Davis Elementary E-news
Important Updates
Pure Imagination: A Golden Ticket Thank You!
Dear Davis Families,
What a scrumdiddlyumptious evening we had at our Family Learning Night! Just like Charlie Bucket unwrapping his golden ticket, we were thrilled to see so many excited faces enter our very own chocolate factory of learning and fun.
The evening was truly filled with pure imagination as students:
Selected their very own books to take home
Gathered around for storytelling adventures
Engaged in wonderful games that stretched their minds
Channeled their inner Willy Wonka in our inventing room while creating candy carriers
Learned the Oompa Loompa dance
The beautiful performances from our choirs and orchestra added a magical soundtrack to our evening that even the glass elevator couldn't have elevated higher.
This spectacular celebration marked the perfect conclusion to our One Book One School journey through "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." Like Willy Wonka himself, our staff is already dreaming up next year's literary adventure with the same enthusiasm that Mr. Wonka reserves for his newest candy creations.
As Willy Wonka said, "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams." Thank you for joining us in making these dreams a reality for our Davis community.
With gratitude sweeter than a Wonka Bar,
The Davis Elementary Staff
IAR (3rd-5th grade) Assessments
Next week your child will be taking the English Language Arts portion Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR). This is a state requirement for 3-8th grade students. Students will be taking the assessment on Tuesday and Wednesday beginning promptly at 9:15. We ask that you refrain from picking your student up from school during times we are testing. If you do need to pull your student out of school during our testing session, please let us know (either myself or the office) in advance.
In order for your student to do his/her personal best , please make sure that he/she:
Gets a good night’s sleep
Eats breakfast
Arrives to school on time
Brings chromebook fully charged to school
Thank you for your continued support,
Gina Shaw, Principal
🎵🎵 Third Grade Music Program 🎵🎵
- Who: Third Grade Students from 3GK, 3MS, 3TS
What: Third Grade Music Performance
When: Thursday, March 20, 2025 @ 6:00 pm
Where: Davis School Gymnasium
Why: We will share our music class learning with you!
Students should wear anything they feel special wearing.
Families should arrive at 5:50 p.m.
Students go to their classrooms.
Families go to the gym (bring your student’s coat with you).
The program will be 25-30 minutes long.
Contact Mrs. Therrien or your child’s classroom teacher with any questions: Andrea.Therrien@d303.org
🧑🏻🤝🧑🏻 👭 Fabulous Friends !! 🧑🏻🤝🧑🏻 👭
March is Music in Our Schools Month!
For 40 years, the National Association for Music Education has designated March as a time to celebrate music education in schools across the country.
Art Studio Update
It's been a very exciting time in the Art Studio for 3-5 grades as they have been working on their choice clay project. Students envisioned their original idea and then spent one class period making their creation in wet clay. Then the clay has to dry and be fired in the Kiln. Finally students have a choice of painting or glazing their clay piece to add color. Some of you may have already seen your students come home, if not please be on the lookout!
Watch DOGS Needed Friday Afternoons
- Dads/male guardians/grandpas/uncles/adult brothers etc. - this is your opportunity to interact with and provide positive male role models for Davis students.
- We need 4 volunteers every Friday from 11:15-1:25.
- Please click HERE for more information and to signup.
Mark Your Calendars
Click HERE for Davis Google Calendar
18-19th, Tue-Wed - IAR ELA Testing (3-5 Grades)
19th, Wed - Buona Beef PTO Fundraiser
20th, Thursday - 6:00pm 3rd Grade Choir Performance
20th, Thursday - 7:00pm PTO Meeting
24-28th, Mon-Fri - Spirit Week Dress-Up Days
24th, Monday - 7:00 PTO Trivia Night at Pollyanna
26th, Wednesday - 2:35pm Early Dismissal
26th, Wednesday - 6:00 BPAC Meeting
27th, Thursday - 5th Grade Field Trip
March 31-April 4 - Spring Break - No School for Students
March 31-April 4 - Spring Break - No School for Students
8-10th, Tues-Thurs, IAR Math Assessment for Grades 3-5
16th, Wed - 8:00am Band Practice (not Orchestra) - music & specials are following a Friday schedule. Bring instruments if you have a Friday lesson; wear PE shoes
17th, Thursday - 7:00 pm PTO Meeting in Davis LRC
18th, Friday - No School for Students; School Improvement Day
22nd, Tuesday - STEM Night for Grades K-5 at WMS
24th, Thursday - 5:30pm 1st Grade Musical (1SB, 1LM, 1JG)
24th, Thursday - 6:30pm 1st Grade Musical (1HH, 1LH, 1DG)
30th, Wednesday - 2:35pm Early Dismissal
30th, Wednesday - 5th Grade Band Concert at TMS
PTO News
Looking to get PTO information?
Make sure you like the Davis Elementary PTO on Facebook today!
Check out our new Website DavisElementaryPTO.com for the latest PTO news
District News
Davis Elementary School
Email: linda.jezek@d303.org
Website: https://davis.d303.org/
Location: 1125 S 7th St, St. Charles, IL, 60174
Phone: 331-228-2200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DavisElementaryD303
Twitter: @StCharlesD303