Dragon News
Findley Elementary School
January 17, 2025
Message from the Principal
Greetings Findley Community~
I hope this message finds you enjoying your extra day with your children. Our teachers use these staff development days to engage in adult learning and connection for the benefit of your students. We treasure this time together, collectively learning and growing our practice.
We are still accepting participants for our 2025 International Extravaganza! If you are interested in sharing an aspect of your culture with our school community, the registration form is linked below.
Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. May it be a time to honor the life and legacy of this visionary leader who fought tirelessly for equality, justice, and civil rights. Dr. King’s commitment to nonviolence and his dream of a world where people are judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin, continue to inspire and challenge us today. It is an opportunity to reflect on the progress we've made, acknowledge the work that still needs to be done, and commit to living out Dr. King’s vision in our daily actions. It’s a call to action for everyone to contribute to building a more just and inclusive society. On this day and into the new year may we collectively find ways to embody Dr. King's vision.
With Gratitude,
Sherry Marsh
New Information
2024 Tax Exemption for Parents of Children with Disabilities
The Oregon Tax Code provides an additional tax exemption for parents of eligible children with disabilities in Oregon. The procedure for claiming an exemption for the 2024 tax year is explained in the Oregon Individual Income Tax Return and Instruction booklets.
Who qualifies for the exemption?
A child qualifies if they meet all of the following criteria:
Qualifies as a dependent of the parent(s) for tax year 2024;
Is eligible for early intervention services (birth to age 3), early childhood special education services (ages 3 to 5) or receives special education as defined by the State Board of Education of the state where the child attends school; and,
Is considered to have a disability as of December 31, 2024 under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and related Oregon laws.
What documentation must be submitted with the tax return to qualify for this exemption?
As the tax instruction booklet indicates, the child must have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), as well as a current eligibility statement as a student with a disability. If you do not have these documents contact your District for a copy of the IEP/IFSP cover sheet, and eligibility statement. Copies of the IEP/IFSP cover sheet and eligibility statement are not required to be submitted with the tax return. However, parents are advised to retain a copy with their 2024 tax records as the Oregon Department of Revenue may ask the parents to provide such documentation. If you have any Special Education related questions, please contact your local education provider.
Oregon Department of Revenue Online Instructions and Forms
Oregon income tax forms/publications are available at the DOR website (www.oregon.gov/DOR). This process enables you to claim the additional tax exemption for the 2024 tax year.
Get your Yearbook Now
"Hello Parents! We are just getting started with compiling photos for Yearbook, but it's never too early to claim yours for the school year! The Findley 2024-2025 Yearbook Sales is now open through 4/18/2025.
We have heard from some parents that they never got one last year, we want to ensure everyone who wants one has ample time to place an order. The best way to guaranteed a copy for you and your family is through ordering on the website here: https://www.buytheyearbook.com/en/bty/findmyschool School Code: 723485.
It will be $20 dollars + Taxes and applicable fees.
For questions, please contact the yearbook committee at findleyyearbook@gmail.com
Thank you,
Yearbook Team
(This is a PTO program)
5th grade baby pictures
Hi 5th Grade Parents!
Every 5th grader gets to have their baby pictures included in the Yearbook!
We don't want any student to be left out of the yearbook so upload your favorite Pic Today!
The cutoff for submission will be 2/28/2025 so we have time to edit the yearbook!
Submit here: https://forms.gle/pRK7VSjryphAmu5a9
Also the store is open for you to submit your yearbook order! In order to make sure your 5th grader has one, please submit an order ASAP!"
Parents, it's that time of year! I am looking for OBOB Battle Moderators for the OBOB season.
Any parent can volunteer, (you do not need to be a 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade parent). I will be holding a training on Monday 1/13th from 1:00-2:00pm, it would be most helpful if you could plan to attend if you plan to volunteer. - SIGN UP NOW
The battles will be daily beginning Tuesday 1/21, you may sign up for all 3 grade levels (11:30pm-1:pm) or just a specific time slot. Please recognize that I will not be able to let you moderate your child's team or allow spectators for the battles.
Rita Vennes
OBOB Coordinator Rita_Vennes@beaverton.k12.or.us
Findley Flyers is our Running club that students may participate in during their lunch recess on Tuesdays. Our 3rd - 4th & 5th grades have not had volunteers to help them run. Please consider volunteering for 20 minutes or a whole hour to make sure these kiddos get a chance to run. Please sign up to volunteer now!! Sign up for Tuesdays
Thursday's Flyers is after school. Just a reminder that an adult must be present with your child at running club on Thursdays. A student without an adult will not be allowed to stay. Sign up to volunteer now.
Incoming Tumwater Students
Dear Future Tumwater Families,
We are excited to welcome you and your children, our future 6th grade students, to Tumwater Middle School! We have planned several events for families and students to gain an understanding of the middle school program and build confidence about their new school. Please read more below about upcoming events that are designed to support a smooth transition to middle school.
