Empresa Weekly Newsletter
August 18, 2023

January 31, 2025
We want your feedback- Empresa 24-25 Needs Assessment Survey
At Empresa, our goal is to create the best elementary school for your children. Therefore, your feedback is important to us as we aim to reach this goal. Please help us by completing this brief survey. Action steps will be created as a result of responses to ensure Empresa continues to be an amazing place of learning for everyone. Please respond by Sunday, February 9th.
EPAF After School Classes- Session 3 Registration- Last Chance!
Session 3 classes will close today at 8 PM!
We won't be accepting additional waitlist applications for the General Choir class for Grades K and 1st. Be sure to check our website for other class availability. Questions: classes@empresarocks.com.
Daughter Date Knight is Almost Here- Buy your Tickets!
Ready Set Glow is in one more week!
Click HERE to order tickets. or scan the QR Code. Although this event is being held offsite, this will be an Empresa only event! Tickes are $15 each or $30 per couple.
California State Guidelines - Grade 3-5 Bathrooms
This week our school district maintenance department installed menstrual product dispensers in our Grade 3-5 upper grade student bathrooms. In accordance with Assembly Bill 230 (click HERE), starting in the 2024-25 school year, all schools serving students in Grades 3-12 are to provide free menstrual products, free of cost, in restrooms used by students in Grades 3, 4, and 5.
Empresa's School Beautifcation Club - TK, K, 1st grade
Want to help make Empresa more beautiful?
Each month, different grade levels will participate in various school beautification activities.
In February, TK, Kindergarten, and 1st graders will paint rocks for Empresa’s rock garden.
Use the QR code or THIS LINK to sign up by Friday, 2/7. A permission slip will be sent home next week.
Empresa’s School Beautification Club is led by Mrs. Ventimiglia and Mrs. Breen.
Be Present, BE POWERFUL!
Our attendance efforts are part of a national attendance campaign called, “Be Present, Be Powerful!” This campaign sends the message that showing up matters! Empresa’s hope is to nurture a culture of engagement and attendance at school by responding to absences with care and support, not blame. Building trusting relationships that promote belonging is critical for improving student attendance. Although we are creating a cognizance around attendance and barriers that may lead to absences we also understand that kids get sick and that there are legitimate reasons why your child may be staying home. As a reminder, please keep your child home if they have one or more of these symptoms:
Nausea and vomiting
Cough and difficulty breathing
Chicken Pox
Join Empresa's Running Club
Empresa’s 2025 Running Club season begins Thursday, February 20th! Click HERE for more information.
- Running club is open to all 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders who love running OR want to learn to be a better runner.
- Run only ~ Wednesdays 7:30am to 8:00am (Ms. Scott)
- Runner workout and Run ~ Thursdays 2:18 - 3:30pm (Ms. Hoyo)
You may run Wednesdays, Thursdays or both.
parents complete this link
Celebrate National School Counseling Week
Please join us in expressing how grateful we are for our school counselor, Florence Park, our school psychologist, Chelsey Cannock, who is on maternity leave, and our school psychologist Lauren Shores who is covering for Mrs. Cannock while she is out . Thank you for your passion and dedication to our Empresa Knights!
Empresa Dine Out Knight
Join us February 11th at Panera on Hacienda Dr from 4-11 OR online all day using code FUND4U. 20% of all sales will go to support our music program!
Friday Flag This Week!
Oops, no video this week due to technical difficulties.
Sign up an email to receive Empresa's Weekly Newsletter
Do you have someone who would also like to recieve a copy of our Empresa Weekly Newsletter. Sign up HERE
Empresa Elementary
Website: https://www.emp.vistausd.org/
Location: 4850 Avenida Empresa, Oceanside, CA 92056, USA
Phone: (760) 940-8454