Superintendent Update
West Irondequoit CSD update from Aaron Johnson

Jan. 27, 2025
Dear Families,
As we embrace the opportunities of a new year, it’s essential to pause and reflect on the values that guide our work as a school community. We are proud to carry forward the vision of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who once said, “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” His timeless words remind us of the profound purpose of education—not only to foster academic success but also to build the character needed to make a positive impact in the world. We are inspired by his vision and strive to embody it in our schools every day.
This month, I want to update you on an important development from Governor Hochul regarding a proposed statewide ban on cell phones and using personal electronic devices in schools. While the conversation unfolds at the state level, our district has already taken proactive steps to establish thoughtful guidelines that encourage responsible technology use while minimizing distractions to learning. These guidelines (see below) have been in place for numerous years in all buildings, and just last year, we reviewed them across grades K-12 to ensure alignment and transparency. Our work fosters healthy habits and responsible use by students as they develop, and our staff has played a major role. Because they are on the frontlines of the issue in our classrooms and schools, their due diligence, teaching, modeling, and oversight have proven invaluable.
I’d also like to take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks to our district maintenance and grounds crew. Their incredible efforts during this recent cold snap have been instrumental in ensuring our buildings and grounds remain safe, warm, and welcoming, allowing students and staff to focus on teaching and learning in comfort. With the square footage they service, there are bound to be unexpected issues that result in short-term inconveniences, but overall, they do a tremendous job in managing a significant responsibility. We likely do not recognize them enough, but they certainly deserve it.
Thank you, families, for your continued partnership and support as we navigate the winter. The unpredictable weather can be a lot for our students and staff. I appreciate all that you do to stay engaged and supportive. Your involvement in your child's education is invaluable.
Reminder - there is no school this Wednesday, Jan. 29th because of the Lunar New Year. Wishing you and your family a wonderful start to 2025!
In partnership,
Aaron R. Johnson, Ed. D
Superintendent of Schools
P.S. You can find all of my updates on our website under Superintendent Update.
The graphic above and the attachment below were created by Gov. Hochul's office. At least eight states have already taken steps to ban or restrict cellphones in schools and the attachment includes an overview and findings, such as:
- Phones distract students and inhibit learning and creativity
- Phone-free environments do not compromise student safety
- Phone-free environments provide mental health benefits to students/teachers
Link the news article last week on this topic.
The following applies to ALL grade levels:
Inappropriate use of electronic devices, cell phones, smart watches, and social media that includes but is not limited to harassment, bullying, threatening or intimidation of any kind or that creates a disruption to the normal business of the school day will result in consequences. Information below are from school handbooks.
Cell phones, Smart Watches, Air Pods, iPods, hand-held games, and other technology items/electronic devices are not allowed in school. Should these items be brought to school, students will be asked to put them into their backpacks and/or lockers.
- Cell phones, smartwatches/watches with calling features, sound producing equipment, cameras, and novelty items such as laser pointers, are prohibited from use during the school day in classrooms or in halls.
- Students are discouraged from bringing personal electronic devices to school to avoid damage and/or disruption to the school day.
- Teachers may confiscate if used during the school day
- Devices must be off and stored out of sight from 8 AM - 2:55 PM
- During any instructional period, personal communication devices should not be seen, heard, or used
- Students may use personal devices during their lunch period
- Students may use personal devices when passing between classes
- Students may use these devices in other settings as permitted and directed by school personnel
- Unauthorized use may result in consequences
The "Wait Until 8th" pledge empowers parents and guardians to rally together to delay giving children a smartphone until at least the end of 8th grade. Ten years old is the average age children get their first smartphone. But more than 90,000 families have said yes to waiting.
Blue Ribbon Commission- Graduation Measures Update
At the Nov. 4th New York State Board of Regents meeting, a phased plan was presented by the Blue Ribbon Commission which will drive the future of education in NYS. The presentation and initiative, which is now being called “NY Inspires” included a phased transition to support what is being called the Four Transformations. These are major initiatives which we will move toward being fully implemented in Fall 2029.
Below are the Four Transformations and the major takeaways for each:
Adopt a NYS Portrait of a Graduate: The good news is West Irondequoit is already well-positioned for this transformation. Last year, working with IHS and Dake cabinets, we created our own Portrait of a Graduate based on the draft Portrait of a Graduate from NYS. A copy of our Portrait of a Graduate is linked here (see attachment below this article). NYS will be creating a rubric (which will be released in the next couple of years) for the Portrait of the Graduate which will be used in future years to drive credit and graduation expectations.
Redefine Credits and Learning Experiences: As explained, NYS will be redefining credits needed for graduation, as well as find ways to expand the learning experiences students engage in which better match the Portrait of the Graduate. While we hope to know more information next year regarding this requirement, this is what we know right now:
Starting in the school year 2026-27, financial literacy and climate education will be required. We anticipate that financial literacy will be a course and climate education will be required standards worked into curriculum/courses that already exist.
