Feb Tournament of Roses Newsletter

February Updates
2026 Tournament of Roses Theme is Announced!
On Feb 4, 2025, the Pasadena Tournament of Roses newly installed President Mark Leavens, announced the 2026 theme, “The Magic in Teamwork.” The theme celebrates the sense of accomplishment in knowing that by working together, we can collectively achieve outcomes so much richer than we can ever experience as individuals.
The 2026 theme poster honors the organizations, agencies and community partners that make America’s New Year Celebration possible. Embroidered team patches from public safety partners, service organizations, and other parade participants reflect the teamwork demonstrated in working toward a common goal, to overcome challenges and produce amazing results. The poster embodies “The Magic in Teamwork”—not just in grand achievements, but in everyday moments of support, encouragement and shared success.
You can read more about the 2026 Theme here: https://tournamentofroses.com/2026-theme-announcement/
Winter Meeting Update Recap
- 12/28: Travel, Santa Monica, Rehearsal
- 12/29: Disneyland Day: Parade & Park Time
- 12/30: Float viewing, Bandfest, Photo at Rose Bowl, Bandfest social
- 12/31: Universal Studios, Games and NYE celebration (Texas New Year)
- 12/1: Parade day, packing, finale celebration
- 12/2: Travel
Trip Systems and Procedures
If your family will already be in CA because of your vacation plans, please contact Dr. Obado (philip.obado@allenisd.org) if you have any questions about the student trip. Please know that students are required to be with the band for the duration of the trip December 28-January 2nd even if student families are in the area on vacation. Parents cannot check their son/daughter out for special events, meals, Rose Bowl Game, etc for the duration of the trip as specified by the itinerary above.
- Allen ISD Discipline policies will be enforced including student code of conduct.
- Students that break the code of conduct will be sent home at the parents expense.
- Only Allen ISD Staff/Administration will handle student behavior/disciplinary issues.
- The student hotel is the Warner Center Marriott Woodland Hills.
- Only students in a room that are assigned to a room.
- Rooms will be of the same gender. (Quad rooms: four students in a room with two beds)
- Room assignments/picking will be in the early Fall
- Evening check: chaperones will do a head count and relay info for the following day and then tape the door.
- Morning check: chaperone will do a head count, relay info for the day and make sure there was no tampering of tape for student safety.
- Issues in the room will be handled by a director.
- Violation of room policy will be treated with disciplinary action determined by school staff/administration.
- District policy regarding the use and distribution of medication will be strictly enforced.
- Medical forms will be completed by a deadline before departure of the trip.
- Timed medications will be given morning at breakfast and evening before room checks.
- Students with a self carry form completed at the beginning of the school year can self carry.
- Only district nurses can administer any form of medication.
- Should a student become ill, the district nurse will determine what actions to be taken.
- The same accommodations provided for football games and marching competitions will be provided on the trip.
Outings (Theme Parks)
- Students will be required to stay in groups of 4. The group must be made up of students participating on the trip.
- Students are not allowed to leave the premises/boundary area defined by staff.
- Expected behavior is outlined in the Allen ISD Student Code of Conduct.
- Violation of conduct will be treated with disciplinary action determined by school staff/administration.
- Students will be communicated with a check in time and location. If they fail to meet this, disciplinary action will be taken.
- Students are expected to be on time with the schedule.
- All chaperones have passed an Allen ISD Background Check.
- Chaperones will have constant communication on the expectation of chaperones and students.
- Chaperones are expected to follow Allen ISD Volunteer guidelines.
- Chaperones are required to follow the schedule of supervision of students.
- Instrument/Uniforms/Luggage check in will be determined at a later date.
- All items above will be subject to search by Allen PD drug dogs.
- All items will be transported via semi trailer.
- All students will be made aware of check in and out procedures.
- Luggage is limited to a carry on size item and no more than 50 lbs.
- Uniforms will be packed in a garment bag with uniform parts, including shoes, socks and shorts/shirt worn under uniform. NO other items will be packed. Shako boxes with shako/gloves/gauntlets will be part of uniform check in.
- Luggage will be distributed at the hotel on arrive day and loaded back on the trailers Jan 2. Pick up day after the trip will be communicated with check in day.
Fundraising & Sponsorships
Friends & Family
- Perform America is running the Friends and Family (F&F) trip. Please contact Jeri Ashford (jashford@perform-america.com) if you have any questions.
- F&F hotel is not located in the same hotel as the students. The hotel has not yet been determined.
- All F&F participants will be able to attend all of the same events as the students including the celebration finale on January 1st.
- Families determine how many people are in the room. If there are two people in the room, each person pays the double price, for example.
- Families are not required to participate in the Friends and Family trip. Families can book their own rooms, park tickets, grandstand seats, etc.
- If you are not a part of the friends and family trip, you are free to book hotel rooms for your family (not your student on the band trip) wherever you wish - including the student hotel.
- When deciding on participating on the F&F or on your own, consider the following:
- F&F trip is fully staffed by Perform-America while on the trip. Your trip is planned out.
- F&F transportation in CA is included. Disneyland is an hour away from the student hotel. Pasadena is about 30-45 minutes away from the hotel. Parking on Jan 1 in Pasadena is terrible. Most of the main streets are closed if you don't have a VIP permit. You aren't paying for gas for your rental car with CA pricing.
- Admission to Disneyland during our trip dates required a Tier 6 ticket. If you purchase a Tier 6 ticket for Disneyland on your own (valued just under $300 with a hopper), you aren't guaranteed admission to the park since the park reaches capacity quickly. F&F tickets are purchased with the band and are guaranteed admission.
