Fernan STEM Academy Weekly Update
Week of 9/18-9/22
No goals are too high where falcons fly. We’re brilliant, kind and strong!
Upcoming Events
9/18-Cross Country Continues
9/18-9/29-Curtis Orthodontics Smile Raffle
9/28-Cross Country Meet at Fernan, 7:30-8:45 am
9/29-Student Advisory Group Application Due (see below)
10/4-Picture Day
10/5-District Cross Country Meet at Fairgrounds, 4:30-6:30
10/6-No School: K-12 Staff Flex Day
10/26-Spooky STEM Night
10/28-PTA sponsored FREE Trunk or Treat, 10am-11:30am
Attendance Matters!
It's time to celebrate! Fernan had 95.4% attendance rate these first two weeks of school. Thank you to our Fernan families for making school a priority, and sharing your children with us!
One of the most important things your child can do to reach the goal of success is also one of the most basic: attend school every day on time! Let us know if you need any help or resources.
PTA SMILE RAFFLE BEGINS (9/18-9/29)--Packets going home today!
Win a free set of braces from Curtis Orthodontics!
- Tickets are $10!
- 100% of the proceeds go back to Fernan!
- The class that sells the most wins a party!
- Any ticket purchased credits the buyer $10 towards orthodontic treatment (if used within 60 days)!
- Donations to the PTA accepted!
- More info about our SMILE Raffle
We are looking for donations!
- Construction Paper, any colors
- Snacks
Please send items with your child to school, or drop off in the office.
Mon, school begins at 9:55
Tues-Fri, school begins at 8:55
Lunch Times:
Life Skills: 11:10-11:30
Kindergarten: 11:10-11:30
4th Grade: 11:25-11:40
5th Grade: 11:40-11:55
1st Grade: 11:50-12:05
2nd Grade: 12:05-12:20
2/3 & 3rd Grade: 12:20-12:35
Kinder dismissal, 3:25
1st-5th dismissal, 3:30
Click on 'We'd Love Your Input!' button below to give feedback on your child's first week/s!
Character Traits for September and October: Initiative and Grit
Dear Parents and Families!
We're so excited about our new school year here at Fernan! It's great to see all the bright smiles back on campus. Our character traits for September/October are Initiative and Grit! These traits will be taught in the classrooms and reinforced in the classrooms. Initiative is the ability to assess and start things independently, also taking charge before others do. Grit is courage and strength of character, and perseverance in what we do. Please talk about these traits at home with your children! In addition to our character traits, our Sources of Strength (SOS) curriculum for the month will be on the topic of Physical Health. I will discuss and teach this important topic in the classrooms during counselor lesson time.
Have a fantastic day!
Mr. Kendra
School counselor
Pet Policy--Please keep dogs home
Please let us know if your child is in need of supplies, a backpack, or other items to help make the beginning of the year successful.
Free and Reduced Applications Required for Participation in the National School Breakfast and Lunch Programs
Families in Idaho can now view the 2023-2024 income guidelines and apply for free and reduced-price meals for the upcoming school year. Free and reduced-price meals are available for eligible students. Eligibility is determined by household size and income, and categorically eligible students qualify automatically for free meal benefits. Qualifying students receive meals or milk free of charge, or may pay a reduced price of no more than 40 cents for lunch and 30 cents for breakfast. Families interested in viewing the income guidelines or learning more about notifications of eligibility can do so at the button below.
View Income Guidelines & Learn More
Complete and submit an application for free or reduced-price breakfast and lunch.
- Reduced-price meals are 30 cents for breakfast, 40 cents for lunch. Families qualify based on their household income. See if you qualify and apply now at https://cdaschoolsnutrition.com
Begin your application now. Select THIS LINK
Student Advisory Group (SAG)
Do you think your child is interested in getting involved in the Student Advisory Group? He/she can ask his/her teacher for an application and recommendation.
SAG Representatives’ Responsibilities Discuss issues that students and/or administrators believe warrant attention and affect students directly; Represent the views of the student body to the complete Student Advisory Group; Accurately communicate factual Board activities and information to the student body, without bias or agenda of the individual student; and Abide by all applicable sections of the Board Members’ Code of Ethics Attend all SAG meetings and bring all needed materials as will be instructed by the adviser.
Bus Registration for 2023-24
Parents/guardians must register your student(s) for bus transportation to and from school as well as transportation to school activities, sports, and after-school programs in your Skyward account under the SD271 Transportation Acknowledgement tab. Click here to access the transportation website.
Your student’s bus route, stop location, and pick-up/drop-off times are not the same as they were last year.
Contact the transportation office at (208) 667-3451 with any questions.
LUNCH UPDATE! We are unable to heat up lunches for children (such as Hot Pockets and soup). Thank you!
Fernan LOVES volunteers!
The Cd'A School District is Hiring! Fernan is hiring a Behavior Support Assistant!
Fernan's Motto, Vision and Mission Statement
Motto: No goals are too high where falcons fly. We’re brilliant, kind and strong!
Vision: Our Fernan Falcons empower one another to be problem solvers who ask, imagine, plan, create and grow.Mission: We build the future by inspiring, engaging, and empowering students to become critical thinkers and problem solvers who work collaboratively to improve the world around them.
Fernan STEM Academy
Website: https://www.cdaschools.org/Fernan
Location: 520 North 21st Street, Coeur d'Alene, ID, USA
Phone: (208) 664-2659
Facebook: facebook.com/FernanSTEMAcademy