February/March Newsletter
Dream it, Believe it, Achieve it
Bears Den
Dear Pioneer Families,
We made it to the halfway point of the school year! As a staff, we are celebrating Pioneer students’ improved attendance as well as the academic growth students have made in the first semester. Thank you to our families that are striving to improve attendance by ensuring students are attending school every day.
Families will NOT be receiving semester report cards in the postal mail. Students’ grades can be accessed through Family Access in Skyward. Click the link for more information about Standards Based Grading, to help you understand your child’s report card.
Our PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) is planning a beloved Pioneer tradition, Family Fun Night! Please ‘save the date’ for Thursday, March 13 at 6:00pm. The PTO will be serving dinner, hosting a cake walk, having a gift basket raffle, student entertainment, a book fair in our library, and much more. We would love to have all Pioneer families join us!
Jacqueline Estephan
PTO Movie Night
✴This Friday, January 31 at 6:00 PM in the Pioneer Cafeteria.
✴Just for FUN.
✴It’s free to all staff, students and their families.
✴Thank you to our PTO for sponsoring a free community event for the Pioneer community.
Upcoming Assessments
School Requirements
Student ID Cards Are Required!
Parents we need your help!
Please remind your student to bring their Student ID to school everyday.
Every Student received a free Student Identification Card at the start of school.
If your student has lost or damaged their ID, replacements can be purchased at the school office for $5.
For those students frequently borrowing a temporary Student ID, one will be printed out and charged to their account .Charges will remain as fines, until paid.
Thank you for your support.
Yearbooks are still available for purchase! You can purchase one in the main office for $25. They are very limited so make sure you reserve your students' copy right away!
The purpose of the counseling program at Pioneer is to create a positive environment that challenges students to grow socially, academically, and personally.
Ms. Kelli Ottley, 6th-grade counselor. I also work with 7th-grade students with the last names (A-J).
Mrs. Karissa Harle, 8th-grade counselor. I also work with 7th-grade students with last names (K-Z).
February is National Dental Health Month! Let's make dental health part of the daily routine! Here are some reminders for good dental health:
• Encourage your child to brush their teeth at least twice a day
• Floss regularly
• Visit the dentist regularly for routine checkups and cleaning
• Don’t forget to change your toothbrush regularly
Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? Things we can do to promote healthy nutrition for your student is to encourage eating fruits and vegetables daily and staying physically active. Roughly 60% of our body is made up of water; let's promote drinking plenty of water each day!
Katy Boreson, MSN, RN
School Nurse
Pioneer Middle School
Upcoming Music Events
Wenatchee Jazz Workshop, traditionally held in February, will be held this year May 5 - 9.
Here is a screenshot of upcoming music events.
Parents - students need black pants, black socks and shoes, and their concert shirt for all upcoming performances.
Upcoming Sports
Spring Season:
February 24th ---- April 4th ---------6/7/8 Girls Swimming
March 31st -------- May 23rd ------- 6 Co-ed Track
April 14th ----------- May 23rd --------6/7/8 Boys Swimming
March 31st ---------May 23rd --------7/8 Co-ed Track
March 31st ---------May 23rd --------7/8 Softball
March 31st ---------May 23rd --------7/8 Boys Soccer
Grade Checks:
Athletes are given grade checks twice per season. If any teacher marks "No" on their grade check, the athlete is ineligible for games until it gets to a "Yes." Our Pioneer Bear culture is that we are students first, then athletes! This helps prepare them for high school.
Students are encouraged to participate in Pioneer’s after-school Athletic Program. The program focuses on skill development and active participation for all student athletes. In order to be eligible for participation, students must:
- Complete online registration through https://students.arbitersports.com/organizations/pioneer-middle-school
- Have a physical exam turned into Pioneer Office(good for TWO years)
- Pay $17 ASB Fee (good for ONE school year)
- Meet scholastic eligibility requirements (reviewed on our athletics webpage)
Career and Technical Education
CTE is expanding its services in the Middle Schools. This year our team will meet with all students in 7th and 8th grade to help determine future college and career interests, set up field trips, and prepare students for their high school classes.
Stop by our table at parent conferences to find out more of what we have to offer.
Meet the team:
Jose Camarillo Aviles- Last names A-F
Amy Spietz- Last names G-M
Taunya Brown- Last names N-R
Yumiko Savage- Last name S
Beth Hammerberg- Last names T-Z
Reach out to Beth Hammerberg with any Middle School CTE questions.
Reading has so many benefits. It is a great way to "travel" the world
well as being a stress reliever. Please encourage your child to set aside a
reading time every day.
