The Friday Flyer
Boone Meadow Elementary
First Week of School!
"We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm, and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open."
It's been a fantastic first week of school. We are looking forward to many more.
Enjoy your weekend.
Tom Hundley, Principal
Picture Day - Thursday, August 16th
This is the day we take photos for our yearbook, and Cripe Photography will also make your child's photos available for purchase.
Earlier this week, your child should have brought home a picture day order form. Please send it back to school on Thursday, August 16th. All checks should be made payable to Cripe Photography.
If you choose to order on-line, feel free to do so on or before 11:59pm on 8/19/18. The website to order on-line is: http://order.cripephoto.com/option-boone-meadow
Upcoming Events & Important Info
August 13 - NWEA testing window opens
August 15 - Cub Scouts Registration Night in BME Cafe (6:00)
August 16 - Picture Day
August 23 - Curriculum Night (See info below)
August 30-31 - 4th Grade to Camp Tecumseh
September 25 - Jog-A-Thon
October 3rd (afternoon) & 4th (afternoon/evening) - Student Conferences
Back to School Curriculum Night: Thursday, August 23rd
Kindergarten: 5:30 - 6:00 PM
Grade 1: 6:00 - 6:30 PM
Grade 2: 6:30 - 7:00 PM
Grade 3: 7:00 - 7:30 PM
Grade 4: 7:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Curriculum Night, Aug. 23rd 5:30-8:00
Boone Meadow Curriculum Night, 5:30 – 8 pm
Thursday Evening, August 23rd
During this event, each classroom teacher will present a half hour session to parents/guardians highlighting the curriculum, events, and expectations for the year ahead. Each grade level has a designated time, indicated in the calendar below. You will also be able to visit informational booths from various district and community organizations, as well as, our related arts team.
Please note: Childcare is not provided.
5:30-6:00 Kindergarten
6:00-6:30 1st Grade
6:30-7:00 2nd Grade
7:00-7:30 3rd Grade
7:30-8:00 4th Grade
Many Thanks...
Deb Roach - Thank you for maintaining the flowers in front of the building throughout the summer. You do such a wonderful job of keeping us looking good.
Kindergarten Parents & New Families - Thank you for trusting us with your children in this space that is new to you and new to your child. Drop off procedures and new environments and faces can be intimidating. You make our community better by being a part of it, and we are thankful you are here!
Bus Drivers - Thank you for safely transporting our children to school each day. ZCS has over 125 bus routes that serves over 5000 students. Your work is noticed with gratitude.
Our Grounds and Facilities Teams - I do not know how you keep all the hot water flowing, mow all the lawns, and maintain millions of square feet of learning space. Your small, yet mighty, team goes above and beyond.
American Association of Dermatology & PTO - Thank you for the new shade structure on our campus. The students and staff all love having it here for protection and relief from the sun on these hot sunny days.
"Officer Bob" Anderson
We have another new face on campus this year. We are honored and excited to have "Officer Bob" Anderson join Team Meadow this school year.
“Officer Bob” (as he is known by the students and staff) comes to us from Boone County Sherriff’s Department. His engaging personality, coupled with his 28 years of law enforcement experience, position for a wonderful partnership ahead.
When you see him at our events or during his daily service, please be sure to welcome this truly fine man to our Boone Meadow community.
Thank you, Officer Bob, for your commitment to keeping our children safe.
Car Rider Map & Info
Arrival/Dismissal Car Rider Procedures
Buses provide an excellent transportation option which results in efficiency for arrival and dismissal on our school campus. However, families always have the option to bring their children in cars, or they may walk or bike with their child to the building during fair weather days. We will have crossing guards available unless weather is inclement.
However, if you are planning to bring your child to school by car, please adhere to the following procedures. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Car Riders:
- All car arrivals should enter the Boone Meadow campus via Eagle Church entrance/access road.
- When approaching BME lot at end of access road, Kindergarten-4th grade vehicles should form line in right lane. Signage will designate lanes.
- Preschool lane forms on the left.
- Wait for staff to motion you forward to begin drop off process.
- 1st-4th grade drop off begins at 7:50; Preschool drop off begins at 8:05; Kindergarten drop off begins at 8:50.
- All drop offs should occur at curb, unless a situation necessitates otherwise. Additional foot traffic at crosswalk delays arrival.
- Students must exit on curb side of vehicle.
Car Riders:
- Please enter campus via Eagle Church access road as noted in arrival procedures above.
- Form lines (K-4th in right lane, and Preschool on left lane)
- Display name of student in front window (rear view mirror area) to assist with flow of students.
- Wait for staff to motion you forward.
Please note: We anticipate a large volume of personal vehicles during arrival and dismissal. Your patience is greatly appreciated as we fine-tune logistics during the first couple of weeks to ensure children are in their proper location.
School Lunch
School Lunch Prices for 2018-2019 School Year
Elementary school lunch prices for the 2018-2019 school year are $2.50. Secondary lunch prices are $2.70. Select premium high school meals are $3.00, and adult lunches are priced on an a la carte basis.
Volunteers and Visitor Background Checks
We value partnerships with our families and welcome parents and guardians to serve as volunteers in our schools. Each ZCS building offers a wide variety of volunteer opportunities.
Examples include:
- Field Trip Chaperones
- Out of Town/Overnight Chaperones
- Tutors
- Volunteer Coaches
- Classroom Helpers (PTO parties/room parents)
- Library Helpers
- After Prom Workers
- Field Day/Jog-A-Thon Volunteers
- Book Fair Sales/Athletic Ticket Sales
During the school day, all volunteers are expected to sign in at the front office. Prior to the volunteer opportunity, all volunteers must sign a Non-disclosure Acknowledgement Form and have successfully completed a Full Criminal History Background Check. Necessary background check paperwork is available on the ZCS website at the Volunteers/BRAVO link and should be submitted at least 10 days prior to the intended volunteer date. Volunteers must also view the state mandated confidentiality/bullying video, provided on the Volunteer/BRAVO website. The volunteer will pay the fee* for the full background check which will expire after 5 years. The link to apply for the full background check can be accessed on the Volunteers/BRAVO link on the ZCS main webpage. For more information, contact the Volunteer/BRAVO Coordinator.
During the school day, all visitors must enter via the front door and sign-in at the front office. Visitors need to be prepared to present a government issued photo ID which will be scanned against the National Sex Offender Registry. All visitors will be issued a visitor badge/tag to be worn inside the building at all times.
Examples Include:
- Lunch Guests
- Classroom Guest Speakers
- Classroom Special Events (Grandparent Day/Famous Hoosiers/etc.)
- Parent/Teacher Conferences
We ask that all visitors schedule an appointment to meet with teachers, counselors, administrators and all other staff members so that we may best serve everyone. Visitors other than parents/guardians must be prearranged and organized through the main office.
*ZCS thanks all volunteers for generous support of our youth and schools. Thank you, too, for supporting assurance of student and staff safety by completing and paying for a volunteer background check.
Contact Us
Email: thundley@zcs.k12.in.us
Website: http://www.zcs.k12.in.us/bme/
Location: 5555 S Main St, Whitestown, IN, United States
Phone: 3178732226
Twitter: @ZCSBoone_Meadow