Parent/Guardian TMS Information Night - Thursday, February 27th 6:30 - 8:00 pm
We invite parents and guardians of current 5th graders, living in the Tumwater attendance area, to attend our Tumwater Information Night on Thursday, February 27th from 6:30 – 8:00pm. In addition, please pass the word along to other families that you know, living in the Tumwater attendance area, that plan on enrolling for 7th or 8th grade next year. To accommodate our available space and your family schedule, please select a session that works best for you:
Session 1: 6:30 presentation followed by self-guided tour - meet content teams in classrooms!
Session 2: Self-guided tour - meet content teams in classrooms followed by 7:15 presentation
This event will include a presentation about what to expect in 6th - 8th grades at Tumwater Middle School, including core academic classes, electives, and co-curricular activities. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions as you take a self-guided tour - meeting staff members on each content team. Please keep in mind; this evening is designed for parents, not children. Our parking is limited so please consider carpooling, walking, or biking to this event.
5th Grade Fly-Ups - February 26th & 27th
Tumwater will host 5th grade fly-ups during the school day on Wednesday, February 26th (Oaks Hills, Terra Linda, Cedar Mill & Private/Home-School) AND Thursday, February 27th (Findley, Bonny Slope & Private School). Students will attend this event with teachers and students from their elementary school. Bus transportation to and from Tumwater is provided. Students will learn all about Tumwater and what it has to offer as they tour the school with our 8th grade Web Leaders! Following their visit, parents/guardians will receive a ParentSquare message from Tumwater Middle School with a link to a course request form. We ask that parents support their children in filling out these forms online by Monday, March 3rd.
We invite families to visit the Tumwater Middle School Website for more information about events at Tumwater Middle School. In addition, please follow us on social media - Instagram and Facebook.
We also encourage our families to follow our Tumwater PTO on Instagram and Facebook. You can learn more about the Parent Teacher Organization by visiting their website. You can learn more about TEMPO, our parent group that supports band and choir by visiting their website.
FIndley Carnival
The Findley Carnival is coming May 30th!
The Findley Carnival season kicks off this upcoming Tuesday, January 21st at 7:30pm at Bethany Public House! Come and learn more about the planning of this fantastic Findley event and maybe make a new friend or three. See you there!
Are you new to the Findley School Community? Check out last year's promotional video to get an idea about what our annual carnival is all about!
Repeat Information
Keep Up-to-Date with the Thompson Road realignment project!
UPDATE Closure #2 is Coming!
Thompson Rd between Saltzman and Findley Parking Lot will be closed after Winter Break for approximately 30 days, exact dates to come. Now is the time to think about alternative routes to school. Suggested Detour is noted on this document. More to come after the break.
Inclement Weather Information
When we experience inclement weather, school schedules can be affected — either by a delayed start, early release or school cancellation. The district makes decisions based on the ability of:
The district to operate school buses safely.
Students and parents/guardians to drive safely.
Students to walk to schools or bus stops safely.
Staff to get to work safely.
Decisions are made for the entire district. However, we encourage families to make transportation and attendance decisions for their children based on their own assessment of travel conditions at their locations.
School delays or closures are typically communicated by 5:30 a.m. For the latest information:
Check the district website. A page pop-up will be posted if there’s a change in school operations. You also can find inclement weather protocols and snow routes online.
Look for a notification on ParentSquare.
Follow us on the district’s Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Tune into media outlets for updates.
Thank you for your cooperation.
As we move into the Cold and Flu season, please contact the office one of the 2 ways listed below to report any absences. Here is the Link for Too Sick for School.
Option 1 please leave Student Name > Student ID Number > Teacher Name > Reason for Absence.
This way everyone that needs to know about the absence is communicated with.
Volunteer Opportunities at Findley
Library - daily volunteers needed 8:40 - 9:40 - Sign up Here
Findley Flyers - Tuesday at lunch Recess - Sign up Here
Findley Flyers - Thursdays after school - Sign up Here
Passport Club - 1 Wednesday a month during 2nd - 5th grade lunch - Sign up Here
Important Dates
January 2025
17 No School Staff Development
20 No School MLK Jr. Day
27 No School Grading Day
29 Passport Club
10th - 14th Love the Bus Week
11th Kindness Assembly-Amazing Assemblies
13th International Extravaganza 5:30-8:00pm
14th - Friendship Day
17th President’s Day Holiday -No School
18th Staff Development Day-No School
19th Passport Club/PTO General Meeting 6-7pm
Regularly Scheduled PTO Activities
Findley Flyers: Thursdays, 2:50-3:20pm
Findley Elementary
Email: sherry_marsh@beaverton.k12.or.us
Website: https://findley.beaverton.k12.or.us/
Location: 4155 Northwest Saltzman Road, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: 503-356-2100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/findleyES