Roosevelt Parent Roundup
Vision Statement
Mission Statement
To educate, challenge and inspire every student to achieve personal success and become a confident contributor to society.
Happy Fantastic Friday Tigers,
Happy Friday Tigers,
Thank you for joining us this morning for Pancakes and Pajamas. We had an amazing turnout!! A HUGE THANK YOU to Leda's Coney Island and Annie's Restaurant and Bake Shop for donating a portion of our pancakes. Thank you to our staff who cooked up the rest!!! We are honored to welcome you into our school, enjoy a delicious meal, and spend quality time together. Thank you for sharing your Roosevelt Tigers with us.
Report cards with essential information on your child's progress are available on 12/18 on Parent Connect. See attached. If you are having trouble logging in, please reach out to Mrs. Pac, she can assist you.
Should you have any questions before then, please reach out to the Main Office - 734-744-2775, between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm.
In Partnership,
The Roosevelt Elementary Team
The 20 minute reading challenge
Have you started the 20 minute Challenge? It’s never too late. Join us and let’s make it a habit!
Mrs. B. Garbutt and Ms. Gordon continue to challenge you to dedicate just 20 minutes of your day to reading at home. This could be reading on your own, listening to someone else read, or taking turns reading with a family member or friend.
Why read for 20 minutes?
There are many academic and social benefits to reading daily. In the past round ups you have been introduced to 6 of them, and although there are many more, here is the final benefit we share with you, and one of our favorites, especially as we prepare for the upcoming holidays.
Our final benefit we share with you is…
7.) Relaxation: Reading is a great strategy to help children, and adults, relax and wind down. Studies show that reading can help lower blood pressure, slow heart rate, and relax muscles. Consider adding reading into your daily routines. You could dedicate time to reading after dinner, after putting your pajamas on, or maybe even make it the last thing you do before lights go off and you go to bed. As the holidays approach, and oftentimes stress levels rise, remember to dedicate time to relax and read.
Keep the routines going Roosevelt students and families and continue to read 20 minutes a day! You’ve got this!
Kindergarten Gingerbread Houses
Kindergarten Reader's Theatre
Winter Weather
Please remind your children that warm clothing is needed for school as they will be going outside for recess for any temperature that is above 15 degrees Fahrenheit (real feel). Be sure students wear winter coats, gloves, hats, and winter boots when necessary. If you need winter gear, please let Mrs. Serazio know. We want everyone to stay warm and healthy!
Please be sure to label all snow gear as it we find many lonely mittens, hats and scarfs all over the school.
Please read the playground and weather guidelines below, from our Elementary Handbook. Remind your child that throwing snow is NOT allowed!
Nuts About Science Winter Session - Opens 11-29
TGA Junior Gold - Winter Session
Character Trait for December is Mindfulness
This month’s mindset focus will be on Mindfulness. Please ask your child throughout the month how they may engage in mindfulness in their day to day lives.
From Mrs. Serazio
December can be a busy, busy, BUSY month for many families. As part of our Social Emotional Curriculum, this month our district is focusing on the character trait of Mindfulness. To embrace a "Mindful Month", please take a look at the activity sheet below as a family and take a moment to pause and reflect during this busy time. If you tried some of the activities or chose your own to try, please let me know at
Thank you to all the families who returned the PBIS commitment sheet included with our pamphlet. Our staff and students are dedicated to being respectful, responsible, and safe as stated in our Positive Behavior Matrix. Students can earn “red tickets” for following the matrix expectations. Every Friday, teachers pull two red tickets, and the students can come to the lobby for a special prize!
Medications and Health Information - Please read!
If your child has a medical condition and/or requires medication at school, please download the forms your child needs for school, based on their health conditions (Life-Threatening Food and/or Insect Allergy, Allergy IHCP, Asthma, Diabetes, Seizure Disorder). New forms must be completed by you and your child’s physician each year (dated after the last day of school of the previous school year). Please ensure that the forms include both your signature and your child’s doctor’s signature. We cannot dispense any medication without these completed forms. Forms can be found on our school website under the parent tab as “Health Forms”.
