GHS Weekly Newsletter- 2/10- 2/15
2025- A New Year With New Opportunities
Quote of the Week
"Success Is A Journey, Not A Destination"
GHS Winter Senior Night- Friday, February 14th
The Galena High School Winter Senior Night will be on Friday, February 14th, with the ceremony occurring between the two varsity games. Seniors that are being recognized are senior members of basketball, cheer, dance, band, choir and scholars bowl.
Homecoming Coronation
Congratulations to our GHS Winter Royalty
Thank You Bruno
A very special thank you to Aden Lewis for helping serve the role of mascot, for our home basketball games!
WOW of the Week 1- GHS Band Performance
A big shout out to our GHS Band Members that participated in the POPS Concert. It was outstanding! Students shared music from various aspects of pop movie/music culture, some of the jazz students performed a personal arrangement and the jazz band performed several songs. What a great night to hear our talented GHS Students!
WOW of the Week 2- GHS Student Council
For homecoming week, our GHS Student Council had a variety of events and activities for our students and staff to participate in. From dress up days, to team competitions, to decorating cookies and valentines, to Karaoke, to ice cream sundaes, to bingo, to a pep assembly! What a fun week of activities! Thank you to our GHS Student Council for scheduling all of the fun events.
WOW of the Week 3- GHS Choir Students- National Anthem
At each home basketball game, we are so fortunate to get to hear of GHS Choir Students sing the national anthem. A very special thank you to the choir students that show up at each home game to sing for us! What a special treat!
GHS Students' Creating Personal Furniture
Several of our GHS Students, in one of Ms. Davis' Class have been busy designing and constructing personal "chest benches". Through the individual projects, the students have learning numerous concepts related to design and construction of furniture and cabinetry.
GHS Has Student Teachers This Semester
This semester, GHS has two student teachers, that are working with our students and staff. Mr. Stone is student teaching in the physical science/ chemistry area and Ms. Downey is student teaching in the social studies area. It is so exciting that the area universities have selected our school and staff as a great resource to help train future teachers. Please help us in making them feel welcome to GHS!
Meet Ms. Downey-
My name is Raylynn Downey, and I will graduate from MSSU in May with my BSE and be certified to teach high school social sciences. I have lived in Galena my whole life and graduated from GHS in 2022 as the salutatorian of my class. I am super excited to be student teaching at the school I graduated from, and it has been an awesome experience so far seeing the school from a teacher's perspective. My hobbies include spending time with my family and dog, playing Fortnite, hanging out with friends, and watching movies.
Meet Mr. Stone-
Hello, my name is Mr. Stone. I am very thankful to be a student teacher here at Galena High School. I am a Pitt State student pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Education. I have accepted a position to teach next year at Labette County High School in Altamont. My passion for coaching drove me towards education and I have enjoyed every day so far. My lovely girlfriend is in the picture with me. My main hobby is woodworking. I do carvings, bowls, bats, woodburning, and whatever else my girlfriend asks for.
Juniors and Seniors Taking Dual Credit Courses Payment Deadline
"This is a reminder for those juniors and seniors taking college classes, Monday February 10th, is the last day to make a payment in full or to set up a payment plan for the cost of those college classes. Contact Mr. Krouse if you have any questions."
LCS Students Getting Greenhouse Ready
Our LCS Students have been busy cleaning up the USD 499 Greenhouse. This spring, our LCS Students will be working directly with our new GHS Horticulture Club getting the greenhouse operational. They will be working on various aspects of plant propagation, landscaping and greenhouse management.
Order Your Yearbooks Now
Senior Trip Update
Our upcoming GHS Senior Trip is scheduled for May 3rd and May 4th. Students that owe money for the trip should have received a letter, stating their balance and what is due on each date. The payment dates are the following:
- February 10th
- March 10th
- April 10th
For more information, please contact Ms. Groves
GHS FCS- Meets Every Thursday @ 7:30 AM
As a reminder, the Galena High School FCS meets every Thursday Morning at 7:30 AM in Mrs. Spencer's Classroom.
Senior Government Students To Tour State Capitol and Judicial Center
On Wednesday, February 12, the Senior Government Students will be going to Topeka, to tour the Capitol and Judicial Center. Students will need to bring money for lunch ($12.45 with water, $15.72 with a drink), as well as if they would like to purchase a drink or snacks on the way.
Tentative Schedule:
- 5:00 am – Leave Galena in front of High School
- 7:00 am – Stop for restroom break/quick breakfast
- 9:00 am – Tour Capitol
- 10:15 am – Tour Dome
- 11:15 am – Tour Judicial Center
- 12:30 pm – Lunch at Golden Corral
- 2:00 pm – Leave for Galena
- 4:00 pm – Stop for restroom break
- 5:30 pm – Arrive back in Galena
All students who attend will be excused from school for the day. Those who do not will be expected to be at school. School rules apply on the trip…no pajama pants, etc. We will be meeting with some government officials and taking pictures. If you have any questions, please email dmoss@galena499.org.
2nd Semester Finals Exemption Policy
Galena High School has a policy where students can be exempted from the 2nd semester finals. That policy is listed below:
2nd Semester Finals Exemptions
9th: Grade:
Spring Star Reading and Math Scores in the 50th% tile or higher
10th Grade:
KAP Math and Reading scores totaling 5 or higher
If KAP is not back then: Spring Star Reading and Math Scores in the 50th% tile or higher
11th Grade:
ACT composite score 21 or higher
ACT WorkKeys Scaled Score 80 or higher, (Level 5 or higher)
KAP Science 3 or higher
9th - 12th:
Students must have all semester A’s or B’s
Students must not be chronically absent
Can't miss 9 or more days
Virtual Learning Opportunities for Adults and High School Students
The Galena School District has started the Galena Virtual School. This program provides new opportunities for both high school students and adults that are looking for a virtual opportunity to earn their high school diploma! Adult and resident high school students can enroll in the program at any time.
