CBMS Community Cougar Comments
January 10,2025
A Caring, Curious and Connected community of learners.
Principals' Message
Dear Crossett Brook Community Members:
Welcome back from December break. We hope everyone had a restful and relaxing time away, whether it was spent near or far. We are one week from our first Sugarbush mountain day on January 17. We will be including some important information for all students, staff and chaperones below about snacks, equipment and options at the end of the day's program later in the newsletter. Please make sure to read through carefully.
We want to remind everyone again, that our building is unable to open until 8:15 in the morning. We understand this can be inconvenient at times, but we do not have staff to supervise students inside until that time. Please make sure students are dressed warmly when here with proper winter attire. If winter attire is needed, please check in with us in the main office and we can help get items.
Jen and Duane
January Lunch Menu
Check the website for this month's menu.
Outdoor Expectations in Cold Weather
VPA Recommendations for Sports
We are doing our best to allow for students to get outside and get fresh air with safety in mind.
Mandated Attire for Winter Outdoor Time
Hand, ears, arms, legs and feet must be fully covered to go outside.
Gloves or mittens
Hats/hoods/ear muffs or headband that covers ears
Winter jacket
Socks and shoes, preferably boots.
Pants/snow pants, if students are playing in the snow
Skiing with us or on your own at Sugarbush?
Consider helping Sugarbush donate to mental health. Check out the Descent to Rise Above challenge linked below to help skiers and riders get in a BILLION vertical feet this season and Sugarbush will donate $50,000 to NFI VT, a non-profit focusing on mental health programming and education for Vermont's families.
How to participate? Just download the Sugarbush app. When you ski or board, go to Trail Map and Tracking and start tracking those stats. The mountain opens this week!
What's in it for you? Top three vertical earners qualify to get great prizes.
IMPORTANT Information about Ski/Ride/Shoe days (first date 1/17/25)
1. All equipment MUST be dropped off in the morning by 8:30. Our volunteers need to be able to pack and transport the equipment before the first group gets to the mountain. Drop off location is at the end of the parking lot near the gym entrance along the large yellow pillars. There will be separate sections for grades 5/6 and 7/8. Signs will be posted.
2. All equipment MUST be picked up at the same location or underneath the gym eaves by 5:00. Any equipment left behind will be left under the eaves.
3. ALL equipment MUST be clearly labeled with your student's first name, last name, grade and team, the tape used needs to stay on in the cold (painters tape or duct tape are often the best options).
4. Phones are allowed on the mountain for emergencies and photos. Acceptable use requirements apply just like at dances (always have permission for pictures, etc).
5. If students are staying at the mountain with a parent or other adult, students must be signed out through our sign out process (more information to come).
6. If students are staying at the mountain, an adult who is signing the student out MUST be present to sign them out. Students will not be permitted to sign themselves out to stay at the mountain on their own.
7. At the end of the CBMS hours at Sugarbush, all equipment and belongings MUST be moved out to the Schoolhouse building and taken to another lodge, if students are staying at the mountain. The Schoolhouse will not be available to our students or chaperones after the buses leave and the doors are locked.
8. ALL snacks MUST be nut free. This includes all peanuts and tree nuts. More information on nut allergies will be linked below.
9. Proper mountain attire: Students should have gloves/mittens, winter coat, snow pants, boots (if snowshoeing) and hats/face covering.
10: Goggles are optional, but recommended. We do not have goggles to loan out this year.
11. Grades 5/6 will be provided lunch back at school after the program. Grades 7/8 will be offered lunch to bring to the mountain.
12.While at CBMS, students will be engaging in academic learning activities on team as well as project based learning during applied academics time. Students choosing to stay at the mountain may have an expectation for their teachers for follow up.
Calendar of Events
- 1/13 Sugarbush Parent Volunteer meeting on Google Meet
- 1/17 First Sugarbush field trip
- 1/24 Second Sugarbush field trip
- 1/31 Third Sugarbush field trip
News from around the school
News from the Dream Team
In Language Arts, students are about to embark on our next novel unit: Historical Fiction. This ties in with our study of the Revolutionary War period of U.S. History in Social Studies. This week, students were given the opportunity to choose a book of interest and book groups will be formed based on their feedback. The books we’ll be reading are: Sophia’s War by Avi, Woods Runner by Gary Paulsen, and The Fighting Ground by Avi.
