In The Laidlaw Loop
Family Update- October 2, 2024
Today's Fall Fitness Fundraiser was an absolute blast. Our students had a ball getting some energy out while raising money for a great cause. Thanks to your incredible efforts, our PTO has raised over $6,000 to purchase two, new round lunch tables for our students. These tables are a fan favorite in the lunch room and we are grateful for your support. A huge shoutout to our PTO volunteers for organizing such a FUN Friday.
Additionally, our students want to send a huge THANK YOU to our PTO for purchasing new recorders and ukuleles for them to use in music class. They are PUMPED to get started. :-).
Halloween Festivities 2024
We look forward to our Halloween Festivities on October 31. Here are all the details for: costumes, parade, and parties.
*2023-24* 3rd Grade Mural
Our 2023-24, 3rd grade mural is UP. Great work to our current 4th graders are painting this beautiful artwork. It is now displayed on our 2nd floor hallway.
Care/Conflict Student Presentations
Over the past few weeks, I've spent time in each of the 1st-5th grade classrooms defining conflict--specifically, the distinction between rude, mean and bullying behavior. I also briefly overviewed strategies for dealing with conflict and how we can take care of ourselves and one another within our Laidlaw learning community. As part of our time together, I read the students One by Kathryn Otoshi and we discussed how the main character worked to resolve a conflict with another character in the story. Ask your student about our time together!
Student Climate Survey
Next week, (October 7-11), all students in 1st - 5th grades across the district will take our Fall Climate Survey; 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders will take the survey at home with your guidance, and 4th-5th graders will take it at school. The survey helps us gauge and measure what matters most to us -- our students' wellbeing and thoughts/feelings about school.
Parents of 1st-3rd graders, please watch for more information regarding the survey on Monday, October 7. Thank you for taking the time to sit with your child to complete this important survey!
Informational Village Meeting
A small group comprising former Village Trustees and Board members is conducting an informational meeting regarding our village’s caucus system of government at McClure Junior High on Tuesday, October 8th at 7:00 p.m.
The sole purpose is to acquaint residents regarding this type of one-party government structure whose primary purpose is to attract and endorse volunteers for various positions to ensure our governing system operates without political posturing. All residents of 18 years of age or older are, in fact, members of the caucus and eligible to vote for such positions as Village President, Village Trustees, Village Clerk as well as positions on both the Library and Park Boards.
According to presenters of the meeting, the challenge for the past several years has been to connect with residents, particularly those who have moved here during the past 10-15 years and likely have little or no idea what the caucus is and how it operates. Attendees will leave with an understanding as to how the system works to keep our village government strong and efficient. The meeting will last for only a half hour or so.
Right At School Opportunities
If you would like more information about the Right At School before and after care program, please see the included flyer or visit their website at https://rightatschool.com/.
2024-25 School Calendar
Please find the 2024-25 calendar HERE
Upcoming Dates
Thursday, October 10th: Bus Evacuation Drill
Thursday, October 10th: Author Visit for 1st-3rd Grades
Friday, October 11th: No school for students; teacher Inservice Day
Monday, October 14th: No School
Monday, October 21: Board of Education Meeting (6:15PM)
Tuesday, October 22nd: Fall Intruder Drill (9:30AM)
Wednesday, October 23rd: Late Arrival; students arrive at 10AM
Thursday, October 31: Halloween Parade and class Halloween Parties
Elementary School Handbook
This summer, the administrative team spent considerable time updating the Elementary School Handbook. Please do spend some time reviewing some of the important information regarding attendance, academics, behavior/discipline, technology, etc. The handbook can be found via the link above.
Community Happenings
Western Springs Foundation for Educational Excellence (WSFEE) kicked off this week and excited for the 24-25 school year. WSFEE is an all-volunteer non profit organization made up of parents from all four of our District 101 schools. We raise funds through special events and solicitations in the community and allocate those funds to support grants submitted by teachers, administrators, parents, and students. We are always looking for opportunities to support that extend and enhance the quality and depth of education, and provide students with unique learning opportunities. Have questions about us? Have an idea for a grant? Visit www.wsfee.org or follow WSFEE on Instagram (@wsfee_d101)!
Laidlaw PTO Information
Thanks to everyone who supported our Art Appreciation Supply Night efforts!
We got so many things prepped for the year and couldn’t have done it without you!
As mentioned, below are the SignupGenius links to volunteer to teach. They will be shared with the rest of the Laidlaw community tomorrow, but we would like to share them with all the cutters, gluers, tracers, and counters who made the program happen first. Please sign up right away!
Thank you so much!
We appreciate the time and energy you give to this program!
First Grade:
Second Grade:
Third Grade:
Fourth Grade:
Fifth Grade:
Kim, Sharon, and Christy
Upcoming Dates:
Friday, October 4th - Last Day Charleston Wrap Orders Due
Friday, October 18th - PTO Meeting (Conference Room), 12:45pm
Thursday, October 31st - Halloween Parade & Classroom Parties, 2:15-3:15pm