MCCHS Friday Focus
301st Issue - September 13, 2024
From the Desk of Mr. Mike Shukis
Improving Our Emotional Intelligence during Difficult Times
As I have said a number of times, we are all leaders of children. Parents are leaders in the home, and faculty/staff, and school administrators are leaders in the educational life of students. Certainly, intelligence, determination, and vision are requirements for success in any endeavor, however, we also need a high degree of self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and refined social skills. Research in leadership development has found direct ties with these skills and measurable positive results.
Self-awareness refers to a deep understanding of our own emotions, strengths, weakness, needs, and drives. People with strong self-awareness are neither overly critical nor unrealistically hopeful; they are honest with themselves and others. Those who are the most successful take a deliberate approach to building self-awareness through prayer, relying on trusted friends and getting regular feedback from our colleagues.
We cannot do away with negative emotions, but we can do much to manage them. Self-regulation is the inner conversation we are always having with ourselves. Knowing how to regulate our emotions can mean the difference between embracing our roles and burning out. When we are in control of our emotions, we are better able to roll with changes and navigate our students through tough times.
Good leaders are driven to achieve above and beyond expectations. Plenty of people are motivated by external factors such as higher salaries or prestige, but the best leaders are driven by a deep desire to achieve. Many of us enter leadership positions because we want to make a difference in the lives of our children and the families we serve. We as school leaders, are driven to achieve and are forever raising the performance bar not only for ourselves but also for our students and the school as a whole.
We have all felt the empathy of a sensitive teacher or friend or have been struck by its absence in an unfeeling coach, mentor, or boss. Many people seem to believe that empathy is out of place amid the tough realities of leadership – but empathy isn’t mushiness; it simply means thoughtfully considering others’ feelings before making decisions. By noticing the good around us we can balance our attention and increase our empathy.
Finally, leveraging social skills as a leader during difficult times is not just a matter of friendliness; it is about friendliness with a purpose. Socially skilled leaders tend to have a wide circle of acquaintances and a knack for finding common ground and building rapport with people of all kinds. This doesn’t mean being social all the time, but it does mean working on the assumption that nothing important gets done alone.
It would be foolish to think that good old-fashioned intelligence, experience, and the skills to operationally run a home or school are not vital, but the recipe would not be complete without strong emotional intelligence. As leaders we must be willing to model the five dimensions and look within ourselves for ways to make improvements. Thankfully, these five dimensions can be learned. They may be challenging and time-consuming, but the benefits make it worth the effort.
Mike Shukis
Homecoming Dance
Homecoming Dance
Saturday, September 28, 2024
Dance Ticket Sales
Monday September 16 through Friday, September 20
during lunches
$15 each
Marian students who plan to bring a guest from another school to the dance: The form linked below must be completed and turned in when you purchase the tickets. Please note that the form needs to be signed by the administrator of the guest's school so allow enough time for this.
Homecoming Parade
The Homecoming Parade is a wonderful Marian Central tradition! The parade will take place on Thursday, September 26 at 3:30pm in the Woodstock Square. As the Homecoming parade preparations are being made, we are in search of convertible cars to drive the Homecoming court. Please contact Mrs. Bordeaux at kbordeaux@marian.com if you would be willing to drive your vehicle in the parade.
Homecoming Shirts
The Homecoming t-shirt will be on sale Monday during lunches. Students can bring $20 (cash only) and stop at the table in the Cafeteria to order one.
Show your spirit and buy a t-shirt to wear at the Homecoming Whiteout Football Game on Friday, 9/27!
Seniors - Order your Caps and Gowns
We’re already planning for graduation! A representative from Jostens met with our seniors today to present information about ordering caps and gowns and other optional items related to graduation. Ask your senior for the packet that was handed out.
Seniors were instructed to visit the Jostens website and place an order for their cap and gown no later than September 27th. There is no charge for only ordering the cap, gown, stole and tassel. Additional items such as invitations or announcements can be ordered if you wish.
Please click here to order only the cap, gown, stole and tassel (no charge)
ORDERS ARE DUE 9/27 - Orders submitted after this date will incur a late fee by Jostens.
October Testing for Juniors
ACT Test – Mandatory for all Juniors
In the past we have used the October test date for our current Juniors to take the PSAT/NMSQT, a practice SAT test, while the freshmen and sophomores took the PreACT. What we realized is that this process did not allow us to measure student progress and growth over time.
