What's News from CTE!
The Latest From CCC Career & Technical Education Programs
Welcome Back Fall 2024
CCC Automotive Program Making Waves in Seaside!
The CCC Automotive Program represented at the amazing Seaside Wheels & Waves Car Show September 12-15, 2024.
CCC Automotive graduate with honors (and current Instructional Assistant) Bonni Hilderman and instructor Thad Nolan spent Saturday showcasing our beloved Montego to an amazing crowd of spectators in downtown Seaside. (Thank you to Julie Kovatch and Tammy Heintz for added support!)
The classic Montego has been a large project for Bonni and Thad, so being able to share their work was rewarding.
We were able to promote our amazing programs with the crowds who attended and of course fun was had by all!
And SO MANY CCC Alumni made themselves known as they stopped by. A few of them will be showcased at the end of this newsletter. 😊🎉
Historic Preservation Club
CCC's Historic Preservation Club has hosted several fun tours and events, with many more on the schedule. Recent tours have included the Astoria Masonic Temple and Liberty Theater.
On August 15, 2024, the CCC Historic Preservation Club (Thank you Marcus Lucero!) hosted a tour of the historic Liberty Theater in downtown Astoria. Architectual and design styles were highlighted, as well as contributing artisans. The group was able to discuss renovation projects completed and also in the works. What a jewel of a theater!
If you want more info on the Historic Preservation Club, or upcoming projects/events please contact Marcus Lucero hpclubccc@gmail.com
South Tongue Point Restoration Project at MERTS Campus
In October 2023, the Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce (CREST) completed construction for a habitat restoration project spanning over 20 acres and located just off the MERTS parking lot. The land was purchased from the Oregon Department of State Lands in 2021 by the Columbia Land Trust, which immediately transferred it to the college. The $900,000 project led by CREST and funded by the Bonneville Power Administration and other partners has created pockets of critical habitat for threatened and endangered juvenile fish like coho, Chinook and chum, reconnecting more than a dozen acres with the tides along the Columbia River. The project also aimed to tackle invasive species, such as reed canary grass, which had taken over parts of the site preventing normal forest succession.
CREST continues to collect restoration data to monitor their efforts at the site. Partners at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory are also conducting a food web research study to look at the impacts of the new habitat structures on insect populations.
This September, Zach Bigelow from CREST led a WONDERFUL small tour of the area for MERTS staff, pointing out project sites, features, and plans for future restoration, as well as describing some of the dynamics at play as the site recovers from the intense construction work. Describing the site as a "biological laboratory", Zach is excited to see how the landscape responds to CREST's restoration efforts, and to continue to influence it in a positive way. Zach is working to strengthen ties between CREST, CCC and the local community, and hopes to create volunteer and educational opportunities that leave a lasting impact on the places and the people involved. Please contact Tammy Heintz theintz@clatsopcc.edu if you'd like more information or to contact Zach for a tour or class project.
...and Racoon Prints! Go Bandits!!! 😁
Drone Activity
CCC's Fire Science Program Awarded Roundhouse Foundation Funds
On August 29, 2024, the Fire Science program received a congratulatory notice from the Roundhouse Foundation that we received $55,000 in funding for new fire science training props for the Fire Response and Research Center (FRRC).
These props include: one Commercial Grade Forcible Entry Door Prop with multiple attachments for training on how to open different types of constructed doors safely during a fire; one Commercial Grade Forcible Entry Roll Up Garage Door Prop for training on how to vent a garage fire safely; one Commercial Grade Forcible Entry Security Screen Door Prop for training on how to open doors with exterior bars and metal work; and one Max Fire Box Commercial Grade Prop that allows trainees to see the stages of fire, growth, development and ventilation in a safe, hands-on live fire environment. The Max Fire Box Prop will also allow trainees to see how different ventilation techniques alter a fire’s development and growth within a house. Currently, the Fire Science program has only one Forcible Entry Door Prop that was built in-house by Clatsop Community College students over 10 years ago and it has run its course as a usable prop.
The purchase of these new training props will provide a wider range of training options open to our degree and non-degree seeking students and community members by enhancing and improving our classes with more practical scenarios.
Summer Haul Out of CCC's M/V FORERUNNER
It was a successful summer haul out of the M/V FORERUNNER that had Captain Dale Butts, Captain Mike Lee and Instructional Assistant Nick Williams along with 6 Seamanship students working on various projects such as painting, needle gunning, general maintenance and cleaning before fall term begins.
Thank you for your hours of work to upkeep our wonderful vessel and floating classroom!
WELCOME Captain Mike Lee!
