Woods Creek Chronicle
January 28, 2025
Mark your Calendar!
Jan. 29: Early Release Day-2:00 student dismissal
Feb. 12: WC PTO & Moretti’s Dine Out Day
Feb. 15: Winter Carnival 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Feb. 17: No School
Feb. 20: WC PTO meeting 7:00 p.m., library
Feb. 26: Early Release Day-2:00 student dismissal
Feb. 27: Family Reading Night
Remember that every Friday is School Spirit day. Wear red and royal blue or Woods Creek spirit wear.
The Wild Robot Escapes
We are sharing the link to The Wild Robot Escapes questions for the week, as well as the recording of staff reading chapters aloud. Enjoy reading!
Please note: In this week’s reading, be aware that in chapter 22, there is a potentially scary scene in which a wolf attacks a cow. The cow survives but Roz, the robot, scares the wolf away in chapter 23 by carrying a rifle. As Roz reminds us, she is not a violent robot.
Principals Read-Aloud
Dr. Marks and Mr. Brogan are reading The Wild Robot to our 3rd graders and A Rover’s Story with our 4th and 5th grade students. It is fun to read together and talk about books!
Yearbooks Are On Sale
Woods Creek is partnering with Treering for yearbook compilation and online sales again this year. All yearbook orders must be placed online via this link: Treering Yearbooks. Our school passcode is: 1016039057551331. Each yearbook costs $18.60 (softcover) or $25.43 (hardcover). Yearbook orders placed by April 29, 2025 will be delivered to the school for distribution before summer break. Please contact Mrs. Walsh at kjwalsh@d47.org with any yearbook questions.
2025-26 Kindergarten Registration
District 47 online kindergarten registration for the 2025-26 school year will begin February 3. At that time, families can register their incoming kindergartener by completing the steps on the District 47 website at d47.org/registration. Early registration helps with adequate staffing, placement in your home school preference, and appropriate class size.
Kindergarten Dual Language Meetings
Informational meetings about District 47's Dual Language program will be held for parents who have an incoming kindergarten student for the 2025-2026 school year. If you are interested in placing your child into the program and you do not have a child currently enrolled in the dual language program, attendance is required at one of these meetings. Flyer. For more details and the Zoom link, visit: d47.org/duallanguage.
Thursday, Jan. 30, 2025 | 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Monday, Feb. 10, 2025 | 9:30 am - 10:30 am
Wednesday, Mar. 5, 2025 | 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2025 | 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Families who currently have a child enrolled in the dual language program MUST complete the registration process for their incoming kindergarten student by Friday, March 21 to guarantee their place in the program. Students with siblings in dual language registered after this date will be added to the waitlist.
Winter Carnival
The Winter Carnival is Saturday, February 15 10am-2pm. Wristbands will cost $5 and include unlimited games, bounce houses, cake and book walk, face painting, a prize, and more. The kitchen and concessions will sell popcorn, cotton candy, pizza, hot dogs, and more. There are Raffle Baskets to win and Silent Auction items to bid on. It's going to be a day of FUN!
Donate your time: Winter Carnival Volunteer Sign Up
Donate baked goods: The Winter Carnival Committee is accepting baked good donations for the Cake/Book Walk. Items can be homemade or store bought and individually packaged, if possible. Please, no refrigerated items. If you are able to donate baked goods to the Winter Carnival please sign up by clicking this Sign-Up Genius link or contact Chalen Daigle at clhunter79@yahoo.com. Items need to be dropped off at school on Friday, February 14. Thank you for your support! 2025 Winter Carnival Book/Cake Walk Baked Goods Donations
Donate a Raffle Basket item:
You may use the links below to your child's grade and you will be taken to an Amazon wish list of Raffle Basket Items:
Kindy: https://tinyurl.com/4jab522b
1st/PMAC: https://tinyurl.com/5dsthkaf
2nd/PMAC: https://tinyurl.com/yc3eed2b
3rd Grade: https://tinyurl.com/34shs3mf
4th/UMAC: https://tinyurl.com/26sjut2v
- 5th/UMAC: https://tinyurl.com/nh9ubbud
Feet Meet Sponsors
Feet Meet is looking for sponsors for our 2025 race. If you own or work for a company interested in sponsoring, please fill out this form: Feet Meet Sponsorship Interest. Sponsors are featured on race shirts and can place marketing materials in the race bags.
Like Us, Follow Us, Join Us
Want to stay in the know? Be sure to follow us on:
- Facebook: Woods Creek PTO
Please email the WC PTO at woodscreekpto@gmail.com with any questions.