Richey's First Take
Sunday, September 25, 2022
Weekend Food from the Food Bank of Delaware
Richey partners with the Food Bank of Delaware to provide our students with non-perishable food to take home on the weekends. No applications or verification to participate. If you would like your student(s) to bring home food on the weekends, please return the Interest Slip that was sent home to Mrs. Durant or send her an email at Jaclyn.Durant@redclay.k12.de.us
Email from LifeTouch
Our Picture Day is October 3rd with Legacy Studios.
Richey Garden
I got a pepper and some tomatoes for my family. :)
Richey Coat and Blanket Giveaway
Important Dates
- September 26: Schools Closed
- September 28: PAWS Activity - Freeze Pops
- September 30: PAWS Pride Assembly and Spirit Wear Day
- October 3: Picture Day
- October 4: Richey Fundraiser at Dom's Pizza
- October 5: Schools Closed
- October 12: Bus Evacuation Drills
- October 14: No School- Staff Professional Development
- October 19: RCCSD Board Meeting, Cab or Zoom: 7 PM
- October 25: RCCSD Choice Information Night, 6 PM, Location TBD
- October 28: PTO's Trunk or Treat, 5:30 PM-7:30 PM
- October 28: Richey Coat and Blanket Giveaway
Voluntary Accident Insurance
Students are late after 9:00 am. It is very important for our students to be here before 9:00 am because we start our instructional day at 9:00 am.
Students arriving after 9 am require their parent/guardian to enter the school to sign them in for the school day.
Please remember not to block the driveways of our neighbors. Also, make sure you are not blocking the exit of the Richey circle as this causes a delay as cars are unable to exit the circle.
Where's the bus App
Wouldn’t it be great if you could learn the exact location of your child’s bus, and what time it will arrive at their stop? Red Clay has an app for that! WheresTheBusTM allows families to follow the progress of the bus before it arrives at the student’s assigned stop. Knowing when the bus will arrive translates into peace of mind for parents. Mornings are less hectic and stressful for families when you eliminate the bus stop rush and uncertainty of wondering when the bus will arrive. Families can minimize waiting outside in inclement weather while enjoying more family time together.
- The app also allows parents to see in real-time where the bus is and when their student checked in on the bus and off of the bus. This allows parents to know that the student has arrived at school in the morning and returned home in the afternoon.
Signing up is free, and takes less than 5 minutes.
Visit www.WheresTheBus.com.
1. Open the Parents Section (on the Left).
2. Click Set Up Free Account
3. Select Red Clay School District (DE) from the drop-down list.
4. Enter Parent and Student information
5. Once Completed, you will receive an email to download the app.