As a district we have already begun work toward this transformation. We have already begun planning for a financial literacy course for all and anticipate it going through Board of Educational approval process sometime this school year to prepare for the requirement in 2026-27.
We also anticipate more of an emphasis on designations and seals, like the Seal of Civic Readiness or Seal of Biliteracy (both of which we already offer in our district). We anticipate more seals like this to be offered and supported in the future.
Sunset Diploma Assessment Requirements: This transformation will move us away from Regents assessments as a graduate requirement. To support this, Regents assessments as a graduation requirement will sunset in the 2027-28 school year. However, NYS has been very clear that this does not mean Regents assessments will go away . They will still be used in a variety of ways and students taking Regents assessments now, and for the next couple of years, still need the Regents to earn a diploma. While Regents won't be a graduation requirement, they will likely shift to required NYS assessments, much like the NYS ELA and Math assessments in grades 3-8, and Science in grades 5 and 8. While there is still much we need to learn and receive guidance about from NYS regarding this shift, West Irondequoit is ready. We are one of the few districts in our area who is engaged in the PLAN Pilot, which is a way to pilot project-based assessments, which are alternative assessments to Regents assessments. The experiences and feedback we provide through this experience will help shape New York State’s vision and expectations of project-based assessments moving forward. You can learn more here: https://www.nysed.gov/plan-pilot/plan-pilot
Move to One NYS Diploma: In Fall 2029 and beyond, it is expected that we will move to one NYS Diploma. Meaning there will no longer be the option of a Local, Regents, or Regents with Advanced Designation diplomas in NYS. All students would work towards a single NYS diploma, however, the state is suggesting there will be opportunities for students to add seals or designations to their diplomas.
Overall, we are feeling confident that we are on the right path to move through these Four Transformations. There is much more information to learn as it’s released from NYS and we will do our best to keep you updated. In the meantime, if you’d like a more detailed presentation of this information, you can watch the presentation at the Dec. 5th Board of Education meeting, linked here (go to the 1:28.24 mark).
The Irondequoit High School gymnasium will be renamed in honor of former WICSD Director of Physical Education and Athletics, Mr. Dennis “Denny” Fries, on Tuesday, April 22nd. A formal dedication ceremony will happen at 5 p.m. at the conclusion of a 4 p.m. Unified Basketball Blue & Gold Scrimmage. A reception will follow in the IHS Large Cafeteria. Mr. Fries worked for the WICSD for 39 years and is considered one of the foremost athletic administrators in Section V and state history. He retired in 2006 and now resides in Virginia. READ MORE HERE: bit.ly/DennyFries_Gym
Support our Polar Plungers!
Students & staff are again taking the Rochester Polar Plunge on Sunday, 2/2 to support Special Olympics NY! Students and faculty can join our Icy Eagles team, and community members and businesses can support us by donating online at the Irondequoit Icy Eagles page: bit.ly/WI_Plunge2025. We have nearly 50 teammates signed up!
Student actors learning their craft
Two girls wrestling champs!
What is PASSN? It stands for Parent Advocates for Student Service Network and is a sub-committee of PTSA. It's made up of district parent advocates of students who receive supports through West Irondequoit Student Services. What to expect from PASSN meetings in 2025!
- Q&A for CSE preparation (with WICSD Student Services Directors, Amy Donk and Joanna Rowe)
- Self direction for students
- Self care and stress relief for parents/caregivers
- Transition teams for students moving up in the district or graduating
- Bullying (joined by counselors from the district)
- Supporting neurotypical siblings
- Preventing parent/caregiver burnout
- Embracing and celebrating our individual students
- Sensory input/output techniques (with a greater community professional)
- General coping and communication strategies
Please reach out to Hailey Austin with any questions or for further information at haileyzcomet93@gmail.com.
West Irondequoit Community Education has a NEW Facebook page! Give 'em a LIKE/Follow to be plugged in to their programming and check out some of their great stuff for this winter! Click here to see the Facebook page. Get better with WI Community Ed (click here for programs).
The links below will allow you to watch a replay of Thursday’s Public Hearing on the Alternative Veterans’ Tax Exemption and read an article about it and how it could impact taxes for all West Irondequoit CSD residents.
- Veterans’ Tax Exemption: youtu.be/75_PB-dymws?si=Xtza905sZlY7Oszt
- More information on VTE: bit.ly/3Py8ihM
The IRS has asked us to share information (see attachment below) with taxpayers in our district who may need assistance in preparing for tax filing season, choosing a tax preparer, determining eligibility for refundable tax credits and protecting yourself from tax-related identity theft.
Email: public_info@westiron.monroe.edu
Website: westirondequoit.org
Location: 321 List Avenue, Irondequoit, NY, USA
Phone: 585-342-5500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WestIrondequoitCSD
X/Twitter: @WestIrondequoit