Army North Visits MERTS Campus for Intense Days of Training
CCC's MERTS campus hosted 236 persons (YES 236!!!) from Army North in Fort Riley Kansas and Fort Cavazos Texas, training in HAZMAT – Recon – Decon – Casualty Collection and Triage on September 10 – 11, 2024. The Army North mission is: U.S. Army North conducts Multi-Domain Operations in support of U.S. Northern Command in order to detect, deter and defeat threats to the Homeland and conducts defense support of civil authorities and theater security cooperation initiatives to defend the United States and its interests.
Fascinating to see their training in action, and we at MERTS were honored they could use our facility.
US Naval Sea Cadets Train at MERTS
On July 10, 2024, 90 members of the US Naval Sea Cadets from all over the United States of America were training in the Fire Response and Research Center on MERTS campus.
Sea Cadets are young men and women aged 10 through 17 who choose adventure, seek challenges, and step outside of their comfort zones. There are two programs within Sea Cadets. The Navy League Cadet Corps (NLCC) is for middle school students aged 10 – 13. The Naval Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC) is for ages 13 through the end of high school.
It is always a pleasure to have this program use our campus. Way to go Sea Cadets!
Clatsop WORKS Interns Visit MERTS
June 26, 2024 Clatsop WORKS Professional Development Career Exploration, led by Misty Bateman, visited the MERTS campus with 19 high school summer student interns. A big thank you to our CTE instructors who came in to make sure this group got star treatment (and a big fire in the Burn Building!).
Kudos to Misty Bateman for her continued support of interns and positive attitude (and also for sharing these pictures!)! What fun.
Alumni Spotlight
CCC Business Alumni Kelvin Knudson owns and operates CN Complete Networking in Seaside. His consulting business works with other small businesses to help them expand and grow offering Bulletproof internet, home automation, security cameras and loads more.
We are so proud of you Kelvin! Thank you for being a star in your community.
For more information on CN Complete Networking, please visit CompleteNetworkingLLC@gmail.com or contact Kelvin directly at 458-202-2409
Mother and Son Alumni!
Thank you, Tami Gandy, CCC Nursing graduate, for all your years of service in the field of Nursing. And for being such a wonderful example of what our CCC grads bring to our communities.
AND... Tami's son Logan Gandy, CCC Business transfer degree, is also an amazing alumnus! Logan transferred to Western Oregon University and a Computer Science degree.
Are You a CCC Employee That Has Never Been to Our MERTS Campus?!??
Come see what's happening at CCC MERTS!
We've heard from several CCC folks who have never set foot on the MERTS campus. Please take the time to come out and tour the facilities so you can better assist students who may want to take CTE classes, or just for your own knowledge of our college. It will be fun... promise!
Please contact Tammy Heintz if you are an employee and want to come out for a look-see theintz@clatsopcc.edu.
For group tours or more information on what CCC's MERTS campus has to offer-
CCC Historic Preservation & Restoration Program Fall Classes & Workshops
These courses provide a fantastic opportunity to deepen your knowledge and skills in historic preservation, whether you’re seeking a degree, wanting to audit a class, or simply interested in learning something new. You do not need to be enrolled in the historic preservation program or be a degree-seeking student to participate.
Night Classes
BLD 111: Tool Safety
Learn to safely use and maintain hand and power tools for historic preservation and construction.
Tuesdays, 3:00pm – 4:50pm
Dates: October 1st, 8th, 15th, plus one weekend
Instructor: Brian Pietrowski
BLD 140: Print Reading for Construction
Introduction to reading and interpreting construction drawings.
Wednesdays, 5:00pm-7:50pm
Available in-person or online
Instructor: John Goodenberger
BLD 207: Project Management
Introduction to construction and preservation project management.
Meeting information TBD
Available online
Instructor: Ryan Prochaska
BLD 210: Historic Preservation 1
Introduction to the history and theory of historic preservation.
Tuesdays, 6:00pm-8:50pm
Available in-person or online
Instructor: John Goodenberger
Weekend Workshops
BLD 121: Fall Maintenance
Introduction to preservation maintenance.
Saturday and Sunday, 9:00am – 4:00pm
Dates: November 9th & 10th
Instructor: Brian Pietrowski
BLD 134: Joinery
Introduction to finished woodworking skills.
Saturday and Sunday, 9:00am – 4:00pm
Dates: November 23rd & 24th
Instructor: Brian Pietrowski
For more information, please contact 503.338.2301
Career Pathway Certificates and Degrees in CTE
For more information or to direct a student, please contact Tammy Heintz or Mary Jackson.