Luce Road Family Update
December 16-20, 2024
Week 18
Key Information for the Week
Breakfast Menu
Lunch Menu
This Week's Schedule
December 16-20
- Holiday Spirit Week
Monday, December 16
- 6:30pm: PTO Meeting @ Pine Ave. Elementary
December 18
- Gingerbread Day - please refer to communication from your child's classroom teacher.
Upcoming Events
December 23-January 6
- No School - Winter Break
December 23-January 1
- Child Care Closed
Friday, January 10
- Early Release Day - students released at 11:33am
Student Drop-off and Pick-Up
Reminder, when dropping off and picking up your child, you MUST either park in the parking lot and walk up to the sidewalk , or drive through the car loop and an adult will assist with getting your child in and out of the vehicle.
Please DO NOT park in the car loop and get out of your vehicle. This causes a delay in the car loop, blocks incoming traffic, and is a safety concern for all.
Thank you!
Holiday Spirit Week - December 16-20
APS App/Rooms
Please make sure you are using and checking the APS app, Rooms. This is the way your teacher will communicate with you throughout the year about all the great things going on in your classroom. If you have any questions about the app please contact the main office, 989-463-1012.
Also, make sure to turn on notification!
Family Connection
Speech and Language Home Activities: https://speechandlanguageathome.com
Expanding Language
December Literacy Calendar
Maintaining Routines during School Breaks
Parents of Children 12 and Under During School Breaks: name.org
With the upcoming Winter break, schedules can be busy and daily routines change. The attached short article discusses the importance of structure and routine for your young children and includes some activities you can do at home.
Panther Cubs Programs
Child Care
If you or someone you know is in need of child care for your 2.5-4 year old, we still have spots available. Click the picture to begin enrollment or contact Kimberly Hamad at 989-466-7593 for enrollment information.
Tuition-Based Preschool
Spots are still available for our tuition-based preschool for 4-5 year olds. Open House is September 5, and school begins September 9. Contact Kimberly Hamad at 989-466-7593 for enrollment information.
Before & After Care Program
We have a few spots available for K-5th grade students who are in need of before and after school care. Contact Kimberly Hamad at 989-466-7593 for enrollment information.
School/District/PTO Updates
ROARS Building Expectations
Volume Level Expectations
Location: 535 N. Luce Road
Phone: (989) 463-1012
Facebook: Luce Road ECLC