BV Schools Monthly
Last week of November Edition - Buena Vista School District
December 12, 2022
5:00 pm
How are our BV Schools Students Doing?
7 C - Curiosity
District Priority 3 - Optimism
Family Share Questions/Ideas to the District
BV Schools and What’s in the News
The media and politicians are focusing much attention on public education these days. We celebrate the collective commitment to the education and wellbeing of our youth. It is a worthy dialogue for us all to engage. Unfortunately, not all that is highlighted in the news is the reality of your local schools. We welcome, invite, and encourage our families and community to contribute to the goodness of BV Schools. Our local school board is available to link to the community, the BV PEAKS (Partners Engaged Around Kids’ Success) meets regularly to exchange information about the schools, there are monthly meetings and this Monthly. Each month, we will begin sharing information about topics in public education and provide some perspective on what is happening in your local BV Schools.
The second topic is: Are Teachers Indoctrinating Students with Personal Beliefs?
Topic from Last Month: Third Graders are Not Reading and The Science of Reading
Click the button above to read more.
SAVE the DATE #1 - December 14th 6:00-7:00 pm Performance Flex - Special Event: High School Family/Student Extra Curricular Night
We have a special guest and presentation for all students and families involved in school activities. You will not want to miss this inspiring and important evening event. Even in this busy season, we encourage everyone to reserve this one hour for unforgettable evening together.
SAVE the DATE #2 - January 12th - 4:00 pm - Bennetts Industrial Arts Building Dedication
The Board of Education is pleased to announce the dedication of the newly renovated Industrial Arts Building in honor of long time teacher and friend to many - Mr. Doug Bennetts. The Building was recently renovated with funding from an emergency BEST grant and federal ESSR dollars assigned to support improved ventilation due to the public health emergency. The district will host a dedication ceremony on January 12th at 4:00 pm at the Industrial Arts Building - all are welcome!
BVHS Principal Search
Mrs. Liz Barnaby has been serving as the interim principal of BVHS this year. Many thanks for her brilliant, caring, positive leadership from the beginning of this year. Because of her leadership and the amazing staff and students that make up BVHS, it has been a remarkable semester. The process to recommend the next principal of BVHS is underway. A committee of staff and families is currently reviewing applications, will screen candidates this week with input from students as needed, with the goal of making a recommendation to the Board by December 12.
Property Updates
Old Gym and District Office - Watershed, LLC has purchased the old gym near the District office that was slated to be demolished due to its deteriorating condition. With the innovation and tenacity of our remarkable community partners, Katy Welter and Rick Bieterman, the old gym was sold and will be re-purchased by the district in a lease to own agreement after a renovation of the gym is complete. The gym will be utilized by our elementary school, for practices, and for our community. It is a beautiful restoration of a building while our community and school continues to change and grow.
Two separate buyers for the Archway property, across from the district office, did not successfully close on their offers to the district. The District Master Plan included the sale of this asset with the purpose of contributing to a remodel/expansion of our preschool. This is needed to alleviate crowding at the elementary school and for anticipated growth at the preschool. It is unfortunate these buyers were not able to fulfill their contracts. The Board will be meeting over next weeks to consider next step strategies to accomplish the ongoing needs.
Student Centered Accountability Program (S-CAP)
BV Schools values transparency and using multiple measures to ensure our system continuously improves for student success. Because of this commitment, the District is a member of S-CAP, a group of 18 other rural districts who expand accountability using a body of evidence. It also includes annual site visits during which reviewers observe classrooms, analyze our documents and student data, and conduct focus group interviews with families, staff, and students. Using all of this data, the reviewers leave ratings for our school district and analysis that is then used for district improvement purposes. BV Schools had their review on October 12 and 13. Leadership is currently reviewing results and will have these available to public with identified areas of strength and areas to grow. To view the S-CAP Accountability site for BV Schools that includes student results, ratings/information from previous reviews, and the District Priority Actions see go to our S-CAP website at: Join us on December 12 at 5:00 pm for the Monthly Family Meeting to learn more. Zoom link above.
Math Program Evaluation
Each year, the district reviews at least one program area. This year, mathematics will be evaluated. As part of this evaluation, the committee studies feedback from families, staff, and students. We appreciate families responding to this math program evaluation survey so we can continue to improve our teaching and learning of mathematics. Please complete a separate survey for each of your students. It takes about 3-5 minutes.
Social Media, Website and App
Another way we are trying to spread BV SCHOOLS Proud! is through social media and our live feed on our app/website. See below to download the app! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. @bvschoolsthepeak
Download our Mobile App
Buena Vista School District
Location: 113 North Court Street, Buena Vista, CO, USA
Phone: 719-395-7000