June Newsletter
Salish Coast Elementary
🌈 June 🌈
Week of June 3rd:
Tuesday, 6/4- School of Rock am & pm
Wednesday, 6/5 - Recyclery Walking School Bus
Wednesday, 6/5 - Coffee and Conversation 8:30-9:30
Wednesday, 6/5 - Field Trip - 5th Grade to tour Blue Heron
Wednesday, 6/5- Field Trip - Mr. Waibel's Class
Wednesday, 6/5- Read to Rover Last Day
Wednesday, 6/5 - 12:50 Early Release
Wednesday, 6/5 - Salish Coast Singers 12:50-2:50
Thursday, 6/6- Field Trip - 1st Grade Beach Walk
Thursday, 6/6- Field Trip - 3rd Grade to P.T. Marine Science Center
Friday, 6/7 - Field Trip - 5th Grade to Fort Worden
Friday, 6/7 - Field Trip - 4th Grade Port Townsend City Council
Saturday, 6/8 - MDS Fest 9:30 am--12:00 pm
Week of June 10th:
Monday, 6/10 - Kindergarten & Transition to Kindergarten Music Concert; 5pm @ Salish Coast, Students arrive at 4:45 pm
Tuesday, 6/11 - 1st & 2nd - Music Concert; 5pm @ Salish Coast, students arrive at 4:45 pm
Tuesday, 6/11 - ASB Election Day for School Year 2024-2025
Wednesday, 6/12 - 12:50 Early Release
Wednesday, 6/12 - Salish Coast Singers Concert; 6pm @ Salish Coast, students arrive at 5:45pm
Thursday, 6/13- Field Trip - Ms. Emerson's Class to Dungeness River Nature Center
Thursday, 6/13- Field Trip - The NEST to HJ Carroll Park
Thursday, 6/13- Field Trip - PM Preschool - Community Experience
Thursday, 6/13 - 5th Grade Concert; 5-7pm @ PT High School, students arrive at 4:45 pm
- Last Names A-L: Concert Viewing: 5-6pm; Family Presentation in PTHS Library: 6-7pm
- Last Names M-Z: Family Presentation in PTHS Library 5-6pm; Concert Viewing: 6-7pm
Friday, 6/14 - Field Trip - AM Preschool - Community Experience
Friday, 6/14 - Field Trip - 5th Grade to Fort Worden
Saturday, 6/15 - PTA Mariner's Day
Saturday, 6/15 - Discovery Road Project Celebration, 2:00--4:00 PM
Week of June 17th:
Tuesday, 6/18, PTHS Senior Walk at Salish Coast
Wednesday, 6/19 - NO SCHOOL - Juneteenth
Friday, 6/21 - Preschool Graduation - AM 10:30 am, PM 2:00 pm
Friday, 6/21 - Field Trip - Kindergarten to Fort Worden & Chetzemoka
Friday, 6/21 - Field Trip - 4th Grade to Valley View
Friday, 6/21 - Field Trip - 5th Grade to Fort Worden
Friday, 6/21 - 5th Grade Parade & Outdoor School Dance 2:00 pm
Week of June 24th:
Monday, 6/24 - Field Trip - 2nd Grade to Fort Worden
Monday, 6/24 - Field Trip - 4th Grade Beach Walk
Monday, 6/24 - Kindergarten Graduation @ 2:00 pm
Tuesday, 6/25 - Field Day!
Tuesday, 6/25- Last Day of Preschool
Wednesday, 6/26 - 12:50 Early Release
Wednesday, 6/26 - Summer Reading Assembly
Wednesday, 6/26 - Field Trip - 4th Grade
Wednesday, 6/26 - TTK to Chetzemoka for TTK Graduation @ 2pm.
Thursday, 6/27 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL, 2-hour early release
MDS Fest
Spring Music Concert
PTA Hi-Viz Party & Fundraiser
We are super excited to see you on Saturday, June 15th for the HI-VIZ PT PTA Party. (From hunting gear to Barbie, all bright things count!).
In case you have not yet heard, there has been a venue change for the event. It is now at the USO at Fort Worden (thank you Fort Worden Hospitality for stepping up to help!). The USO is to the left as you reach the first intersection inside the park. You will drive past the Guardhouse and park just below the USO in the lot across from the McCurdy Pavilion.
If you have signed your child/children up to be watched at the Rec Center, please fill out this form if you have not yet done so.
Tell you friends that it is time to secure their tickets too! They can be purchased at: https://www.memberplanet.com/events/blueheronmiddlepta/hivizparty
Chess Fest
Chess Fest
Salish Coast Elementary's inaugural "Chess Fest" on Saturday, May 11th, was a triumphant showcase of youthful enthusiasm for the age-old game of chess. Over 28 bright-eyed elementary school students from grades 3-5, alongside their supportive families, gathered at the school grounds for a day of strategic maneuvers and friendly competition. Guided by their dedicated mentors from Skillmation, who nurtured their chess skills at school every Monday, the young contenders embarked on a journey of three challenging games: one with a familiar face, another with a stranger, and a final match purely for the joy of playing. Through this event, the aim was clear: to demonstrate to the Port Townsend community the depth of passion and joy these children find in the game of chess, fostering a spirit of camaraderie and intellectual growth among the participants. To top off the afternoon, all participants were delighted to come away with a small prize, a token of recognition for their dedication and sportsmanship.
Photos by Paul Gottlieb
Photos by Paul Gottlieb
Photos by Paul Gottlieb
Wait Until 8th
Nurse's Corner
Merilee Nyland, RN
End of the Year Message
It's almost the end of our school year! Have a fun and safe summer! Remember to have kids wear sunscreen and helmets and check out these Summer Safety Tips from Seattle Children's Hospital.
Summer is a great time for a Well Child checkup with your student's doctor. Please make sure your student is up-to-date on their vaccinations and do any catch-up this summer!
Also, If your student has medication stored in the office, please come pick it up on the last day of class. Medications from this year cannot be stored over the summer.
Have a lovely summer and see you next year!
-Nurse Merilee
When to stay home
Eagle Wear Available
Eagle Wear, show your pride,
T-shirts, sweatshirts, fit just right.
Kids of all sizes, come and see,
Eagle spirit for you and me!
Eagle Wear Prices
Youth T-Shirts: $15
Youth Hoodies: $30
Adult T-Shirts: $20
Adult Hoodies: $40
Field Day Volunteers Needed
We need parent Volunteers for Field Day!
Please sign up here: https://signup.com/go/WxDkycO
If you have any questions, email dmoyer@ptschools.org
Volunteer Application
We would love to have you as a volunteer!
Once approved, you will be a cleared volunteer for 2 years.
Apply to be a volunteer here!
About Salish Coast Elementary
Website: https://salishcoast.ptschools.org/
Location: 1637 Grant Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368, USA
Phone: 3603794535
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/salishcoast
Non-discrimination statement
Port Townsend School District No. 50 does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of race, creed, religion, color, immigration status, national origin, age, honorably-discharged veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability. The district provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and all other designated youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code as a patriotic society. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator for State Law (RCW 28A.640/28A.642): Darrell Thomas, 1610 Blaine Street, (360) 680.5767, dthomas@ptschools.org
Title IX Officer: Darrell Thomas, 1610 Blaine Street, (360) 680.5767, dthomas@ptschools.org
Section 504/ADA Coordinator: Shelby MacMeekin, 1610 Blaine Street, (360) 680.5763, smacmeekin@ptschools.org
Stay connected and informed about upcoming announcements, activities, and news by following us on Facebook and Instagram. We share important updates, exciting events, and more through these social media platforms.