Eastview Update
September 13th, 2024
Medication Drop Off
Over the counter medications:
· Unopened box/container of medication
· Over the counter medication forms signed by parent
· Dosage must meet requirements on container: Age & Dose appropriate
Prescription medication: Daily medications and/or controlled substances
**Must be dropped off when a nurse is in the building, see below for schedule**
· Prescription medication such as daily medication and/or controlled substance, must be received by the building nurse
· Parent must stay and tablets will be accounted for with nurse
· Prescription medication forms must be signed by physician and parent
· Must be in a pharmacy labeled container
Building drop off hours:
Eastview: 9:45-3:00
Westview: 9:45-3:00
Erieview: 9-2
Redwood: 9-2
Troy: 8:30-10 and 11-12
Learwood: 8-1
High School: 8-1
Early Release Day-September 25
This is just a reminder that the district will have an early release day on Wednesday, September 25. Students will start their day at the normal time but will be dismissed from the elementary buildings at noon that day. Dismissal will be the same procedures that we always use, just at noon, instead of 3:20 pm.
All students will eat their lunches in their classrooms on Early Release Day. Lunch will start at 11:25 am and end at 11:50 am. Students will have an opportunity to pack or buy their lunches just like normal. There will be no extras offered on the early release day. If your child wants to buy that day, there will only be one lunch option for the day.
The lunch option for that day will be:
Salsa cup
Apple slices
Cheese Cup
Message from the Office
Sign- Out
To ensure the safety and security of our students at Eastview Elementary we ask that if you are picking your child up early from school, you bring your identification card to the office when signing your child out. Our office staff will ask you to identify yourself and hold your ID card up to the window for verification. This will help us ensure you are a safe adult for one of our children. While we understand this procedure can be frustrating, especially if you have to go back to your car for your identification, we are doing this to keep everyone safe and secure. Thank you in advance for cooperating with this very important procedure.
Tardy Sign-in & Dropping Off Items
To promote safety, we will be limiting guests entering our Main Office areas. Therefore, parents needing to drop off items at the school will be doing so within the double door vestibule areas, where a table will be set up to leave the marked item(s) example: lunchbox. This table will also have a sign-in area if your child were to arrive late due to a given reason. Guests can always push the buzzer to ask questions with the office personnel.
Reporting Procedure for Absence
When students are absent, parents/guardians are requested to call the Attendance Line (440) 930-8294 before 9:00 am on the day of the absence. The following information must be provided when reporting an absence. (Email should not be used to report student absences)
· Student name
· Date of absence
· Teacher’s name
· Reason for absence
Students who arrive tardy to school are to report directly to the office with a parent or adult. No student should go to class without reporting to the office first. Parents are asked to send a signed note with the child upon return from an absence. The attendance line is available 24 hours a day (440) 930-8294
Issue 15 and Issue 16 Bond and Levy Facts Page on District Website
The Avon Lake City Schools encourages you to visit the Levy Facts Page on our district website and look to our Facebook page for notifications regarding new updates. Issue 15, the district’s bond issue, and Issue 16, the operating levy, are on this November’s ballot, and a great deal of information is posted under the News Section. We encourage you to not only visit this page to learn more but to also share the resources with everyone seeking the information necessary to make good decisions this November. Thank you for taking advantage of this opportunity.
Style Guide for Use of Avon Lake Branding Assets
A Style Guide and Branding Summary has now been posted to the Avon Lake City Schools website. These guidelines are presented as the formal and legal framework by which individuals and organizations should inquire about using the district’s visual, written, and graphic assets. If you are part of an organization that intends to use one of the brand elements from the Avon Lake City Schools, you are also asked to fill out a dynamic application online with the Superintendent’s Office, that will be responded to promptly. A final form for usage requests that are approved is also posted online. The Avon Lake City Schools family works hard to uphold the integrity of its brand, and asks all potential users to do the same, in order to support our district. Thank you very much!
PTA Update
Homecoming Spirit Week and Parade: Monday kicks off Homecoming Week, so let’s have some fun with Spirit Week! We encourage students to participate to whatever extent they are comfortable (and please remember to keep all outfits school appropriate). No need to go out and buy costumes/outfits - have your kids get creative and use what they have to make it their own creation!
Monday 9/16 - pajama day
Tuesday 9/17 - tropical day
Wednesday 9/18 - crazy socks day
Thursday 9/19 - favorite movie character day
Friday 9/20 - Avon Lake spirit wear day
Saturday 9/21 - Homecoming Parade! Please join us to ride or walk with the Eastview float. Meet at the high school north parking lot at 10:15am. Our theme is Willy Wonka, so we encourage students to dress to represent their favorite Wonka character or candy (themed colors or Avon Lake gear is great too!).
Join PTA: If you have not yet had a chance, please join us! https://eastview.givebacks.com/store
Upcoming Events:
9/16-20 - Spirit Week
9/21 - Homecoming Parade
9/26 - Early Release
10/3 - Marco’s Pizza Night (Box Night K-2)
10/5 - Mumkins Fundraiser Delivery
10/9- Evening Conferences
10/10 - No School, Conferences
10/11 - No School, NEOEA Day
PTA Questions? Please reach out to Jessica Springer at jessica.springer1231@gmail.com