be Riverplace1
If you are unable to log in, please email Megan Smith at
Include the following information: Your child's name, DOB, your name and email address.
Once in Home Access Center:
Click on the Grades Tab
Select Report Cards
Note: It is easiest to view report cards in the print preview screen
IF you have more than one student, you toggle between the two in the top right hand corner.
If you have questions about your Titan(s) and their progress, please reach out to their classroom teacher(s).
Car Rider Arrival & Dismissal Reminders
Car Rider Arrival
- Please remember that the street in front of our school becomes ONE WAY during arrival (7:05 - 8:00am) & dismissal times (2:20-3:00pm).
- During this time the traffic in front of our school on Sitio Del Rio Blvd should flow one way ONLY--traffic entering from River Place Blvd. and driving towards FM 2222.
- If parking in the parking lot in front of our school for drop off or pick up during these times, you should follow the flow of traffic, making a LEFT turn as you exit the parking area.
Car Rider Dismissal
In order to speed up the line and distance students more effectively, we have a 2-lane pick-up system.
- Kinder - 2nd (and families who have a K-2 student and a 3-5 student)- Enter car rider via River Place Blvd & stay in the left lane. These children will be picked up under the awning like they currently are. If they have a sibling in an older grade, the older sibling will also get picked up here. After pick up, they will turn left like always, and exit out the back of the school. A teacher will be posted to help you merge.
- 3rd - 5th- Enter car rider via Sitio Del Rio stay & stay in the right lane. Your students will be picked up on the field side of the blacktop (passenger side of the car). You will then continue straight and exit out the back of the school.
- Teachers will be placed along the route directing and helping merge as well.
If you have any questions, please call our offices. Thank you!
Proposition A & B Elections
The ballot for this November’s elections will include two Leander ISD propositions.
Proposition A is an Attendance Credit Election. Due to an increase in local property values, the state is removing about $31.2 million from our district through a mechanism that is often called Robin Hood. If LISD voters approve Proposition A, the district will make its required recapture payment to the state. If Proposition A fails, the state could remove dollars from our schools by forcing some taxpayers to start paying taxes to a different district instead of LISD.
Proposition B is a Voter-Approval Tax Rate Election. By approving Proposition B, voters would ratify the tax rate set by the LISD Board of Trustees and generate an additional $32 million for academics in LISD, including teacher pay and the continuity of programs.
For much more information about these propositions, please visit
Counselor Connection
C2 Shirts Update
We are expecting to have our C2 t-shirts ready to distribute on Thursday, October 26th. For each family who placed an order, those shirts will be delivered to their teacher's classrooms for them to take home. If there is a delay in the printing or a schedule modification parents will be notified. We do not oversee the ordering processes, so if a family is interested in making a late order that has to be directly organized through Big Frog T-shirt Company and is not done by RPE.
Join PTA & Volunteer at RPE
Run/ Read Club: Volunteers Needed
What is River Place Run/Read Club:
- A morning walk or jog is a great way to start the day and a healthy habit to form. Encourage your kids by volunteering for this event!
- It is also a great way to see your kids interact with friends in their grade level.
- We need parent support to keep this program going strong. Your words of encouragement as they run laps go a long way to encourage the students.
- Students will either run around the track and earn prizes, OR they may read silently to self in the gym.
- Volunteers and teachers will help set up the tables, help students get their badges, log laps run, motivate kids, give out rewards for laps run, and collect badges and take down tables when Run Club is finished.
- After Run Club, at 7:50, Mr. Grace will pick up the students and take them to the cafeteria. Students who have not had breakfast yet will do so then.
Time: 7:10-7:50
Place: Check in at the front receptionist desk and then head to the MPR (Multi-Purpose Room across from the cafeteria)
Questions: please contact/text Tracey Schalscha at 602-558-0248
YOU MUST BE A REGISTERED LISD VOLUNTEER. Read below this Monday Memo for more info on how to register. Watch for the "Click Here for LISD Volunteer Registration" button.
Run or Read Club Schedule:
(May dates may change due to STAAR testing)
River Place Elementary Titan Community
Here are our Titan Community Communication Tools-
- River Place Elementary School Website
- Twitter Account
- PTA Facebook Page
- Remind App for River Place Insiders
Location: 6500 Sitio Del Rio Blvd, Austin, TX 78730, USA
Phone: 512-570-6911
Twitter: @RiverPlaceTitan