For more information, contact Noah Francis, Galena Virtual School Director at noah.francis@galena499.org or 620-783-4499 ext. 1402.
Note- Game times and schedules are subject to change. Those changes will be announced via our school social media applications.
Senior Students Need To Order Caps and Gowns
Galena High School Senior Students that plan on participating in the GHS Spring Graduation need to order their cap and gown at the link that is listed below. For any assistance needed, please contact Mrs. Martin in the high school office.
Bulldog Pride Items for Sale
Our Dog House Design Program is currently selling Bulldog Caps. Both designs can be purchased for $20 a cap, These caps, as well as other Bulldog Gear, may be purchased at the Bulldog Merchandise Link Below, or by contacting Mrs. Daniel or Mr. Bailey.
Senior Student Baby Pictures Needed
Senior Students and Families! Mrs. Daniel needs three baby pictures from every senior student. These pictures are used for the GHS Graduation Video. Please forward these baby pictures to Mrs. Daniel- ddaniel@galena499.org
Galena High School Athletic Events Streaming Link
If you are unable to attend the home Galena High School Athletic Events, the events can be viewed at the following link:
Galena High School After School Tutoring
After school tutoring opportunities are available for Galena High School Students, Monday-Thursday. For more information, please contact Mr. Sarwinski or Mr. Francis.
Galena High School Student Incentive Program
Galena High School has a student reward and incentive program that we will be using this year, with a variety of rewards and incentives throughout the school year. The criteria for the GHS Student Reward Incentive Program is listed below:
Gold Level
- 3.7-4.0 GPA (current term)
- No discipline referrals
- No more than 1 tardy
- No more than 1 absence
- Free admission to athletic events
- First 10 gold level holders to homecoming dance get in free - must have level during that quarter
- 1 free tardy pass
- Pizza one day during seminar - Gold only
Blue Level
- 3.3-4.0 GPA (current term)
- No discipline referrals
- No more than 2 tardies
- No more than 2 absences
- $1.00 admission to athletic events
- First 5 blue card holders to homecoming dance get in free - must have level during that quarter
- 1 free tardy pass
- Nachos during seminar - Gold & Blue
Silver Level
- 3.0-4.0 GPA (current term)
- No more than 1 discipline referral
- No more than 2 tardies
- No more than 3 absences
- $1.00 admission to athletic events
- First 3 silver level holders to homecoming dance get in free - must have level during that quarter
- 1 free tardy pass
- Ice Cream Floats during seminar - Gold, Blue, & Silver
White Level
- 3.0-4.0 GPA or increase GPA by .25
- No more than 2 discipline referrals
- No more than 2 tardies
- No more than 3 absences
Reward -
- Real Deal Pop during seminar - Gold, Blue, Silver, & White
Note- Additional reward activities will be included throughout the year based on attendance, academic and behavior criteria. We want to reward students for doing well!
Galena High School Menus
GHS Weekly Activities
White Day
MSSU Lunch Visit- GHS Commons
IPS Monday- Seminar
BOE Meeting- 6:30 PM
Breakfast- Sausage Breakfast Pizza or Cereal
Lunch- Nashville Hot Chicken or Mozzarella Dunkers or Salad Bar
Blue Day
HS Basketball vs Frontenac
Order of Play
- 4:30 JVB
- 6:00 VG, C Boys
- 7:30 VB
Breakfast- Cinnamon Roll or Cereal
Lunch- Super Nachos or Spicy Chicken Sandwich or Salad Bar
White Day
Club Day- Seminar
US Air Force Lunch Visit- Commons
Breakfast- Breakfast Bowl or Cereal
Lunch- Chicken Patty or Ham and Cheddar Melt or Salad Bar
Blue Day
Bulldog Buddies- Seminar
Breakfast- Donut or Cereal
Lunch- Cheesy Chicken and Rice Soup or Cheeseburger or Salad Bar
White Day
Senior Night Recognition- Between Varsity Games
HS Basketball vs. Colgan
Order of Play
- 4:30 JVB
- 6:00 VG, C Boys
- 7:30 VB
Breakfast- Biscuits and Gravy with Sausage or Cereal
Lunch- Chicken Po' Boy Sandwich or Hot Dog or Salad Bar
Upcoming Events
2.5 Progress Reports
2.17 Teacher Inservice Day
3.7 End of Q3
3.11 Parent/Student TC 3:30-6:30
3.13 Parent/Student TC 3:30-6:30
3.14 No School
3.17-21 Spring Break
4.2 NHS Induction Ceremony
4.12 Prom
4.15 Spring STAR Math and Reading Testing
4.17 Progress Reports
4.18 Good Friday no school
5.2 Senior Trip
5.9 Senior Awards 9:30 PAC
5.12 Senior Finals
5.13 Senior Finals
5.18 1:00 Cruise, 2:00 Baccalaureate, 4:00 Commencement
5.20 PM Finals
5.21 Finals
5.22 AM Finals
USD 499 Mission Statement
"Provide a safe environment while preparing students for success"
Galena High School- Home of the Bulldogs
- Beau Sarwinski- Principal- beau.sarwinski@galena499.org
- Noah Francis- Assistant Principal- noah.francis@galena499.org
- Brad Krouse- Counselor- brad.krouse@galena499.org
- Kristi Martin- Secretary- kristi.martin@galena499.org