We decided to have all Juniors take the ACT test this year on Tuesday, October 15, at 8:00am. This will help us to align and analyze data more effectively and will also provide our students with an early indicator of how they might perform on the ACT in the spring. Students will not need to register for this test, nor pay any additional fees.
This decision will help our Juniors identify the areas in which further concentration and support are needed throughout the remainder of their Junior year in preparation for the spring ACT test.
Marian Central is a test site for the ACT National Test on Saturday, April 5, 2025. More information on registration for that date will be sent out later this year.
PSAT/NMSQT Test – Optional for all Juniors
We will continue to offer our Juniors the opportunity to take the PSAT/NMSQT test, if desired. Taking this digital test gives students practice for the SAT test and provides a predicted SAT score. In addition, it is the only opportunity for our most academically gifted students to potentially qualify for the National Merit Scholarship. More information regarding the PSAT/NMSQT can be found here.
The PSAT/NMSQT will be administered on Thursday, October 24, starting at 8:00am to any juniors interested in taking the test. If you would like for your student to take the PSAT/NMSQT you must:
Fill out and submit this registration form.
Pay the $20 test fee. Payments can either be made by cash or check made out to Marian Central Catholic High school and delivered to the Guidance Office, or by credit card online at www.marian.com. There is a 4% surcharge for credit card payments. If paying online, please go to General Payments and choose Registration Fee for Payment Type. Also, when you enter your Student’s Name type “PSAT Test” after their name.
The registration form and payment must be received no later than Friday, September 20 to be eligible to take the test.
If there are any questions about either the ACT or PSAT/NMSQT, please contact Mrs. Kelly Hilton, Guidance Director at khilton@marian.com.
Grandparents Mass at Marian Central; October 9th
Grandparents play an important part in our students' lives! Marian Central Catholic High School would like to celebrate and honor our grandparents for all they do and the role they play in the lives of their grandchildren. Enjoy a day dedicated to our grandparents on Wednesday, October 9! Grandparents Mass is at 10:30am, followed by light refreshments and a tour of the school. Please pass along this event and have grandparents RSVP here.
Can't attend Grandparents' Mass, but want to receive invitations to special events and the Hurricane Alert magazine? Grandparents, share your info here.
Questions? Contact Mrs. Bordeaux at kbordeaux@marian.com.
College Visits Next Week
All juniors and seniors may attend these visits. Students must receive permission from their teachers to attend each visit and must sign up for all visits in SCOIR.
Monday 9/16: Coe College-1st Period, Texas Christian University-4th Period, Lewis University-10th Period
Tuesday 9/17: Columbia University (NY)-10th Period
Wednesday 9/18: Iowa State University-3rd Period, St. Ambrose University (On-Site Admissions Decisions)-3rd Period, St. Norbert College-9th Period,
Thursday 9/19: St. Louis University-3rd Period, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology-9th Period, St. Mary's University (MN)-10th Period
Friday 9/20: Marist College (NY)-3rd Period, Creighton University-10th Period
McHenry County College - College Fair
Get your questions answered from over 120 colleges and universities.
September/October Calendar
Wednesday, October 2nd - Late Start; 9:45 am start time
Friday, October 4th - 8th Grade Visit Day; No Classes
Friday, October 11th - Noon Dismissal
Monday, October 14th - Columbus Day; No School
Tuesday, October 15th - Testing Day; Early Dismissal
Thursday, October 24th - Parent/Teacher Conferences; Noon Dismissal
Friday, October 25th - Parent/Teacher Conferences; No School
Color Run - Kick off Homecoming Week!
Hurricanes, get ready to kick off Homecoming week with a colorful splash!
The National Honor Society will be holding its second annual COLOR RUN Sunday, September 22nd, from 3-5:15 pm. It will take place on the Marian Central Track and is open to all students, families, alumni, and faculty. Get ready to get a little messy as you run for a great cause.
The $10 fee will cover an X-Large white T-shirt to wear during the Color Run and all of the proceeds will go to the Poor Clare Nuns of Rockford. To sign up please scan the QR code or click here and fill out the google form which will hold more details! Go Canes!
Student Volunteers Needed
Earn service hours by helping St. Mary at the Fall Fun Fair. See below for more info.