Mustangs Newsletter June 1-15

June 1-15
Upcoming Dates
- June 4 - Chromebook, Charger & Case Turn In Day
- June 6 - 8th Grade Celebration Event
- June 6 - Last Day of School
- August 19 - Orientation for 6th Grade with the Last Names A-K
- August 20 - Orientation for 6th Grade with the Last Names L-Z
- August 21 - Orientation for New 7th & 8th Grade Students Who Have NEVER ATTENDED MGMS 9-10:30
- August 28 - Learning Conferences 4-7PM
- September 3 - First Day of School
Words from Principal Smith
MGMS Families,
I want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for an amazing school year! Your support and trust in our staff is second to none and very much appreciated. After my fourth year at MGMS, I honestly can say it has been the best school year! Our students have worked so hard to have such an amazing year. This is not possible without you. I am looking forward to next year already but first, I wish you all a beautiful summer and look forward to seeing you all in September! Thank you for a wonderful school year!
Patrick Smith
Principal, Maple Grove Middle School Mustangs
Dream Big!
8th Grade Celebration
The last day of school is almost here, and we are looking to continue our tradition for our 8th graders. On Thursday, June 6th, from 12:18-2:40pm we will have all 8th grade students head outside of the school, participate in activities and hang out together one last time as 8th graders. Students will still be eating lunch at school like any other day so plan accordingly. We are also excited to have 3 Food Trucks: Pizza Barn, Taco Truck, and Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream Truck on-site. Students will be able to receive one of the following items using their pre-paid ticket voucher for a $5 item.
Options are:
- Big Slice of Pizza (Pepperoni, Sausage, Cheese)
- 2 Tacos
- 1 Burrito
- Deluxe Nachos (nachos with toppings)
- Ben and Jerry’s Ice cream
Permission slips need to be turned in no later than Friday, May 31st to be able to participate in 8th grade celebration.
Volunteers are needed to help at the 8th Grade Celebration on June 6th.
Chromebook Turn In Information
Chromebooks are going to be collected on Tuesday, June 4 during the student's science class. Please make sure your student brings their Chromebook, case, charger, and cords to school on Tuesday, June 4. Late items will NOT BE ACCEPTED ONCE THE CHROMEBOOK IS TURNED IN. You will need to keep these over the summer and a charge will appear on your edutrak account. This charge will be reversed in the fall.
Volunteers are needed. If you can help please click below.
Thank You PACT & Parents
Thank you PACT and parents for the support with events, donations, and all the food provided throughout the year. Your support is amazing and so appreciated! Have a relaxing summer and we look forward to next year.
District Art Competition
The district had an art competition and the projects were displayed at the Maple Grove Government Center in May. Congratulations to the students below who took home an award:
6th Grade: Clara Slaymaker
7th Grade: Alex Ross and McKenna Ueland
8th Grade: Elin Brink, Haley Honmyhr
Please check out the talent below.
Kindness Cards
The Kindness Project was put on by MGMS Student Council. Approximately 1,600 kindness cards were made to brighten someone’s day at MG police, MG fire, MG hospital, MG nursing home and CROSS services.
Congratulations McKenna!
Congratulations to McKenna Ueland, who won first place for her grade at the state level for the bus poster contest. All the winners are invited to a Twins games and she also received a gift certificate! Below is her winning picture.
Order Your School Supplies Online
Similar to elementary school PTOs, PACT (Parents and Community Together) works to build a strong, inclusive community at MGMS. Every MGMS parent, caregiver and staff is a member.
Primary ways for parents/caregivers to make an impact include donations, volunteering and advocacy.
Year in Review
Our goals this year were to support and fund:
Student leadership and school culture
Staff appreciation and support
Special projects (i.e. cultural displays, etc.)
From social and service events to thoughtful staff meals during conferences to the new framework for cultural displays down the hallway to the cafeteria–these are just a few examples of the solid foundation that was set this year. Thank you to everyone who made this happen, and we look forward to building upon this next year!
Join the PACT Board!
With our current PACT President no longer having kids at MGMS, we are looking for a positive, organized person to serve as President on the PACT board next year. If you are passionate about continuing to positively impact MGMS students, staff and the school culture, contact us at mgmsPACTtreasurer@gmail.com to learn more.