Pioneer's annual book fair will be here March 10-14. This year we will be open during our Family Fun Night on March 13. Please plan on stocking up your family library with some awesome books from the book fair.
Need help finding books? We are here for you!
Sandra Lancaster and Christina Spencer
Pioneer Middle School Librarians
Student of the Month
6th Grade: Lenny Higareda, Teagan Libby, Carson Royster, Cain Swindell, Kimberly Zelaya, Jordan Ayala, Nara Gaytley, Rey Leon, Enzo Miranda, Emerith Avila, Yazmin Corza, Brisa Bravo, Tate Mitchell, Isaac Ruiz, Josie Cibrian, Shona Eppich, Zoey Lioliadis, Zachary Chambers, Juan Martinez, Vanessa Farias, Barrett Ferber, Hugo Valdovinos.
7th Grade: Jocelyn Silva, Vanessa Arceo, Angel Montes, Jayden Robles, Mason McClellan, George Sandoval, Kamila Tamayo, Bailey Thune, Jimena Valencia, Gael Avila, Kassandra Camarillo, Davin Lewis, Willy Silva, Daisey Gamino, Edgar Herrera, Maribel Mota, Yulissa Castillo, Robert Lamoreux, Aubree Pulliam, Daniel Figueroa, Faith Valenzuela, Cara Briley, Olivia Smith, Porter Clift.
8th Grade: Heather Krahenbuhl, Titus Marcoux, Trevor Mundy, Katy Cruz, Jesus Castillo, Richard Dahik, Anthea Isidro, Isabella Pineda, Jair Barbosa, Eloise Clark, Samuel Gates, Elin Pendleton, Jackson Pocan, Isaiah Bergstrom, Diosiris Herrera, Charles Bitle, Abigail Aguilar, Isabela Amezcua, Irma Bribiesca, Litzy Camacho, Alessandra Dueñas, Jessica Gallo, Bella Lopez, Vanessa Ruelas.
6th Grade: Angel Adame, Jocelyn Aguilar, Azura Beard, Nicolas Cabrera, Westley Claridge, Emma Echeverria, Camila Gahona, Kaylee Gamino, Daegon Hansen, Jace Hendrix, Noah Mathison, Emma Medina, Sawyer O'Banion, Magali Perez, Alexander Sanchez, Grayson Tooley, Sophia Vandoren, Izaac Villabol.
7th Grade: Karina Delgado, Vanessa Diaz, Lilia Eaton, Derek Espinoza, Enrique Garibay, Jedediah Green, Belen Hernandez, Nayeli Mejia, Angie Menchaca, Nickelos Miller, Salvador Reyes, Zerenity Rios, Bryanna Solorio, Jesus Tovar, Elsie Varga.
8th Grade: Liam Amante, Isaac Balderas, Cooper Bauman, Ian Benites, Jesus Castillo, Andrew Dimas, Angel Figueroa, Jazmine Garcia, Michelle Godinez, Laura Gutierrez, Alexander Haglund, Sadie Hernandez, Noelia Lopez, Alexander Lule, Daniela Mata, Inersha McGrady, Valeria Montes, Jocelyn Nava, Lluvia Olayo, Jasmin Pantaleon, Mason Parr, Bryan Quintero, Caroline Riley, Erick Rincon, Leonardo Ruiz, Zaida Valladolid, Atzhiri Vargas, Bryce Wargin, Santiago Zaragoza, Samantha Zavala.
Calling All Parents!
Parent and Visitor Parking
For the safety of all pedestrians and motorists, parents and visitors are asked NOT TO USE THE BUS RAMP AT ANY TIME DURING THE SCHOOL DAY. Buses use this loading area throughout the entire school day, so we ask that parents park in the school parking lot. In an attempt to accommodate Pioneer parents and visitors, we have designated a visitors' parking area in our school parking lot. Thank you for your understanding and help with this.
Dress Code
The Wenatchee School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee(s) has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Coordinator, Title IX Officer, Section 504 Coordinator, HIB Compliance and Gender Inclusive Schools Coordinator: Mike Lane, Executive Director of Schools, lane.michael@wenatcheeschools.org, 235 Sunset Ave. Wenatchee, WA 98801, 509 663-8161
You can report discrimination and discriminatory harassment to any school staff member or to the district's Civil Rights Coordinator, listed above. You also have the right to file a complaint (see below). For a copy of your district’s nondiscrimination policy and procedure, contact your school or district office or view it online here: Policy 3210 and Procedure 3210P