Hornet Buzz
October 22, 2023

Sunday Chat
Hello Hornet Nation!
As we start the summer, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for making this school year a great one. I do really hope the school year was great for you as well. One thing you can do to help make next year better is get involved with SGA and work with your class sponsor to help design and organize activities. It is during the summer break that I take the time to reflect on how I can improve, handle situations better, and respond more effectively. It is important to note that while we cannot control the actions of others, we have the power to reflect on our own responses. Each year, we grow older and wiser, so try to focus on personal growth in areas that will make you a better student, brother, sister, son, or daughter!
To the class of 2025, this summer holds great significance as you prepare to start a new chapter in your lives. I encourage you to take the opportunity to visit some colleges. You don't have to schedule an official visit; most campuses are open to the public, allowing you to explore and get a feel for the environment. While you're there, don't hesitate to ask current students about their experiences and what they love about their school. It is important to remember that not everyone may choose to pursue college, and that is perfectly fine. However, specialized training or trade school is for everyone. If you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve, rest assured that we will support you in creating a plan to reach your goals. If you don’t have a clear vision, that’s ok too because we will help you find something you like. Throughout the year, we had the privilege of hosting unions, trade schools, colleges/universities, all branches of the military, and various employers at our school. I urge each and every one of you to seize the opportunities that being a HORNET provides.
For those involved in sports, please remember that you only need one sports physical for the entire school year. Take advantage of the summer break and ensure you have your sports physical completed in time for next year's sports seasons. All of our Fall Sports will commence on August 14th. Remember, all sports are free and you do not have to have played to join the team.
Lastly, I want to take this moment to remind you all that you are we love you! Thank you once again for making this school year truly wonderful. May you all have a fantastic and safe summer!
The week will be what you make it, let's make it GREAT!
For Our Spanish Speaking Families
¡Saludos! Para leer en español, hay un botón para traducir en la esquina superior derecha de los anuncios de Smore cuando se abre por primera vez. Pueden hacer clic en el botón y después selecciona de la lista de lenguas disponibles
See you in the Fall!!
Upcoming Events
Dates to Remember
- June 13 - Report Cards available on HAC
- August 14 - First day of Fall sports
- August 19 - Open House
- August 21 - First day of school
Want to Watch SMCPS Graduations?
Did you miss either of the high school graduations? Maybe you didn't miss it, but would like to watch it again. Well, we thought about you! Click here to watch the Chopticon, Great Mills, or Leonardtown high school graduations.
Driver's Education Survey
Audition Information with Links
Audition Information:
If you are interested in auditioning, please complete the Audition Form.
You must also prepare a 45-60 second monologue of your choice and 16-32 bars of a song from a golden age musical.
Crew Info
If you are interested in working with our crew, please complete the Crew Form.
Pit Info
If you are interested in working with our pit, please complete the Pit Form.
Great Job Opportunity for Graduated Seniors
Do you know high school graduates without a plan for next year? If so, please let them know about the Service Year Option Program beginning September 11, 2024. The next application deadline is June 15, 2024. Apply and learn more at serve.maryland.gov.
Major Benefits:
Full-time service opportunity for at least nine months
Earn $15/hour or more
Receive and additional $6,000 Completion Award at the end of the program
Match with an employer in their field of interest
Gain on the job training, mentoring, professional development, and exposure to employers and colleges across the State
Opportunity to enroll in a registered apprenticeship pathway and earn a federally recognized credential
Thank you for helping us share this exciting opportunity widely before the next application deadline of June 15, 2024!
SMCPS Cell Phone Survey for Parents and Students
St. Mary's County Public Schools wants to learn about the level of use of cell phones in our school community. Please take a moment to provide your experiences and input in this brief survey. Please click the survey matching your role:
Summer School Information
All students need certain credits to graduate. When you fail a course in high school you do need to recover credits to graduate on time. Summer school this year will be solely on online using the Edgenuity platform. We will have an option for students to work from the school building if wifi is an issue or if students just want another place to work. All families will be responsible for your own transportation and we will not be serving lunch. However, all families are eligible to sign up for the Summer Meals program regardless of income. There is more information about Summer Meals below.
