Fox Ridge Family Newsletter
December 13, 2024
Please do not reply to this email or any sent from our mass communication system. These are noreply products. A few families have attempted to email me using this email or replying to this email, but fortunately they also included their teachers so it was received and we noticed the noreply email which was intended for the principal. The correct email is michelle.woodring@d303.org.
Upcoming Dates
NO Student Council Meeting-12/16!
Fox Ridge Spirit Week- Monday 12/16-Friday, 12/20
Merry Monday 12/16- Cozy Flannel Day
Monday, December 16 -Second Grade Meet and Greet with Ms. Brusven
Monday, December 16-from 5-8 p.m. - Portillo's PTO Restaurant Fundraiser
Cany Cane Tuesday 12/17- Wear Red & White Day
Tuesday, 12/17- 5th Grade Band Winter Concert NCAC 7pm
Holi-Bling-Day Wednesday 12/18-Wear your Favorite Holiday Accessory Day!
Tacky Sweater Thursday 12/19-Cute or Tacky Holiday Sweater Day
Finale Friday 12/20- Pajama Day!
Friday, December 20 from 2:30-3:15 p.m. - Classroom Winter Parties
Saturday, December 21 at 5:59 p.m. - Deadline for Staff Holiday Gifts via GiftCrowd
Fox Ridge Vision
At Fox Ridge, each student will achieve grade level standards in literacy, math and social emotional and behavioral skills.
Principally Speaking
This upcoming week we have a lot of special events. We have our spirit week highlighted above, our 5th grade band concert, our townhall on Wednesday and Friday we will have our school sing and classroom parties. Unfortunately our school sing cannot accomodate parents/families but the students and staff will celebrate through holiday song before the classroom parties.
Orchestra Students Spreading Holiday Cheer
Student Council Food Drive
One School One Book
Our Fox Ridge One Book One School selection committee is made up of both PTO members and staff/teachers and we have come up with a list of 3 choices for consideration for this year's OBOS initiative that will take place in the late winter. We want your help in selecting the final book! Here is what we are asking from you. By Wednesday, December 18th, please look and/or research these three books and check mark the book that you think would be best or check mark that you like all three. Based on your thoughts, we will announce the winning book shortly after the 18th! Thank you in advance for your input!
District 303 Inclement Weather Procedures
Ver la página web sobre Inclemencias Meteorológicas
The following information is being provided as a reminder of District 303's attendance procedures and how information may be recorded and shared with a student's family throughout the school year.
Donations Needed for Paws
As part of our school wide behavior incentives, individual students earn Golden Paws from teachers for meeting our behavior expectations of being respectful, responsible and safe. The Paws are entered into a raffle drawing that takes place on Fridays during lunch time. Students are recognized by their peers and are able to select a small prize. If you have items you would like to donate (stickers, croc charms, pokemon cards, etc), please send them in to Mrs. Patty Griffith, our Student Support Interventionist.
--District 303 Partners With GPS Parent Series
District 303 is proud to partner with the Glenbard Parent Series (GPS) to offer our families broader access to information sessions and resources that support their child’s development.
For decades, GPS has been offering free programs that aim to empower and strengthen families, individuals and communities. As a partner organization, District 303 will support promoting upcoming programs and their importance to our local community.
Health Office News
Please remember to send a weather appropriate change of clothes to school with your student.
Also, we need donations of gently used GIRLS Pants, shirts and underwear.
If your student is diagnosed with an illness or infection, please notify the health office. We are tracking our students' health closely to watch for any trends in the classrooms. This includes, but not limited to, respiratory illnesses, COVID, Flu, Pink Eye, and Strep. We appreciate any information you give us regarding your student in the event they are ill.
Please remind your student to cover their coughs and sneezes and wash their hands often.
The CDC recommends that people with strep throat stay home from work, school, or daycare until they meet the following criteria:
- They are no longer feverish
- They have been taking antibiotics for at least 12–24 hours
People with strep throat should also:
- Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or sleeve
- Wash hands frequently
- Wash cups, utensils, and other items that have been touched by an infected person
CDC 2024
Christina Marello, Building RN, 331-228-2404, christina.marello@d303.org.
Portillo's Restaurant Fundraiser
Staff Holiday Gifts via GiftCrowd
We recognize how busy the holidays are for families. Let us help make that season a little less hectic by offering an easy way to check teacher gifts off your list. Visit our GiftCrowd page to donate to a specific staff member's fund. On Saturday, December 21 at 6 p.m., staff will receive an email with instructions on how to use their funds to purchase gift cards of their choosing. It's a win-win situation: staff get what they really want, and you don't have to leave your couch!
Staff Favorites List
Consider using this list to help select holiday gifts for our wonderful staff. Don't see the person you're looking for? Let us know at PTOFoxRidge@gmail.com.
Chess Club Volunteers Needed
We are gauging parents' interest in volunteering for Chess Club, which will run on Fridays after school from early January until Spring Break. If you are interested, please contact Arian Otto at ottoarian@yahoo.com. We will provide additional club details once we've collected volunteer interest and determined how many students we can accommodate. Thank you in advance!