Reminders, Payment Information, & Helpful Links
- Payment #2 was due on Feb 3 ($300). As stated on the trip agreement, students whose payments are not received within seven days of the due date will be removed from the trip and will be subject to the cancellation policy. Scroll to the Registration section below on how to make payments.
- Optional Trip Insurance is due on January 31: If you are planning on purchasing optional trip insurance, the deadline is January 31. Scroll to the registration section below for links on trip insurance.
- Friends & Family Trip: The non-refundable deposit is due on February 12th with the deadline to register on the friends and family trip on March 12. This trip is entirely managed by our travel company, Perform America Texas. Questions should go to Jeri Ashford (jashford@perform-america.com)
How to make Payments (Student Trip):
Pay on SchoolPay
Drop payment of in the AHS Band Office Safe
Mail payment to the following: Allen High School Band, 300 Rivercrest Blvd, Allen, TX 75002, attn: Susan Fulk
Families can choose any travel insurance you want
Perform America-Texas recommends the following third party insurance. Copy and paste the following link in a separate browser: https://www.travelinsured.com/group.signup?group=161060&guid=8df1531feef145deac42963979e9fa08
CFAR (Cancel For Any Reason) is only a viable option within 14 days of your initial deposit (Jan 7, 2025 is the deposit date).
Register for the 2026 Tournament of Roses Friends & Family (F&F) Trip
The itinerary and payments are set by Perform America-Texas.
F&F packages do not include airfare or airport transportation.
F&F packages include all of the same events as the student trip, but will stay at a different hotel.
F&F packages include grandstand seating.
Optional insurance is available. Copy paste the following link in a separate browser: http://www.travelinsured.com/agency?agency=53456
CLICK HERE for the Friends & Family Information & Registration.
Other helpful links:
Winter Update Meeting Slides from 2/4/25
Allen Band Tournament of Roses Website (everything you need to know about the trip - including how to purchase Escadrille Tournament of Roses Spiritwear)
Kick-Off Meeting Video from 12/3/24
Kick-Off Meeting Slides from 12/3/24
Q&A Answers from 12/3/24 meeting
Trip Agreement Form - this document has all of the financial and behavioral expectations for this trip including the cost and payment schedule. Students are required to print the document and submit it to your director (CMS, EMS, FMS students) or in the band safe at AHS (for LFC/AHS students).
Information Form - this is an online document that will provide the necessary information we need to register students for flights, regulate dietary needs, and order shirts in your size.
SchoolPay link to make Tournament of Roses payments online for the student trip
Chaperone Interest Form - please see the selection process on the interest form.
Fundraising & Sponsorships
A Message from the Allen Band Booster Association
Dear Parents,
The Allen Band Booster Association is thrilled and honored to support the Allen High School Band and Colorguard programs in this once-in-a-lifetime experience at the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade.
Our goal is to fundraise enough to reduce the cost of the trip for all participants significantly. The more funds we raise, the greater the financial relief for families. To achieve this, we have planned fundraisers designed to engage the community, out-of-town supporters, and achieve high fundraising percentages. Like the 2026 Tournament of Roses theme, Magic in Teamwork, let’s come together to make this happen!
Spirit Wear: Show your support with TOR spirit wear, available for purchase through May at www.allenband.com/shop. These items make great keepsakes and can be shipped directly to out-of-town supporters.
Donations: Anyone can contribute to the trip! Share our donation page on social media, group chats, and bulletin boards. Our goal is for every student to receive at least $200 in donations. All contributions are tax deductible: https://www.allenband.com/tordonations.
Sponsorships: Local businesses can also show their support. Share our sponsorship package with doctors, realtors, small businesses, and large corporations alike. Our aim is to secure $90,000 in business support. More information is available at www.allenband.com/torsponsors.
For questions on any fundraising efforts, email tor@allenband.com. For information regarding the trip, visit www.allenband.com/tor.
Also, be sure to follow us on social media to get the latest information:
- Facebook: @OfficialAllenBandBoosterAssociation
- X: @AllenBand
- Instagram:@abba_allen.eagle.escadrille
Thank you for supporting our students in this unforgettable journey!
Justine Anderson
Allen Band Booster Association
2024-25 President
877-979-2263 ext. 900
Upcoming Dates
- Feb 12: Friends & Family Trip Non-Refundable Deposit Due
- March 12: Friends & Family Registration Deadline
- April 8: Optional Spring Update Meeting (7pm, AHS Band Hall)
- Week of July 28: Student Room Sign-Ups Begin
- Early September: Optional Fall Update Meeting (7pm, AHS Band Hall)
- TBA October: Required Trip Meeting (7pm, AHS Performing Arts Center)
- Chaperone Meeting: Early December 2025 (7pm, Band Hall)
- Dec 19: Luggage and Equipment Packing
- Dec 22: Backup Date for Equipment Packing (If State Football Game)
- Dec 28-Jan 2: Tournament of Roses Travel Dates
2024-2025 AHS/LFC Band Staff
- Dr. Philip Obado, Director of Bands, Allen ISD
- Dr. Steven Knight, Associate Director of Bands & Marching Band Director
- Joshua Blankenship, Director of Bands, Lowery Freshman Center
- Alex Baczewski, Assistant Band Director & Jazz Studies Director
- Andrew Camp, Colorguard Director & Assistant Band Director
- Miles Locke, Percussion Director & Assistant Band Director
- Jeremy Rohr, Assistant Band Director, Lowery Freshman Center
- Jesse Vela, Assistant Percussion Director & Assistant Band Director
- Susan Fulk, Performing Arts Administrative Assistant