The Westgate Wire
Friday, January 29, 2021
A Word from Mrs. Buch and Mr. Walton
It has been a busy week at Westgate! Below are a few important pieces of information:
- Huge THANK YOU to the parents who helped to clean snow off the cars of staff members on Tuesday. It was so nice to go outside after school and see such an act of kindness!
- Please be sure to social distance and wear a mask when on school property. This applies to being outside when dropping off/picking up as well.
- We are working to improve our arrival and dismissal procedures. Look for more information about your child's specific grade-level on Monday.
We wish you a healthy and happy weekend!
~Ann and Scott
In-Person Learning
Westgate could not be happier to have many students back! For families that have selected in-person learning, it is extremely important that your child attends in person each day unless they are sick or need to quarantine. This helps us to continue to provide the highest level of instruction we know students need. This means rebuilding those morning routines to have them here and ready to learn. Families that wish to change to remote learning should reach out to Mrs. Buch or Mr. Walton.
Scholastic Book Fair-This year's book fair will be online between January 21 and February 3rd. Please see the flyer below for details.
Picture Day Information
WESTGATE Picture Day will be held in the LMC this year on Feb 1st, 2nd & 3rd
- Monday, Feb 1st - Remote students ONLY
TIME: 7:30a.m-1:00p.m.
Signup for a 5 min spot
- Tuesday, Feb 2nd & Wednesday, Feb 3rd- (In-Person students will take photos with their classroom )
TIME: 9:00-2:30 - in 30 min slots
Teachers will inform you of the day and time of your child's photo.
- Picture Re-Takes will be held on Friday, March 12th.
No forms will be given out at the photoshoot – all will be pre-paid and online ordering will take place. Visit: Online Order Code: 56886X
Inter-State Photography is having difficulty with its website. Pictures can be ordered up to 72 hours after Picture Day.
Free Course for Parents on Parenting During Unprecedented Times
District 25's Department of Student Learning teamed up with NSSEO, to plan a FREE 10-week "From Stress to Resilience: Parenting During Unprecedented Times" course for District 25 parents and caregivers. The course begins February 4th, and the content mirrors that of the 10-week District 25 staff course that began two weeks ago.
- Registration is open through February 3, 2021 at 1:00 pm.
- Click here to learn more and to register.
Open Job Postings in D25
I want to share this link with you that has all of our open positions throughout the district.
Some positions that we are actively looking to fill:
- Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent for Student Learning - OPEN IMMEDIATELY
- Guest Teacher - OPEN IMMEDIATELY
- Classroom/Lunchroom/Playground Supervisor - OPEN IMMEDIATELY MULTIPLE BUILDINGS (**Need to be 18)
- And many more! Spread the word!
Erin's Law Presentations
Erin's Law presentations are beginning again here at Westgate. Your child's teacher will inform you of the date of your child's presentation.
Erin’s Law, or Illinois Public Act 097-1147, requires public schools to provide child sexual abuse prevention education for children in prekindergarten through twelfth grades. District 25 began providing instruction in compliance with Erin’s Law during the 2015-16 school year. Age-appropriate instruction helps students recognize unsafe situations, keep themselves safe, and understand how to respond to unsafe situations. School social workers work with each grade level to provide age-appropriate information on topics such as safe versus unsafe touching, the touching rule, secrets, and reporting.
The following link includes more information, including presentations and opt-out forms.
Pictures from the Week!
Important Upcoming Dates
1/21-2/3- Virtual Book Fair
2/1-2/3- School Pictures
2/11-2/12- Parent/ Teachers Conferences
3/12-Report Cards
3/22-3/26- No School- Spring Break
4/2- No School
4/19-SIP Day- No School
5/28-SIP Day-No School
5/31-Memorial Day- No School