News from our Wizards
Right before the winter break, the Wizards hosted their annual talent show and waffle breakfast. We had comedians, musicians, card tricks, and more! Thanks to our families for your generous donations which made our breakfast possible!
News from Quest Team
Quest is starting their debate unit. We are also working on our unit on the hydrosphere and ancient civilizations. We are a part of Cornell’s FeederWatch. Our bird feeders have been busy with the cold weather!
News from MS Sports
Harwood Middle School Gymnastics had their first home meet of the season December 30th - and won 🥇 in their meet against Montpelier and Middlebury.
On Vault
Second Kassidy Noyes🥈
On Bars
First Kassidy Noyes🥇
On Floor
Second Kassidy Noyes 🥈
All Around
First place Kassidy Noyes🥇
Team Scores
First place Harwood MS with 134.9🥇
Second place Middlebury MS with 113.5🥈
Third place Montpelier MS with 100.05🥉
Health Office Updates
Cold Weather Warnings
Here is some information you might find helpful during the cold, winter months:
Children lose heat faster than adults in cold weather. This is due to children having:
a larger surface area compared to body weight which leads to greater heat loss
less body fat, so less “insulation” to retain heat) and
their ability to regulate internal body temperature may not be fully developed so they are more vulnerable to temperature changes.
Frostbite can occur in as little as 30 minutes! Frostbite happens when the skin and outer tissues become frozen and tends to occur on the fingers, toes, ears and nose. The skin may become pale, gray and possibly blister and your child will complain that their skin burns or feels numb. If this occurs, bring the child inside and place the frostbitten parts of the body in warm (not hot) water. Warm washcloths may be applied to frostbitten nose, ears or lips. DO NOT rub the frozen areas. After a few minutes, dry the affected area and cover your child with clothing or a blanket and give them something warm to drink. If the numbness continues for more than a few minutes, call your pediatrician.
Community Announcements
Community Opportunities
Please see the flyers for community opportunities.
Upcoming 4-H STEM Events
VTeen Science Pathways Cafés, Jan 11, Feb 15, March 22, April 12 & May 10
Join us for monthly hands-on science workshops by UVM faculty, graduate students and other STEM professionals and coordinated by the 4-H VTeen Science Ambassadors. These are excellent opportunities to learn about a breadth of careers and current research in a variety of STEM fields. Workshops are for teens age 13+. Cafés take place on UVM campus on Saturdays from 5:00-7:00 pm and pizza and soft drinks will be served. Upcoming topics include:
Jan 11 Disease Detectives: Genetically Engineering Bacteria in the Microbiome for Therapy
Feb 15 Finding Patient Zero: Tracking Disease Outbreaks
March 22 Medical Laboratory Science
April 12 Brain Parasites, Behavior, and Public Health
May 10 Stop the Bleed: Emergency Medicine
Please register for these free events here: https://go.uvm.edu/afe. Space is limited for some cafés. You will receive an email before the event with campus location, parking and other information (please provide your email address). To request disability-related accommodation, please contact Margaret at mcoan@uvm.edu, or (802) 656-7634, 3 weeks prior to the session you want to attend so that we may assist you.
Aiken Discover Engineering Day, February 22, 9:30-2:30, 2025
Discover Engineering is a day of hands-on learning and exploration for youth in 5th-12th grades to learn about engineering, build skills, and network with college students, professors, and professionals in the field. Organized by UVM’s College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (CEMS) and UVM Extension 4-H, the day includes an Engineering Scavenger Hunt (interactive exhibits showcasing various types of engineering and career pathways), and an afternoon of learning through hands-on workshops. Lunch provided. Sponsored by the Lola and George Aiken Fund. Register for this free event taking place on UVM campus here: https://go.uvm.edu/2025
To request language interpretation/translation assistance and/or a disability-related accommodation to participate in this program, please call or email Margaret Coan at 802-656-7634 or margaret.coan@uvm.edu before Friday, January 31, 2025 so we may assist you. Registration open until filled or Monday, Feb 17 at 5:00 pm.
HUUSD Calcutta
Hi Folks
Yes we are knee deep in snow but not too early to think about the 2025 HU Sports and Activities Calcutta.
It will be held 5/10 at the American Legion in Waterbury.
More details to follow.
If you want to reserve a number now(they will go quick) please email, text or just tell me.
Tickets are $100.00 with a chance at $1500.00 plus a meal and a great time at the event.
All proceeds go to our sports and activities programs.
Brian McCarthy aka Bmac
CBMS Events Calendar
CBMS Calendar