MTSS Parent Planning Meeting
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support,, MTSS, is having hosting a parent planning meeting. MTSS is a framework that helps educators provide academic and behavioral strategies for students with various needs. They organize all of our student vs staff games, various competitions, and other incentives to encourage students to make positive choices. All parents are welcome to attend this meeting. We will meet Monday, May 20 from 3:00 to 4:00 in the Great Mills High School Media Center.
SMCPS Athletics Seasonal Tryout Information
St. Mary's County Public Schools Athletics
School Year 2024-2025​
Anyone wishing to compete for a place on a team is expected to be at all tryouts.
First Day of Fall Sports Tryouts - August 14, 2024
First Day of Winter Sports Tryouts - November 15, 2024
First Day of Spring Sports Tryouts - March 1, 2025
All interested athletes are expected to be present from day one and have all required documentation fully completed if they wish to compete for a place on the team. For online registration go to www.familyid.com and use "Find a program" to select your high school. Failure to submit all required electronic data entry/forms/cards by the deadline set by the high school will necessitate the exclusion of the student.
Preparticipation Physical Evaluation
Sports physicals are valid for 12 months. It is recommended you attain your sports physical during the months of June or July annually.
History Form - To be filled out prior to examination by the patient or parent/guardian and provided to the Physician.
Physical Examination Form - To be completed by the Physician and kept in their office in the patient’s medical file.
Medical Eligibility Form - This is the ONLY form that should be submitted to the school.
Corollary Sports Program
The Corollary Sports program is offered as an alternative program to the mainstream high school athletics program, with team rosters composed of both students with or without disabilities. For more information please visit the Corollary Sports Page.
Fall Season - Cycling
Winter Season - Bowling
Spring Season - Bocce
Assistance and Contacts
Please contact your child’s school or the appropriate individual on this list if you have questions or concerns.
New weight room floor is installed and ready for use! LETS GOOOOO!!!!
Summer Sports Academies
SMCPS and SMC R&P have partnered to offer the new Summer Sports Academies. Campers will be instructed by area high school coaches. Camps are held Monday - Thursday. Click below for more information. Registration is open now! Don't miss this opportunity.
Congrats to the winning Girls Flag Football Team!
Thank you to both teams that made it to the championship Flag Football game!
Buzzworthy Information
2024-2025 Season LIghthouse productions
Lighthouse Productions is proud to announce its theatrical performances for the 2024-2025 school year!
If you would like to review these scripts and offer any feedback, please stop by the Main Office during the hours of 9:00 am - 11:00 am Monday - Thursday, June 10th through June 20th. Please note that, due to copyright restrictions, we cannot allow scripts to be removed from our school building.
Safety for everyone is a top priority! I want to remind everyone that under no circumstance should we open an exterior door to allow entry to anyone. Even if you think they are student do not open doors and direct them to the main office doors for entry. Everyone, including students, should enter through the main office.
Need a library card? Here is how you sign up!
Smart Card Instructions (English)
Smart Card Instructions (Spanish)
Library Hours
SAT Registration
Great Mills Athletics
FAFSA Deadline Approaching, Need Help?
Please email Mrs. Cunningham, accunningham@smcps.org, if you need assistance in completing FAFSA and/or MDCAPS
Higher education determines if you work and retire or work the rest of your life
Maryland Promise Scholarship
This is proof that EDUCATION OPENS DOORS closed to those without it.
Important Links
Secure Your Memories Now!!
Mental Health and Wellness Resources
Supplemental Health Insurance
Great Mills High School
Email: bjdothard@smcps.org
Website: https://schools.smcps.org/gmhs/
Location: 21130 Great Mills Road, Great Mills, MD, USA
Phone: (301) 863-4001
Twitter: @GMHS_SMCPS