New Berlin High School
Email: hllewellyn@pretzelpride.com
Website: www.pretzelpride.com
Location: 300 East Ellis Street, New Berlin, IL, USA
Phone: 2174886012
Facebook: facebook.com/newberlinpretzels
Twitter: @NBHSPretzels1
Instagram: newberlinpretzels
YouTube: Pretzel News Network
TikTok: nbhspretzels
Keep Up To Date with the Morning Announcement Broadcast!
NBHS Daily Advisory Agenda - Up-to-date information for all high school students shared in Advisory every day!
16 1PM Dismissal - Teacher Professional Development
18 HS Band to Emhurst College
20 Not In Attendance (MLK Birthday)
30 1PM Dismissal - Teacher Professional Development
New Building - New Routines
We have our (almost) first week underway and students and staff have been settling into our new space. We have some classrooms that are still in the old building (Ag, Band, and Community Based Education) and they will be making the move in a few weeks as we complete the final parts of the new construction and transition to the renovation project. I have been ELATED listening to students tell me their favorite part of the new building, watching them navigate the larger hallways, stairs, and hang out in the cafeteria and commons area.
Our first day, we moved over their lockers, so it was a huge learning curve utilzing a smaller space and working a combination lock at every passing period. By Friday, they all had the knack of working their locks and hopefully understand the need to minimize items that are not necessary to keep in their lockers.
This week, we are going to make sure that students are putting all personal belongings in their lockers, and not leaving their items out on the shelves. Athletic Bags for after school practices/contests will need to be taken to the PE Offices in the Dome. Musical Instruments will need to be taken to the band room. Backpacks, purses, and other items will need to go in their locker.
Another additional new procedure we are implementing is cell phones and airpods, backpacks, chromebook bags, and purses are not permitted in the classrooms. Students can check their phones during passing periods and lock them back in their lockers. They are permitted to take these items to their 8th hour Advisory/Class so they do not have to go back to their lockers when the bus bell or dismissal bell rings in order to assist with departure times at the end of the day.
As a reminder, no food is allowed in our classrooms, and the only beverage permitted is water - either in a plastic or reuable bottle that has a closable lid. We do not allow outside beverages in containers from restaurants or convenience marts, and students will have to throw these items away upon entering the building.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in supporting and talking to your student about these guidelines! We want to keep our students focused on learning and our building looking like new!
2025-26 Course Scheduling with Students Begins
This week, next year's Seniors and Juniors met with Dr. Violato go over the course selection process for the 25.26 School Year. He will finish meeting with Sophomores and Freshman this week. Students have been sent all of their information and resources needed to complete their course selections via email. Please check in with your high school student this week to discuss their schedule for next year. They will need to access our new Xello platform for course selection. If you have any questions, please email Dr. Viola at jviola@pretzelpride.com
ACT Prep Course for Juniors in January and February
Mrs. Pecoraro will be offereing an ACT Prep Course to Juniors during Advisory beginning the week of January 21st. We have access to this course through our Learning Express data base. Students that do not have an advisory due to CACC or Zero Hour can do this on their own; however, all juniors that are in Advisory will register and start the course with her during January and February. This is a great opportunity for our students and we appreciate Mrs. Pecoraro's expertise in sharing this with our students! Juniors will need to register for the course (the slide below was shared with them via email). An outline of the course is also included below.
What is 211?
With approximately 1.5 million nonprofit organizations in the United States plus scores of
government agencies, finding help can be confusing and intimidating. People who need help
often do not know where to begin.
211 call centers are staffed by trained specialists who quickly assess the callers’ needs and
refer them to the help they seek. It’s simple to remember, accessible to everyone, toll-free,
available 24/7, with multilingual capabilities.
211 in Sangamon and Menard County is funded by United Way of Central Illinois. By bringing
this service to the community, especially at a time when more individuals and families need
health and human service support, United Way is fulfilling its mission of mobilizing resources to
meet community needs.
👉 Check out the video below for more information about 211! #Team211
School Attendance Matters!
Here is our building's Weekly Attendance Update through January 10th. See below for some resources for keep your Middle and High School Students on-track for Academic Success.
Happy Birthday Pretzels!
We would like to wish these Pretzels a Happy Birthday this Month!
4 Maycee Shoemaker
9 Ty Miller
10 Mr. Spears
11 Kaitlin Lipe
15 Mrs.Kittell
18 Trenton Marr
21 Evan Schutz
24 Conner, Mason, and Peyton Stinson
25 Alexus Spivey
26 Madison Crosier; Josh Tenbusch
27 Lydia Hobrock
28 Torin Brashear; Madigan Burger
29 Genevieve Care
31 Jenna Magath
Who Do I Contact If I Need Help With...
Often times, parents do not know who to email or call about specific questions.
If you have a child in grades 6-8, they are in the Junior High, and the JH Principal contact is Mr. Radford - bradford@pretelpride.com
JH Secretary - Mrs. Bandelow - sbandelow@pretzelpride.com
If you have a child in grades 9-12, they are in the High School, the HS Principal is Mrs. Llewellyn - hllewellyn@pretzelpride.com
HS Secretary - Ms. Mills - cmills@pretzelpride.com
Scheduling Questions - Mr. Viola - jviola@pretzelpride.com
Registration Questions - Ms. Spann - jspann@pretzelpride.com
Attendance and Fees Questions - Mrs. Peecher - dpeecher@pretzelpride.com
Lunch Account Questions - Mrs. Pidcock - hpidcock@pretzelpride.com
Driver's Education - Mr. Holderread - nholderread@pretzelpride.com
Athletics - Mr. Lucas, Athletic Director - blucas@pretzelpride.com
NBHS Breakfast/Lunch Menus
Pretzel Athletics and Activities Updates
Pretzel Sports Boosters Updates
You can buy Sports Passes for all home pretzel games from the Sports Boosters. To buy your pass, visit www.pretzelsportsboosters.com/athletic-passes
The sports boosters has agreed to help coaches with 8th grade nights and Senior nights by providing cup cakes and drinks for the team and flowers for the 8th graders/Seniors. If you would like to help the Sports Boosters with this, contact Renee Cooper for more information.
If you are interested in helping work concession stands at any home game, contact Kris Neuman at krisneuman@gmail.com or 217-741-3980.
The Pretzel Sports Boosters is always looking for parents to help make our program a success. If you would like to contribute in any way, please let them know at pretzelboosters@gmail.com
Pretzel Sports Boosters Officers
Jake Surratt - President
James Snyder, Vice President
Renee Cooper, Secretary
Kris Neuman, Treasurer
Offices of Student Support Services Information
Upcoming College/Career Exploration Opportunities
Scholarship Opportunities
24.25 Scholarships
Scholarship opportunities will be posted here as we are made aware of them!
Please check out the link below to find out about the scholarships that Mr. Viola sends out each week to seniors!
LLCC Foundation Scholarships - Apply Today!
LLCC Scholarships go live today. One application for access to over 150 available