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Cambridge Elementary
January 1, 2025
Important Dates
Jan 6 School Resumes
Jan 9 SAC Meeting 3:15 Media Center- all parents are invited
Jan 16 report cards go home
Jan 16 and 17 Success Celebrations (see below for times)
Jan 20 No School
Jan 22 Class Picture Day (wear uniforms)
Mid Year Review
If your student is working Below Grade Level and/or, has excessive absences, s/he may receive a Mid Year Review letter. This letter will is to let you know that your student may be retained at the end of the year. The good news is this is only a POSSIBILITY at this time. We have the whole second semester, as a team- school, student, family- to work together to support your child. But it takes the team. Your child needs your support to be successful.
Thank you!
Success Celebrations
Your child's teacher will let you know if your child will receive an award at our 2nd Quarter Success Celebrations. Please be sure you come 15 min early in order to show your ID and check in at the office.
Jan 16 Success Celebrations
8:20 Kindergarten
8:40 1st grade
9:00 2nd grade
9:20 3rd grade
Jan 17 Success Celebrations
8:20 4th grade
8:45 5th grade
9:15 6th grade
Welcome Ms. Chapman
We hired an additional 4th grade teacher! Ms. Chapman will begin working with students on Jan 6. She is currently out of field for ESOL, but will have the cerification when she graduates with her Masters Degree later this year.
Cambridge Students Support Community
Ms. Hardwick has a club that looks for opportunities to actively participate in the community. In Dec our students collected cans of food for homeless members of our community. Our students collected over 1,000 cans! #CambridgeCares
One of our areas to work on is fluency- the rate of words read correctly in a minute. We need YOU to help your child increase their fluency by listening to them read, encouraging them to read EVERY night.
When we read fluently, we can understand what we are reading.
Teachers will be sending home passages with students to practice each night. This should take LESS than 5 minutes. Each night your child's prosody (expression) should improve as well as the rate as which they read (fluency)
You child should be able to tell you how many words they can read correctly in a minute NOW and what the target is for the end of the year.
Cambridge has been desigated a 2024 Purple Star School of Distinction
We celebrate our military families!
Arrival and Dismissal
Students may arrive starting at 7:30. There is no supervision before that time.
Dismissal- if you need to make a change to your child's way home, we must have a handwritten note from the parent. We cannot take transportation changes over the phone or email. This is for your child's safety.
If you are walking up to the bike rack to meet your child or walking to the office to check a child out, please use our sidewalks as we have cars, daycare vans and school bus all moving out the gate. Your safety is important to us.
New Worlds Reading=Free Books and Activitites
VPK-grade 5 students who are not yet reading on grade level can apply to receive free books and reading activities each month during the school year. Students can choose books that match their interest. Books are available in English and Spanish. Visit https://www.newworldsreading.com/en/ to see eligibility requirements. It takes 5 minutes to apply!
Family Huddle
Huddle up with your kids and ask: What allows you to feel successful? What support do you need from your family.
When your K-5 child completes a Lexia level (reading), they receive a certificate. At the bottom of the certificate you will see a section called AT HOME. This gives you some ideas of how to practice and support your child.
School/District Report Cards Parent Notification
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), requires that a Local Educational Agency prepare and disseminate an annual Local Educational Agency report card and provide information on state, local, and school performance and progress in an understandable and uniform format.
District and School grades provide an easily understandable way to measure the performance of a school. Parents and the public can use the grades and their components to understand how well each district and/or school is serving its students. District and school grades for the 2022-2023 school year serve as an Informational Baseline using the new assessment cut scores.
Use the links provided below to view either the 2023-2024 Brevard School District Report Card or Cambridge's School Report Card. If you would like a printed copy or need translation assistance, please notify the front office.
Cambridge’s Report Card Link: Cambridge Elementary Magnet School Report Card (fldoe.org)
District Report Card Link: https://edudata.fldoe.org/ReportCards/Schools.html?school=0000&district=05
We are a UNIFORM school. Students wear a plain red, black or white tshirt (no writing or logos) and black, khaki, or blue jean shorts, pants, skorts. Students may also wear shirts with the Cambridge logo embroidered or printed on them. LEGGINGS may NOT be worn as pants, but MAY be worn under pants, dresses, shorts. Crocs, slides, flip flops, and sandals without a back are not part of our uniform or the BPS elementary dress code. Please have your child wear tennis shoes as they have recess and PE.
School Improvement Plan
The Brevard County School Board approved Cambridge’s School Improvement Plan which also serves as our Title I plan. Please take a minute to review our school’s plan under the "About Us" section of the school website. We also have the plan in our Title I notebook in the front office. Copies of this document will be made available upon request and if you would like the document translated please contact the front office.