Boerne ISD Board Report

Open Session
The Boerne ISD Board of Trustees held their regular monthly meeting in the BISD Board Room on Tuesday, September 17, 2024.
This month's Board meeting included:
- Commendations, Core Values in Action, BEF WOW Moment
- Board Member Reports
- Strategic Plan Updates, Bilingual/ESL Program Strategic Plan and Talent
- Compensation Proposal
- To view the entire agenda please click here.
CCES Students Led The Pledges
Thank you to Cibolo Creek Elementary 4th and 5th-graders for leading the Pledge of Allegiance and the Texas Pledge.
They also had great questions for our Board members!
Core Values in Action: All Pro Dads
Fabra Elementary Principal Troy Latiolais and Van Raub Elementary Assistant Principal Michael Joannou presented on the All Pro Dads program.
All Pro Dad Chapters provide an opportunity for dads to spend quality time with their children before school to strengthen their relationship. One day a month, other dads and their kids meet together and walk through different topics that invoke meaningful conversations.
Trustees Approve Compensation Adjustment
This report offered a compensation proposal to increase bus driver hourly pay and add a Highly Specialized Stipend beginning in the 2024-25 school year.
The bus driver compensation proposal will increase entry pay from $16/hour to $19/hour and increase incumbent pay by $3/hour.
The Highly Specialized Stipend proposal will add an annual stipend of $7,000 for:
- Speech Language Pathologist (SLP)
- Speech Language Pathology Assistant (SLPA)
- Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP)
- Diagnostician
- Occupational Therapist (OT)
- Physical Therapist (PT)
Board Member Reports
Legislative Activities
- Mr. Sena presented at a recent Texas School Coalition meeting on the process of advocating for public school objectives in Austin.
- The Board will attend the TASA/TASB convention in San Antonio at the end of September. This conference focuses on collaboration to produce a transformative experience for school board members, superintendents, and other school leaders that improves governance and leadership in Texas public schools and enhances statewide support for public education. Mr. Sena and Mr. Pipes will also serve as delegates at the delegate assembly to continue work on legislative priorities.
Bond Oversight Committee
Mrs. Darter-Bruce provided updates on the furniture replacement program, land acquisition for new facilities, updates on technology and construction budgets, and the purchase of new air-conditioned school buses.
Mrs. Darter-Bruce also commended the ribbon cutting ceremonies for the new District facilities.
- The finance committee met on September 11 with members of the Kendall County Appraisal District. The committee discussed the importance of timely and accurate information.
- The committee also reviewed the Budget Amendment and broker dealer resolution.
Mrs. Schmidt shared that PTO presidents met with the Superintendent for their first meeting of the school year and shared their campus success stories since school started. The PTO presidents received district updates from the Superintendent and Krista Pomeroy presented on the district’s Systems of Care initiative.
The Boerne Academy will now have its first dedicated PTO president, Tiffany Muir.
Safety and Security
- Campuses continue to practice safety drills
Superintendent Report
Dr. Crafts' report included:
Daniel Owen, Principal of BMSN, earned the Texas Music Educators Association Distinguished Administrators award at a surprise ceremony held on September 17.
The Boerne High School Homecoming Parade was held on Monday, September 16 and was a huge success. This is the 72nd BHS Homecoming parade and it continues to be a rich tradition for our community.
In the spirit of One Boerne, tremendous sportsmanship was displayed at the first volleyball match between Boerne High School and Champion High School on Friday night. Dr. Craft thanked the students, Safety and Security team, and the school administrators for such a safe and well-run event.
The district is beginning to form the new Budget Strategy & Advisory Committee. The application is posted on the BISD website and is open to the public. All interested parties are encouraged to apply. More information and application can be found here.
The Board of Trustees and Dr. Craft will begin student Listen & Learn sessions at each school. The purpose of the sessions is to engage with students and provide an opportunity to share feedback on their school experience. Meetings will begin with secondary campuses this fall and continue with elementary campuses in the spring.
Dr. Craft recently gave a presentation to the Hill Country New Comers Club and enjoyed meeting a new group of stakeholders.
Dr. Craft thanked Jeff Flinn and The Boerne Star for publishing a Superintendent's Column to keep education in the fore-front of news.
The BISD Human Resources team held a recruitment event at Boerne Market Days this past weekend. This recruitment opportunity targeted bus drivers and instructional aides as well as other district positions. The event was very successful at engaging with the Boerne community.
To view all reports in their entirety please view the meeting agenda.
Strategic Plan Update
Bilingual/ESL Education Program Report
This report reflected:
- An overview of bilingual education programs
- State Assessment data (STAAR & TELPAS)
- Student, Family, & Community Engagement
Strategic Plan Update: Talent
This report included:
- Reimaging recruitment
- Retaining staff through career pathways
- Rebranding the mentor program for teachers
Monthly Financial Reports
This report reflected:
- Budgetary Comparison Schedule Report – The month ending August 31 is 17% through the fiscal year. No significant transactions have occurred to date.
- Budget Amendment Report – The first budget amendment of the year addresses changes to state funding not available at adoption and addresses hourly rates for transportation, stipends for highly specialized staff, staff additions, increases to existing budget items not available at adoption, and several functional reclassifications.
- Donation Report – The district received over $67,000 in donations for the month of August. These are primarily composed of booster and PTO activity across the district.
- Tax Collection Report – Tax collections for August are entirely composed of delinquent collections and are minimal.
Monthly Approvals
The Board also:
- Approved Minutes from the Prior Meeting
- Approved the Purchasing Report
- Approved the Investment Broker Resolution
- Approved the Annual Investment Policy Review
- Approved the Pennsylvania State University Affiliation Agreement
Board Commendations
The Board commended Boerne ISD students and staff, as well as celebrated district-wide honors. Below are some of the honorees.
- Student Advisory Council, Boerne High School and Champion High School members
- Champion High School teacher Robert Kolar, for winning the Kens 5 Excel Award
To learn more about our September 2024 Commendations please click below for the presentation script.
BEF WOW Moment
This month's BEF WOW moment highlights Ozobots used by students in Mrs. Bakkar's 2nd grade class at Fair Oaks Ranch Elementary.
Thank you to BEF for supporting every student, every teacher, and every classroom in Boerne ISD!
Next Board Meeting: Monday, October 21, 2024
Connect With Boerne ISD
Email: Communications@BoerneISD.net
Website: www.BoerneISD.net
Location: 235 Johns Road, Boerne, TX, USA
Phone: 830-357-2000
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BoerneISD
Twitter: @BoerneISD