Magee Parent Newsletter Jan 2025

Important Dates
Important Dates
1/8: Santa Rita Visit 8th Graders
1/10: Honor Roll Pancake Breakfast (3.5 GPA and up)
1/13: Mark Wood Visit (Orchestra Only)
1/14: IReady Diagnostic Testing
1/15: Benchmark Awards (Distributed in 7th period classes)
1/16: District Title 1 Walkthrough
1/20: Martin Luther King Jr Holiday (No School)
1/21: TKAP Opening Ceremonies @ Dodge
1/23: Skate Country Night-Student Council 6PM
1/23: TUSD Step Up Expo at TCC
1/24: TKAP field trip Lunar New Year @ Cholla HS
1/28: TKAP Colossal Cave field trip
1/29: District Professional Development Day (No School)
2/4: TKAP Desert Museum field trip
2/6: TKAP closing ceremonies
TUSD Step Up Expo Coming!
Come visit our booth at the TUSD Step Up Expo at the TCC on January 23rd. All schools will be on hand and have information about their programs and offerings that make TUSD special. It's free to attend.
Family and Community Engagement Guidelines
Family Community Engagement Guidelines for School Sites SY2024-25 (FINAL) (2).pdf
We need support to help run parent and community-oriented events. If you are interested, please see Mr. Muecke.
Benchmark Scores
21st Century After School Program
Please encourage parents to sign their student up for our after school program...especially the tutoring portion! We have many students that could benefit from the extra support!
TUSD-Magee Bond Updates
Did you know Magee is slated for campus improvements? This is all part of the TUSD bond that was passed by voters last year. For a list of projects, please see the link below...
Our Digital Marquee is coming!!! :)
Teens Make Health Happen
Magee 7th and 8th graders in AVID get the opportunity to learn about healthy life choices throughout the fall and spring. This January, we’re introducing a new module called Spark to Serve, focusing on community service and volunteering. Students will learn about service and participate in activities to give back. Thanks to Mr. Rodriguez’s collaboration with the student council, we’ve started a food drive running from Jan 6-31.
Magee PTSA
We are always looking for new members. Please join and support our PTSA by using the QR code below.
Student Council/PBIS
Magee Spirit Day
EVERY Friday we will show our school spirit by wearing anything RED, WHITE and BLUE!!!
Soccer Schedule Released
The soccer schedule is released for boys and girls. Please see the following linked schedule for further information.
Counselor Corner 🌟
"Talk Text Act" presented to 6th grade and 7th grade. 6th grade discussed Anti-Bullying and 7th grade was on digital safety/respect on snapchat or instagram. Very relevant to our student population! Also a big thank you to Officer Hoffman for presenting in Mr. Pavik's Science classroom! If our students remember anything from her coming- hopefully they will remember to NOT run across Speedway!! Officer Hoffman described being hit by a car in great detail. 🤕