Medications and forms can be brought to the school office anytime moving forward. Don't delay in sharing medical updates as you get updated information.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Serazio at
December Lunch Menu
January Lunch Menu
Art with Ms. Salvia
This week in art, we continued working on projects that we began working on last week. 2nd-4th grade continued working on their hot cocoa projects. 2nd grade is using oil pastels to color, and 3rd-4th grade are using sharpies and markers. We had fun "painting" over the marker with water and a paintbrush to make the color from the marker turn into "paint." K-1 finished working on their mittens with lots of fun patterns and colors. Our cub crew artists had fun using a tray and a ball to roll paint across their page. Can you see what colors we mixed together?
Have a wonderful long weekend! See you next time in art.
Ms. Salvia
PLTW with Mr. Morrow
Hello Scientists and Families,
This week in Mr. Morrow's class was busy with the buzz of finalizing projects, engaging in new stem challenges, and learning how communication with others is a valuable tool.
Our 4th graders and our 3rd graders are working on the Explain step of the design process. They have been creating a virtual presentation that shows how they met criteria for their challenge in a creative way. Our earlier grades have been focused on building strong communication tools with their peers while solving problems. They accomplished this goal by working toward a solution with various STEM challenges that require them to work as a group, communicate with kindness, and appreciate the strengths of their peers.
We are looking forward to one more wonderful week before we take a short break from action for the new year.
Stay curious!
Mr. Morrow
LMC with Mr. Pinta
This week in the LMC we continued our Digital Citizenship unit with "Being Kind Online." Students in second, third, and fourth grade listened to "The Fabulous Friend Machine" by Nick Bland, then participated in a Curipod lesson focusing on being careful and kind online. We finished by playing "Kind Kingdom" in Interland, a game all students can access through our Symbaloo page on the Roosevelt LMC website. Young 5's, Kindergarten, and first graders listened to "Webster's Email," then met "Heart." Like "Arms" who we met a couple of weeks ago who taught us about balancing our time online, Heart taught us about being kind online. Students watched a very short video, slideshow that I presented to them, and colored Heart at home on his couch. Students had to write one way to be kind online. Three choices were provided for them to copy if necessary.
Book Checkout: Did you know you could check what your child is checking out at the library each week? Using this link you can see the latest books added to the library, what's popular, and even do a genre search. To access your child's checkouts, click "login" in the top right corner and login using your child's information, which can be found in Parent Connect under "Network Information." Once logged in as your child, look for "My Stuff" and then "Checkouts."
Mr. Pinta
Music with Ms. Grammatico
It's been another fantastic week in music! Franklin's Bel Canto Choir came to perform some of their holiday songs for us on Tuesday. The students were a WONDERFUL audience and really enjoyed it.
Every grade level played the cups this week to my favorite Christmas song "Sleigh Ride" by Leroy Anderson. All grades used instruments with the song "The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" from the Nutcracker and 3rd graders used paper plates to move and demonstrate form for the song.
See everyone for our last week before winter break!
P.E. with Mrs. Lee
Healthy heart wishes,
Mrs. Lee
Volunteers and Chaperones Please Complete
Join the PTA
Our PTA Board:
Rebecca Schilling- President
Nichole Roberts- 1st VP
Lauren Szabo - 2nd VP
Sam DeCapite- Secretary
Jason Broomfield - Treasurer
Membership Chair - Alyssa Boyce
Any questions please reach out to
24-25 School Calendar For Your Planning
E-Backpack Mail
Pizza for a Purpose
Mark Your Calendars
12/16 Little Caesar's Pizza Kit Kickoff
12/16 No School for students (Staff Development Day)
12/18 Report cards available on parent connect
12/20 Popcorn day/Comfy Cozy day
12/20 Birthday lunch
12/23-1/3 Winter Break - Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanze, Happy New Year
1/7 PTA Meeting 6pm, Idea Factory
1/20 MLK Day - No School
Elementary Day
K-4 Full Day 8:55 am - 4:00 pm
Lunch 11:40 pm-12:30 pm
ASD Full Day 8:30-3:30 pm
Half Day Dismissal will be 12:10 pm, ASD 11:30 am
Office Hours 8:00-4:30 pm
Roosevelt Elementary
Location: 30200 Lyndon, Livonia, MI, USA
Phone: 734-744-2775
Twitter: @RooseveltTigers