Thank you for your generosity this year!
Volunteer Opportunities and Event Information
Looking for volunteers!
Chromebook collection on Tuesday June 4th: Sign up to volunteer.
8th Grade Celebration on June 6th: Sign up to volunteer.
Check out an overview of all PACT-supported events from the past year.
Thank you for learning more about ISD 279’s 2023-2024 legislative priorities and contacting your legislators to ask them to support the priorities you’re passionate about. Keep an eye out for next year’s legislative priorities and continue to support MGMS through advocacy.
PACT Meetings
One of the best ways for parents and caregivers to know what’s going on at MGMS and positively affect the school is to attend a PACT meeting. Next year’s meeting schedule will come out late August or early September.
Have a great summer, and we look forward to seeing you next year!
PACT website: https://mgms.district279.org/families/pact
Facebook: Maple Grove Middle School - ISD 279
Hello from People Incorporated,
We are happy to announce that Heidi McCallister, Ph.D., has started as the People Incorporated school-linked therapist for Maple Grove Middle School. Heidi will be replacing Michelle Rosenau and will be on-site full time Monday-Friday for the remainder of the 2023-2024 school year, with continuing part-time availability over the summer. Heidi is available to provide mental health therapy services to Maple Grove Middle School students.
Please click on the link below for more information.
Items Needed for the Closet
MGMS has what is called “The CLOSET” which offers school supplies, hygiene items, snacks, and clothing to our students in need. It is accessed by students through the counselors and social workers often by referrals from teachers and staff. We would appreciate any donations. The items listed below are what is most needed.
- Trapper keepers
- School supplies
- 3" - 3 ring binders
- Chapstick
- Sweat/athletic pants in L & XL
- Facial wash & moisturizer
Items can be dropped off in the main office. Thank you for your support.
Reminders for Parents/Guardians
Absences, Appointments, Attendance - What to Do...
If your child is going to be late or absent from school, please call the school with the reason for the absence. The telephone call eliminates the need to send a note with your student when he/she returns to school. Excused absences consist of illness, medical appointments, and family emergency situations such as a funeral. Oversleeping, missing the bus, or skipping school are not excused and are considered truancy.
MGMS 24 Hour Attendance Line: 763-315-7603.
1. Send a note with your student in the morning
2. When the student gets to school they go to Student Services to get a pass
3. At the stated time on the pass, your student leaves class and comes to the office with the pass and signs out in the main office
4. The person picking up can wait in the car (very helpful on cold winter days)
If you didn't send a note, you will need to come in with your driver's license and we will call your student down when you arrive. This procedure is in place to ensure student safety.
If you received a call saying your child was absent one or more periods, please check your ParentVue account for the period your student was absent. Have your child talk to the teacher for the class that they were marked absent. The teacher will then communicate with our attendance person.
3 Accounts Parents Need to Have
We have three accounts parents should have; ParentVue, Schoology and EduTrak. ParentVue allows you to see attendance, testing scores and report cards (we do not mail them out). Schoology allows you to see assignments and communicate with the teachers. EduTrak is how you add money to your student's lunch account, pay fees for sports, or other fines. Attached below is a document that will help you set up accounts and answer any questions you may have.
Who to Contact
School Phone: 763-315-7600...............................Website: https://mgms.district279.org/
Attendance: 763-315-7603………………………………..Transportation: 763-391-7244
6th Grade
Jennifer Hinker, Assistant Principal.....Email: HinkerJ@district279.org
Kaia Paquin, Counselor 6th Grade.......Email: PaquinK@district279.org
7th Grade
Jason Olson, Assistant Principal……..Email: Olsonj@district279.org
Katie Gerdts, Counselor 7th Grade......Email: GerdtsK@district279.org
8th Grade
Patrick Smith, Principal………………….Email: SmithPatrick@district279.org
Megan Woods, Counselor 8th Grade...Email: :WoodsM@district279.org
Student Management Specialists Assist With All Grades
Candice Ledman - (Grade 6) - Email: LedmanC@district279.org
Levy Jones (Grade 7) - Email: JonesL2@district279.org
Nathanial Davies (Grade 8) – Email: DaviesN@district279.org
District Tip Line.........763-265-3636